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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1036
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Chapter 1036

At the other end of the city, Stenson was being chastised by his collaboration partner at the

headquarters of the Hellens. He, who was always the one reprimanding others, kept his cool today and

did not refute.

After all, he was the one to blame. Their previous weapons, as well as the previous batch of women,

were all messed up in his hands. Hence, he deserved to be scolded.

"Yes. You're right. It's entirely my fault. Don't worry. I won’t let that happen again. Sure, sure. Just call

me anytime. Goodbye."

The moment he ended the call, the smile on his face vanished as he spat on the landline phone on the

table. "Bah! Who does he think he is!"

One of his men entered at this point. "Mr. Stenson, a Cittadelian named Owen Morgan would like to

meet you."

"Cittadelian? Send him away!" Stenson was angry at the mention of a Cittadelian.

Everything involving a Cittadelian had been going wrong for him for the past few months!

"But he claims to be here on behalf of Triune."

"What? Triune?" Stenson immediately became interested. "Isn't that the organization that blew up our

weapons? They came knocking on the door themselves, huh? Bring him to me right now!"

In less than two minutes, Oven was escorted to Stenson's office by five to six of Stenson's men, all of

whom were armed.

Seeing him, Stenson simply lit a cigar and took a puff. The smoke came out of his nose and mouth,

and as the wind blew, it spread to Owen.

Owen did not say anything and merely raised his hand to cover his nose, his brows furrowed.

"Mr. Stenson, I—"

The moment he opened his mouth, Stenson eye-signaled to his men, and Owen was immediately

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pressed onto the table by two strong men. Half of his face was pressed against the table and his

spectacles hung haphazardly on his nose, depriving him of his usual elegant aura.

Faced with this, Owen laughed and questioned nonchalantly, "Is this how the Hellen Family treats their


Hearing that, Stenson stood up and blew the smoke from his cigar into Owen's face. "You blew up my

ship and stole all of my goods. Do you still expect me to be nice to you?"

Immediately after his words, he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Owen's temple. "Tell me the truth

—who instructed you to do that?"

"It was an accident. We both fell into Alexander's trap. Triune has never wanted to be at odds with the

Hellens. Hence, I am here today to compensate for your losses."

Triune suffered massive losses when they snatched the Hellen Family's goods previously. When they

returned, they discovered that all of the scientists they had detained had been taken away by Smith

Co., and after much deliberation, they finally realized that it had all been Alexander's trap from the start.

Both Triune and the Hellen Family were merely Alexander's pawns. His ultimate motive was the group

of scientists.

Stenson's hostile attitude softened slightly when he learned Owen was here for compensation. After all,

being robbed so many times by Alexander had left Stenson in desperate need of money.

Hence, after a brief moment of silence, he raised his hand for his men to let go of Owen.

Owen stood up and straightened his shirt before continuing, "The goods that we took away previously

are now being sent here. As for those that we blew up. I suppose this is sufficient."

He then took a check from his pocket and placed it on the table before pushing it over to Stenson.

Stenson's eyes lit up when he saw the check's countless zeros. With a smile, he took the check and

said, "This is sufficient. I'll regard the extra as compensation for the psychological trauma my men

suffered. Triune's generosity has surprised me. Where is Triune from, anyway? Why haven't I heard of

you before?"

Owen lowered his head, his eyelashes concealing the wild ambition that shone through his eyes.

"We're nothing in comparison to the Hellen Family."

"Well, are you here just to send me money?" Stenson was a straightforward man and couldn't figure

out what Owen was implying.

To that, Owen responded candidly, "Naturally, I'm not here just for that. I hope to work with you to deal

with Alexander, Mr. Stenson."

"You?" Stenson said, not bothering to hide his disdain for Owen.

"Mr. Stenson, perhaps it has slipped your mind that I am a Cittadelian. I understand Alexander better

than any of your men," Owen said confidently. "Furthermore, I already have his woman tamed."

Stenson burst out laughing at that. "How is it possible that Alexander's woman is interested in you?"

When Owen heard that, his face contorted into a grimace.

This baldy is really getting on my nerves! Can't he just shut up if he has nothing better to say? I am

talented and attractive! In what way am I not comparable to Alexander?

However, for the sake of the organization, Owen forced himself to keep his cool.

He then faked a smile and responded, "Well, no matter how nice something is, those who have it will

get tired of it someday."

Stenson pondered for a moment and felt Owen's words were reasonable. An idea suddenly came to

his mind as he revealed a sleazy smile and stated, "I don't believe your words. However, if you can

bring that woman to me and have her serve me, I'll agree to your suggestion."

Owen frowned at that. "Cittadelian women have strong personalities. It would be difficult to do so,

especially since you have no relationship with her. Instead, it would increase her aversion and we'd

lose a valuable pawn. Why don't we wait until our aim is accomplished before—"

"Difficult does not mean impossible. How difficult can it be? Just drug her and she won't know what's

going on. As long as we all keep our mouths shut, nobody will find out," Stenson said, sounding as if he

was speaking from experience.

That caused Owen to hesitate for a moment. He did not want to lose such a useful pawn, but he did not

want to be at odds with Stenson either.

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"If you can't handle such a minor issue, we can forget about working together." Stenson waved his

hand with a solemn expression, ready to send Owen away.

Seeing that, Owen sighed and could only take a step back. "All right. Let me arrange for it when I get

back. I hope you won't forget what you've promised, Mr. Stenson."

"Don't worry. Everything is open for discussion if you can make me happy!"

In the morning three days later, the dining area of the Griffith Family finally regained its liveliness after

everyone had rested for three days. All of them had breakfast together amidst the harmonious


Elise finished a bowl of soup, one sandwich, and two pieces of pastries. Then, she asked for a glass of

almond yogurt and gulped it down before finally feeling full.

With a satisfied smile on her face, she put the glass down, only to realize that everyone was staring at


Feeling embarrassed, she chuckled and explained, "I have no idea why, but my appetite is

exceptionally good during this pregnancy. Hence, I eat a lot. Did I scare you all?"

"This is nothing. It's a blessing to be able to eat!" Narissa dragged out the last syllable before

continuing, "I think El is having a boy who loves food!"

"You can't be sure. If she's expecting twins, she'll also eat more than other pregnant women." Rebecca,

who had gone through the same tiling, spoke authoritatively.

"I don't think so. The likelihood of having twins in a row is extremely low," Elise murmured while

stroking her stomach, an excited look on her face.

As she had her family and friends with her this time, her mood was completely different from her first

pregnancy. Everything was blessed and full of hope for her now.

"It's good to have twins. Ariel and I were just talking about how we don't want any children a few days

ago. Hence, the responsibility of bearing heirs for the Griffith Family now falls entirely on Alexander and
