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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 9
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009 – A Perfect Omega


“Don’t stop…” He said in a painful voice,

I was confused until I realized he wanted

me to grind on him, and so I did again. My hands tightened their hold on his forearms as I kept gyrating

harder, my breasts bouncing with every movement, my lips parting as soft moans escaped my


If he kept me from doing this, I would come, and I didn’t think my already wet thongs would be able to

hold my juices.

“Do you want this cock inside you?”

I nodded my head as I met his eyes.

“Do you think you’re worth it?”

I wanted to tell him I was sure I could satisfy him in bed, but I knew I shouldn’t. Instead, I stopped

grinding on him as I


swallowed hard before I opened my

mouth to speak. “Alpha, don’t give me to

him. I promise I will be a perfect Omega.”

He laughed heartily, and it made my heart flutter with the way his eyes were smiling. It was a rare and

beautiful sight.

This was too far from the face he was

showing me the whole night.

“A perfect Omega? Didn’t you just shout at me earlier?”

I bit my bottom lip and wished for my cheeks to burn, to show him I was embarrassed, but since I really

wasn’t, nothing happened. So I just dropped my gaze off of him. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I was just terrified he

might win and he would force me to strip in public like he wanted me to do earlier.”

“And what made you think I wouldn’t do that to you?”

“I just know… you’re not like him.”

“I’m not like him. I’m far worse.” His

words made me snap my head up to look at him.

I should be terrified or concerned at the devilish way he was smirking at me, but it only made my pussy

throb harder. Something was totally wrong with me. Or because I was a demon, his wicked ways were

turning me on.

“Let’s see what we have here…” He licked his lips, eyes darting to my spread-out legs straddling him. His

thumb slid down the front of my thongs. He began rubbing the cloth covering my mound before he set it

aside, revealing my glistening pussy for him to see.

“I can smell this the whole time. Sweet, sweet scent. Aren’t you fucking too wet for me?” He asked

without taking his eyes off me while his thumb began brushing against the slit of my folds, producing a

squealing sound as my juices coated his finger. He continued to rub me until he reached my clit, and he

began circling around it, so slowly, torturously

slowly that my hold on his forearms


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“Alpha…” I moaned, my fingers digging

into his skin.

His eyes were flecked with white for a while before they became clear again. Someone mind linked him.

He withdrew his thumb away from my clit, making me gasp in frustration. He

chuckled, a smug smirk still on his face before he pushed his thumb into my mouth and ordered me to

suck it.

And I sucked it wholeheartedly, loud and


“How do you taste?” He asked as he pulled his thumb from my mouth.

“You need to find out on your own, Alpha

.” I answered cockily, smiling at him.

“Really now? Is that a challenge for me to win…” His words were cut as his forehead creased and my

heart thudded loudly.


What just happened?

“What’s that?”

“Alpha?” I had no idea what he was

asking me.

His hand cupped my jaw as he tilted my head to the side. He was looking at my bruised jaw. “Who did

this? I don’t have

time for lies.”

“Cesar.” Payback bitch. I wondered if he

would hit him back.

“Is he here?”

I nodded my head. “At the backstage…”

“I’ll deal with him later. Now get up. I had a duel to attend to.”

I immediately climbed out from

straddling him, and the moment I did, a gush of juices leaked from my pussy down my thighs.

“Shit!” I hissed before I could control myself as my eyes darted around the


room, looking for tissue paper or


His eyes went to the slit of my wrap around skirt, and the juices leaking from it were visible on my open


His hand slipped inside his side pocket. before pulling out a handkerchief and

handing it to me. I grabbed it without thanking him as I cleaned myself up.

“Put it on.” My head tilted to his and I

saw him hand me his leather jacket. He was big and it would be like a cape for me, but I didn’t mind. It’s

better than floating around in my thongs.

“Thank you, Alpha.” He didn’t reply as he moved toward the door, and my feet

immediately followed him while I

struggled to put on his jacket after

slipping his handkerchief into its pocket.

The door opened, and we stepped out. The man with blond hair was waiting for us outside. Did he hear

what happened



I reminded myself that it should have

been the least of my worries.

My eyes darted to the auditorium below, where the bidding was still ongoing. As

much as I wanted to see who was on

stage, I refused to look, not wanting to

see if the Omega was naked or not.

“Alpha,” I called after him as I doubled

my steps so I could catch up with him.

“Hmmm…” He mumbled his response but continued walking, not even throwing

a glance at me.

I clung to his jacket tighter around my body as I walked beside him. “Please

don’t lose… I really don’t want to be

owned by him.”

It might sound like I was terrified of Mr. Asshole, but the reality was, I wanted Alpha Stone. If someone is

going to make my life hard by owning me, then he had better be worth it. And this man beside

me, I was putting my whole bet on him

because I wanted him.

“I’ll try…” He answered in a boring tone. If you see me getting beaten up, then strip naked to distract


“Okay,” I answered without thinking. But I could do that too.

He stopped on his track, making me halt as well. He turned his body to face me. His expression

confused me. Was he


“So you think I can’t beat him? That you need to strip naked to help me win?” He snapped at me.

My eyes widened. I wanted to snap back at him, but then I didn’t.

“I was just trying to obey what you wanted me to do…”

I was not able to finish my words yet when he stormed off with a fast and big stride, leaving me still stuck

in my spot.


What was that? This man was crazy.

I was snapped out of my own thoughts when I heard someone snickering behind me. I turned my head

around and saw the blonde man who had handed the tablet to Alpha Stone earlier and the one waiting

for us outside the glass room.

“Did I say something wrong?” I asked.

He shook his head, but he was still laughing. “Come, let’s follow him.”


“Beta Collin…”

“Beta Collin, I don’t know why he had to

accept the duel. Does he want to return

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“Male ego. It has nothing to do with you



“But do you think he will at least try to

win? He looked furious with me.”

He stopped walking and blocked my way


with his arm, so I stopped as well.

“Tell me, what did you do inside the


“Excuse me?” My eyes squinted at his question. He was being nosy.

“Did the Alpha come?”

“Are you gay, Beta Collin?”


“Do you have a fetish for hearing another man having an orgasm?” I couldn’t stop my mouth.

“The fuck? Just answer me. We don’t have

time. The duel will start soon. Did the

Alpha come?”




“Did you make him come or did he do it



If the Alpha confused me with his mood

swings, his Beta was fucking my mind

right now. Who the fuck are these people?

“For Goddess’ sake, Omega. Just answer!”

“He came in my mouth, while I was sucking him!”

“Ssssh!” He chuckled before he turned

my body and guided me to walk forward

to where Alpha Stone went. “So he didn’t push you away or ask you to stop?”

I wanted to throw words at how crazy his

questions were, but I chose to just answer

instead since we were entering the indoor arena. “No. He was in my mouth the

whole time.’


“He’ll win.” 4


“You asked earlier if he would at least try

to win the duel. My answer is, he’ll win.”

“Are you sure of that?”

“Yes. I’m betting my whole life’s salary on this. We’re taking you home.”