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CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 299
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Chapter 299

Dirk broke out in a cold sweat. He felt that he had better shut up to avoid any further mistakes.

“Of course not. Finley didn’t tell us that you would come with her. Therefore, we couldn’t prepare some

good dishes for you.” Dirk led the couple into the villa.

Bryan held Finley by the hand tightly and glanced at her face from time to time. “Do you mean that

prepared Finley’s favorite dishes?”

Dirk was lost for words.

you have

In fact, he didn’t know what Finley liked to eat. Dirk just told the cook to prepare some good dishes for

this meeting.

Finley had never been picky about food in the Keith family, so no one remembered what she liked. “Of


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Dirk tried to flatter Bryan with this lie.

He thought that Finley wouldn’t complain since she was not picky about food.

The three people walked into the living room.

Tricia and Rita stood by the door to welcome their visitors.

“Mr. Turner, Finley, you’re finally here. We’ve been waiting for you two for a long time.” Rita became


Tricia said later, “Mr. Turner, Finley, good evening.”

Tricia didn’t dare to look Bryan in the eyes. She was worried that Bryan would get even with her today

because of the incident about Delia.

“Rita, Tricia, why did you call Bryan Mr. Turner? Did you try to deny that he was my husband?” Finley

tried to stir up trouble.

Rita and Tricia looked at each other with dismay.

They would love to call Bryan by the name, but what if Bryan refused?

“Finley, don’t get us wrong…” Rita explained in a panic.

Finley immediately interrupted. “Got you. You don’t accept me as your sister. It doesn’t matter. I will do

the same to spare all of us the trouble.”

Tricia felt speechless.

Rita felt the same.

How sharp-tongued Finley was!

Both Tricia and Rita didn’t know what to say.

“Rita, Tricia, why are you still standing there? Lead Bryan and Finley to their seats. Be quick.”

Dirk spoke in the dining room.

The group of people went to the dining room.

Everyone took their seats.

The servant brought the dishes to the table.

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Happy, Dirk opened a bottle of Lafite made in 1982.

Dirk cherished that wine and took it out to entertain his guests for the first time.

“Come, Bryan, drink. As for you, girls, up to you.” Dirk poured the wine into the glass in front of Bryan


Dirk was smart to flatter Bryan who was capable to protect the Keith Group forever. Spring Flower and

Autumn Moon could solve only one crisis.

Bryan picked up his glass, clinked it with Dirk’s, and took a sip of the wine, looking elegant.

Tricia couldn’t help staring at this noble man.

Finley stretched her leg and kicked Tricia hard under the table.

“Ah…” Tricia screamed in pain. She sprang up from the chair rudely.

This incident astonished Dirk. He almost splashed the wine when his hand trembled with fear.

There was a trace of anger on his long face. Dirk put down his glass and glared at Tricia. “Tricia, what

are you doing? Where are your manhers?”

Tricia said, “I…”

She turned to look at Finley, who had kicked her. She wanted to complain about Finley but dreaded

Bryan. Her complaint would be useless. Tricia had to swallow her bitterness.