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Billionaire’s Sweet Wife by Joanna Badldwin

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105
Julian responded quickly and turned the table
He had a brief browse over the announcement of the Prosperian Company. All those deeds had made more people
There were people suspecting that they had been grandstanding Whether the formulas were original or modified versions. And
whether Prosperian Company’s deed meant they would make a bigger step forward there were many opinions, which, however,
made the company a lot more popular.
“What do you think Prosperian Company is up to? What do they scant? Disclosing their own formulas means killing themselves.
Are they going to give up their previous products? Mia said, lost in thought, one of her hands cupping her check.
Her words reminded Seraphina that what Prosperian Company had done surely could redeem their image, and they were also
prepared to give up the previous products. Of course, they must have been forced by me to make such a decision, but are they
able to come up with a replacement in a short time! Seraphina wondered.
Mia and Seraphina looked at each other, harboring different thoughts and saying nothing
There was a knock on the door, and Mia’s secretary came in. “Ms. Lawson, a lady calling herself Ms. Wilson wants to see you,
and she said she had an appointment with you.”
“Ms. Wilson?” Mia frowned. It didn’t ring a bell for her
“Oh, it’s Emily. I asked her to be here. Seraphina turned around and said. “Let her in”
“I thought she went home and rested. You know, it’s still. Mia said puzzled.
“I know it isn’t time for her entry formalities yet, but Prosperian Company will soon withdraw the non-compete agreement. We
have reached a difficult stage, so I hope Emily can come to help us. I also hope that the new product can be released as soon as
She had planned to let Emily go back and have a good rest, but last night she felt that the formula still needed to be adjusted,

and apparently, she couldn’t do it on her ownL.

This was her first work after she left Prosperian Company. She didn’t want anything to go wrong. Besides, she wasn’t familiar
with the people in the company. It was always easier to work with an old partner than new ones.
So she called Emily after all.
“Hi, Ms. Lawson Hi. Vivian Emmaly said hello after coming inside. Actually she hadn’t figured out what to do yet In yesterday’s
phone call. Seraphina just told her to report to the company today without giving details.
“You will offer some help in the Laboratory, Emily. Don’t worry about Prosperian Company Julian will revoke that agreement”
Seraphina sand affirmatively.
Rrally Emily’s eyes were full of surprise.
Mia was not sure. “Will her We just received the official letter yesterday, and you solved the problem over a night?”
As she said that her eyes fell on the computer screen and suddenly she realized Is it possible that the post about the
“You shasikit lave den this hat mir Seraphina they accuse you of divulging trade secret, then you will.
perfine formulas of Pisiperian Company were dis lowest last night was so hot in the loop How could Truly best know at She
already expected that, at that time, there was only one priso
abdiry to do in
10:09 Mon, Feb 5
Chapter 105

But this matter could be big or small
Emily mused, If Prosperian Company let that slide, then it would be fine. But if Julian sues Seraphina for diya business secrets,
according to his peny personality, how could he let her off?
Don’t worry. If I dare to do this, that means I have already come up with a plan with it Seraphina gently hand and comforted her.
“Anyway, Prosperan Company won’t threaten you with this again. Just rest assured
Her firm eyes showed that she wasn’t just saying that to comfort Emily. She looked absolutely confident
Emily thought for a while and said, “You didn’t make any deal wait the devil that is Julian for me, did you, Seraphina? Did you

promise him anything?”
In Emily’s opinion, it must have been because she had made some deal or compromise. Othenvise, Julian wouldn’t have agreed
so easily
What she was worried about was also Mia’s concern. Yeah, you didn’t secretly make any decision, did you? Don’t be silly,
Seraphina! You have a bright future. Don’t do stupid things!
Seeing them caring about her so much. Seraphina couldn’t help laughing. “Look at you guys. Do you really think I’m gonna do
something big? It’s not as serious as you think. It is a deal, and I am definitely not the one who compromises. Just relaxTM
“Really!” Both Mia and Emily were suspicious, afraid that she lied to comfort them
“Yes, of course. Anyway, Prosperian Company will definitely withdraw that agreement in two days. Then she patted Emily on her
shoulder and said. “So you can’t have a break these days, Emily. You have to help me with my work!”

“I’d love to!” Emily nodded, relieved.
The atmosphere at the shareholders meeting of Prosperian Company was suffocatingly heavy
Julian held the tie in one hand and was about to pull it when he looked up and felt that was inappropriate, so he stopped.
“Mr. Brown, aren’t you going to explain the leaked perfume formulas to the board of directors?” One of the major shareholders
spoke first in a cold tone.
Julian had thought of a way to deal with this, so he didn’t panic “You must have read the official statement of the company. At
present, online public opinion is in favor of us, which 1 believe everyone has been aware of. The advantages outweigh the
disadvantages of this whole thing, so I don’t think I need to explain much about it.”
He spread his hands, looking calm without showing any sign of guilt.
“The spalling of the formulas will cause direct economic losses. Now the competitors can copy the same product of our company,
have you thought about the market effect And you were saying the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Let me ask you
who will be responsible for all those losses?”
The shareholders were all profit-opented, so they would not just leave it when they were about to lose money.
Facing the blame, Julian leaned forward calmly and put his holding hands on the table with a faint smule. “Calm down. Mr.
Chnson Please allow me to explain.
“In fact the perfume formulas leaked yesterday are all very nature and long-standing products of our company Indeed.
high sales, and a vnsumers like them very much. Bat. Let’s not forget that they are old, and consumers want something w
10:09 Mon, Feb 5