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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1047
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Chapter 1047

It was 4.00AM, and not a soul stirred in the resort. No longer able to resist sleep, the receptionist

started dozing off. In the monitoring room, the second floor's security footage flitted for a moment

before returning to normal. Seeing nothing was out of the ordinary, the security guard scrolled through

his phone to kill time.

Unbeknownst to the guard, Maverick was standing outside Room 206. He managed to purchase the

passcode from the management after spending a ton of money. Quietly, he unlocked the door and

entered the room. He left the door ajar and stomped lightly to see if there would be any reaction from

the people inside. When he saw none, he closed the door and turned the lights on before slowly

entering the room. Eventually, he stopped outside the bedroom, his eyes glimmering with delight.

The bed was facing the door, and on it was Danny and Ariel. They were covered under a blanket, but

Maverick could see they were naked and fresh out of steam after their earlier... activity. Just like I

planned. After that accident, Danny wouldn't expect someone to have tampered with his water. Ariel

might think she's smart, but she's never on guard around Danny. Just like how Danny knew Ariel's

demand for quality water, Maverick knew about it as well. She noticed him tampering with some

substance last time, yet she fell for the same trick this time.

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However, for safety measures, Maverick spiked the water with some stimulant that would make sure

the victim would go at it until they had no more strength to move. After their earlier activity, Ariel and

Danny wouldn't notice anything. And I got this idea, thanks to Ariel.

"I told you. I'd get anything I set my eyes on. I taught you, Ariel. And I won't let anyone take the fruit of

my labor away." He leered at Ariel. Then, a hint of pain came from his lower back. He held it and

gasped in pain, his heart filled with hatred. Malice grew in his eyes as he stared at the couple like a

wolf staring at its prey.

Before he came, Rylantha forced him to have sex with her the whole night. Only after he pretended to

have released his seed did she reluctantly let him go. In case she woke up, he spiked her milk with

some sleeping pills and slipped away. He was nothing but a gigolo serving Rylantha. He was nothing

but her pet. It was a role he must play if he wished to take whatever he wanted from the Abbotts.

And to think I was a genius, yet I had fallen. This is all their fault! If Danny hadn't made him run naked,

he wouldn't have been a clown among the elites. He would still be a part of the elites. And it was Ariel's

fault Danny showed up. This is all your fault, and you will pay for it.

Maverick tucked his thoughts away and entered the bedroom. He had no desire to mess with Ariel, not

after he had just gotten off from Rylantha. He wanted to use this chance to humiliate Danny, but as he

approached their bed, he saw a young woman lying beside the bed. Huh? Who's this? Maverick froze

and stared at the couple on the bed. Then, he moved his gaze back to the woman on the ground. Did

they have a threesome?

The guests in Room 204 found themselves in a little pickle at the same time.

The danger alarm was beeping nonstop. Irvin opened his eyes and saw 'Warning' flashing on his

watch. He woke up and quickly opened the safety app he had installed on his computer. The app told

him there was an intruder in Room 206. His software was a smart lock that connected all three rooms.

From 2.00AM onward, anyone going in or out of any room would trigger the alarm.

Elise wasn't sleeping deeply. Noticing her son's movement, she got out of bed and covered herself with

a blanket before checking what Irvin was doing. She saw him sitting in front of the computer, and she

sighed. "Irvin." She patted the boy's shoulder. "You're a growing boy. Losing sleep is bad for your

health. You can do this tomorrow."

"It's not like that, Mommy." The boy showed her the warning sign. "Something's going on in Uncle

Danny's room."

Elise took a look. That notification came two minutes ago. "I thought they came back early. Did they go

out a while ago?"

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"No," said Irvin adamantly. "No sign of Uncle Danny going out after we slept. Only someone going into

his room."

"Does that mean they have an intruder?" Elise was getting suspicious. She mulled over it for a moment

and told Irvin, "Turn off their lock. We'll see who's inside. If it's an intruder, we can help. If it's just a false

alarm, then it's fine."

"Sure." The boy typed away and turned off the lock in less than a minute.

Elise didn't even need to do this herself. Everything was ready, and they quietly came to Room 206.

She put a finger against her lips and stuck her ear to the door so she could hear better.

As Maverick stared at the people in the room, he felt fury well within him. This b*tch acts like she's so

pure and innocent, but she's doing threesomes with another woman! And this is just a solitary case.

What if Danny actually has more women? As he thought further, Ariel was no longer pure or innocent in

his mind. I spent so much time and effort to make her into the perfect woman, but this b*stard ruined


Engulfed by hatred and fury, Maverick blamed everything on Danny. He gnashed his teeth and pulled

the blanket down. Then, he turned Danny over and pinned him down. "After tonight, you're nothing but

my slave, Danny." He spat at Danny and started unbuckling himself, but then a flash of pain flared from

his nape. Something bit me! Soon, everything went dark, and he fell onto Danny.

Right then, someone turned the lights on, and in came Elise and Irvin. They were met with an

outrageous scene, and Elise thought it was awkward.