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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 1019
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Chapter 1019

"Ahhhhhh! Is Zephyr even human? How can he endure that? Is he a turtle in his past life?" Narissa

went to Elise and vented her frustration.

Finding it funny, she jokingly said, "I didn't expect him to have such a good temper. You went too far,

but he didn't get angry at all."

"Good temper my foot. He just can't bear to lose a month's free maid service!" Narissa retorted.

"Well, you do owe him. A bet is a bet. It's reasonable even if he really wants you to serve him for a

month," Elise said in all fairness.

"Hey! If you keep speaking up for that loser, I'm going to get angry!" Rage overtook Narissa at this

moment. Since she was still upset, all she wanted was comfort, not to hear more lectures.

"Who said I was speaking up for Zephyr? I'm speaking up for you, okay?" Elise patiently coaxed her.

"Really? I can't tell." Narissa pouted, showing she was still unhappy.

"Think about it. Zephyr has a good reputation in the underworld. Based on what you've told me, it's

highly probable that he's not a heartless person. Maybe, he just wanted to teach you a lesson and

make you yield after all this time."

"So, he wants me to apologize to him? That's so embarrassing." Narissa had been persisting for so

long because she didn't want to be overshadowed by Zephyr. Thus, asking her to yield was no different

from asking for her life.

"Actually, some things don't necessarily have to be said. It's up to you whether you want to keep your

pride or want your freedom back." After patting her shoulder, Elise stood up to go back inside. "Think

about it carefully."

Narissa was contemplating, and only when Elise was about to enter the room did she hurriedly call out,

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"Wait, El."

"What else do you need to figure out?" Elise asked patiently after turning around.

Just then, Narissa walked up to her and hooked her arm, whispering in a coquettish voice, "Teach me

how to cook. I don't know how..."

After an entire afternoon, Narissa finally made four dishes and a soup with Elise's guidance.

When Jamie returned home from work, he smelled the food from afar. The moment he saw the table

filled with home-cooked food, he pretended to salivate and commented, "It's a shame that I'm not the

first one to taste my wife's cooking."

These dishes were made as an apology to Zephyr. Narissa had already told him on the phone.

Hearing that, Narissa picked up a piece of roasted pork with a fork and fed it to him, saying, "Here, you

are now."

"It's so good! Darling, you're so clever and deft. Where can people find a virtuous wife like you, who

can take care of work outside and housework at home, nowadays? I'm truly blessed," Jamie flattered

her excessively.

"That's enough, Jamie." Elise didn't want to be the third wheel. "It's about time. Zephyr should be home

by now. It'll be just right if you send the food over now."

"Right." After Jamie glanced at the wall clock, he started to pack up the food. "I'll go with you, darling."

"I'm afraid you'll just make things more complicated." Elise didn't have high hopes for him. If he could

really help reconcile the two, he wouldn't have waited until today.

In fact, Narissa didn't plan on having company either. "I'll take care of my own business. I can go alone.

Besides, I'd feel embarrassed with someone else watching."

"Okay then. I'll be here, supporting you from afar. You can do it, darling!"

"Thank you." Narissa nodded earnestly. Then, she packed up the food before leaving.

When she arrived at Zephyr's doorstep, she hesitated for a while before mustering up the courage to

knock. However, just as she was about to raise her hand, the door opened from the inside, and Zephyr

stepped outside.

"Is there something you need?" His expression was cold, his tone chilly.

Suddenly, she kept quiet for a moment as she didn't know how to start. In the end, she just handed the

lunch box over and said, "Here, dinner for tonight."

When he lowered his head to look at the lunch box, he showed impatience on his face. "You came up

with a new plan already?" Even before she could respond, he began to chase her away. "I don't have

time to play with you today. Go home."

At this moment, her bad temper rose instantly. "I delivered food for you with good intentions. If you

don't appreciate it, that's fine, but why must you be so enigmatic?"

With a frown, he impatiently replied, "Take it as I misunderstood you then, okay? Just go home. I don't

have an appetite today. Take the food back, and don't bother coming to clean either."

"You..." She almost lost her temper, but she forced herself to hold it back when she thought of the effort

that she and Elise had put into preparing the meal in her hand. "Take a look at what I made before

deciding whether to eat it or not." She awkwardly held the lunch box and tried to open the lid.

Just then, Zephyr saw a suspicious figure at the street corner behind Narissa, looking toward them.

Without hesitation, he rushed toward the person.

As a result, the lunch box in Narissa's hand, which she just opened, was knocked over, and all the food

spilled out onto the ground. Her whole afternoon of hard work had gone down the drain. For a long

time, she stared blankly at the mess on the ground. You have gone too far, Zephyr!

Behind her. Zephyr was chasing after the person, but the person was already long gone. After standing

there and looking around for a while, he returned home and saw Narissa staring blankly at the spilled

food. Instantly, he felt a twinge of guilt and apologized softly, "Sorry, I just..."

"It's fine." She cut him off. "Don't need to explain. I won't force you to eat if you don't want to. Don't

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worry. It's our deal for me to be your maid for a month. 25 more days to go. I won't miss a single day."

"That's not what I meant..."

"But that's what I meant." She didn't want to hear his explanation at all. "It's better that we make this

clear. You said that you don't need me today, so I'm taking the day off. Goodbye!" With that, she left

without looking back.

Meanwhile, a hint of melancholy flashed in his eyes. He parted his lips to say something, but in the

end, he didn't say a word and just turned around to get into his car.

On the other hand, just as Alexander was walking down the stairs, he saw Narissa returning in a huff.

"Darling? You're back already? What did Dr. Lorwhal say? Did he eat the food?" asked Jamie


"Whoever mentions that loser in front of me again, don't blame me for cutting ties with you!" bellowed

Narissa as she walked upstairs with Jamie quickly following behind her.

Seeing that, Elise shook her head and sighed. "It looks like she messed up again. Is my judgment of

people really that bad? Is Zephyr making things difficult for her on purpose?"

"It's not about your judgment; it's the timing," Alexander said softly.

"Zephyr is in a bad mood? But wasn't he still all smiles this morning when Narissa threw him into the

lake?" Elise was confused.

"He's facing some trouble," explained Alexander.

When she heard his reply, she asked with concern, "Is it a difficult situation? Why hasn't he mentioned

anything about it?"

"He's a person who operates outside of the rules. How could he possibly behave like an ordinary

person? People who are from Area X all prefer to act alone." His words were somewhat teasing.

"Humans are social animals. No matter how strong a person is, what they can achieve is still limited.

Zephyr has helped us a lot during this time and is also willing to share his knowledge with Irvin. Honey,

please help him if you can." She was always the kind of person who always remembered those who

were good to her.

"If I intervene, it will become a matter between two organizations."