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BENEATH HER DARKNESS: The Alpha's Little Demon by Cassandra M

Chapter 101
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101 – Change of Plans



Hades’ words kept repeating in my head. I wasn’t sure if I had made the right decision. He was asking for

too much, but then I knew I would give everything just to have a guarantee of a life with Lucy.

Lucius asked me what Hades’ condition was, but I refused to let him know. It was enough. that he knew I

could enter and leave the demon realm any time I wanted and could take Lucy out with me. Hades also

gave me two shots to revive someone, including

myself in the case of death. I was asking for three, but he said life should not be played with, so I had to

be content with the two he had given me and hope it would be enough for me or Lucy.

This was getting real already. A month ago, my only concern was my fucking dick, which couldn’t seem

to awaken despite females. lining up for it.

Who would have thought my life would take a fucking turn and throw me a fate that I had never even

imagined possible? But I knew despite all of this, I would never regret buying Lucy at the Omega Feast,

and when I told her I was on Team Lucy, I meant it. I will be on her team until the end of time.

I brushed my hands against my face as I waited for everyone else to arrive. I was already at the Silver

Crest Pack in the clearing where Althea needed to do her spell to begin our journey. She would be

assisted by Patrea, but she needed to keep the spell going as long as needed on her own. 1

Sheena, Collin’s younger sister, was with us, but she was unconscious in the back seat of my car. Collin

slipped a sleeping potion in her drinks since we didn’t want her to know the real deal until we could

resolve everything. But we needed her presence here.

“They’re here,” Colin’s words snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded at him and stepped out of the car

to meet the rest of them.

Blade, Althea, Patrea, and Lucius all came together, and we walked to the area where Althea had to

perform her spells.

“Did you have her?” Althea asked as everyone came to a halt.

“Yes, she’s in the backseat of my car,” I answered.

“Where is Laira?” Her eyes were looking behind me and Collin and toward my 424 car.

“Change of plan. Did Lucius not explain to you?”

“I didn’t have time. I got delayed in the underworld. I just arrived as well.”

“What do you mean by change of plan?” Patrea asked, her brows furrowing.

“Laira and Collin will remain Laira and

Collin. We don’t want to risk Lucien discovering Collin is nowhere to be found.

He needs to see him. So instead of Collin and Laira, taking my and Sheena’s form, we think it’s best if it’s

Althea and Blade pretending to be us. It will also avoid suspicions from my family if they feel a different

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aura from Collin. Blade still has an

Alpha aura, so it will be safer to use him. instead of my Beta.”

“This is not what we agree…” Althea blurted out, but Lucius butted in immediately.

“Listen, Althea. If you’re the one on

Sheena’s form, then you don’t need to hide anywhere in the packhouse or Stone’s territory to keep up

with the spell.”

“Besides, I’m assuming you’ll be comfortable around Blade,” I added.

“But we’re not intimate!” She exclaimed.

“You don’t need to unless you want to,” I answered her.

“What the fuck are we supposed to do if we pretend as you and Sheena or whomever that female is?”

Blade asked, grunting.

“If the spell comes out perfectly, you and Althea will go home to my packhouse as Adan and Sheena.

You don’t have to do a lot.

You just need to lie down in bed and sleep. Now if you want to fuck each other, then it’s up to you. The

sheets are fresh, and I usually don’t let any females in my room – only Lucy stepped foot in there but I’m

making an exception tonight. So feel free to use our room as you please as long as you moan my name

and Sheena’s instead of yours.”

Althea and Blade looked stunned, but I continued talking.

“In the morning, eat breakfast together, and then Blade will need to perform my task. Colin and Kingston

will be there to assist you. Remember, you have no idea who Lucy is other than the fact that everyone

tells you

she’s your mate. Now the thing is, you will be greeted by my family in different ways. My grandmother will

still be warm and will still hug both of you, but my mom will give you a cold shoulder for sure. You just

need to shrug it off and continue to pretend you’re smitten by Sheena.” I explained in one breath before

focusing my gaze on Althea.” That’s it. Easy peasy.”

“We don’t know if my father will keep watching you during the cleansing, so your can’t stop pretending

until we come back from the underworld,” Lucius added.

“We didn’t agree to this,” Althea repeated in a very soft voice.

“Althea, I’m sorry.” Patrea turned to her granddaughter before shifting her gaze to Blade. “But I’m sure if

you tell Blade what he can and cannot do, you will be able to pull it off.”

“I don’t know how to have a boyfriend.”

“You have nothing to be concerned about. I’m sure Lucien has no idea who Sheena is. ”

As long as he sees me or Stone,” I said, pointing to Blade. “…occupied, he will leave him alone.”

“I can do that, play Stone,” Blade answered as his gaze shifted to Althea. “Does it mean I have to be

around Althea all the time while this thing is ongoing?”

“Yes… While you pretend to work, Althea can do her own thing, but I suggest she stay near you so she

can feel if the spell is wearing off.

I need my father to think Stone’s mind is occupied with some other female during

Lucija’s cleansing.”

“That will work for me. Just make sure

Althea won’t be in a bigger mess again after this.” Blade stated his face void of any emotions.

“We are all already in this big mess, Blade. I can’t promise you that after this, everything will be peaceful.

I wish I could, man.” I looked him straight in the eyes because I knew he had been worrying for Althea

since day one.

“If we become successful on this task, I can assure you that the demon world will never bother you and

Althea again unless it is for something pleasant. You have my word on that.” Lucius stated.

“Then let’s get this started unless Althea will back out,” I told everyone while my eyes were set on the

young witch. “I’m not going to force you, Althea. If you’re not comfortable playing Sheena alongside

Blade, I have no other option but to have Sheena do the part as herself. It means she will be closer to

Blade, and we have to hide you somewhere in the packhouse so you can hold the spell that will create

the illusions. for Blade.”

All eyes shifted to Althea, and I saw the color drain from her face before she was able to get her

composure back and tilt her head up to meet my eyes. “I can play Sheena. Let’s not include her in this

mess. It will be easier for me to stabilize the spell when I don’t need to hide or cramp up somewhere.”

“Great!” I exclaimed as I threw Lucius an ‘I told you so’ look. I knew using another female to be around

Blade would work, but. the demon didn’t believe it. He obviously had no idea what female jealousy could


“I think we should get started!” Lucius flashed a devilish grin and placed his hands. on his hips.

The fucker looked rather excited, so for a moment I was wondering if this was just a ploy to get us all in

one place and destroy us. But it was too late to back down now. If we delay everything, Lucy might be

thrown to the pits of hell, where demons are already waiting to devour what was mine.

“Ready?” I asked, my eyes shifting between Althea and Blade.

“I am if Althea is ready,” Blade answered.

“I am. Alpha Stone, Blade, I need you both around the runes.” She pointed to the

ground where her runes were.

Blade and I went to our positions as Patrea built a shield to restrict Althea’s spell from bouncing off

everywhere except us.

“Alpha Stone, I need your blood on this vial.

She handed me a small bottle that had some gooey-looking liquid in it.

“How much blood do you need?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Two to three drops would suffice.”

I didn’t waste any time and cut my palm with my claws, dropping my blood inside the vial before handing

it to Althea, but she gave me another one. “I need a reserve in case you can’t go back on time and the

spell is wearing off.”

After I handed her back the second vial, she gave one to Blade and left her instructions. ”

I will begin my spell, and you don’t need to do anything, Alpha Stone, but just stand there. Blade, once I

give you a nod, you need to drink everything in that vial and make sure Alpha Stone is the only one in

your mind, so keep looking at him until I finish my chant.” She told him before shifting his gaze to

everyone around us. “If you all can go behind Blade so his eyesight will only see Alpha Stone.”

Everyone moved as instructed, and Althea began with her chant.

The hair on my body rose as the memory of Lucy beside me the first time Althea cast a spell on us

flashed in my head. That night changed everything, and I hoped this night would let me take back what I

had lost that night.

“Vos nocturni spiritus vocavi Citationem attendite. Nubescant omnes videntes eum in nomine tuo, spiritus

fortes.” Althea began her chant, and the surrounding area darkened as a small tornado formed between

me and Blade, but it was still possible for us to see Althea.

She nodded her head to Blade, and he drank the potion while staring at me. He grimaced for a while,

and I would have laughed if this was nothing serious, as he might have found. drinking my blood


“Nubescant omnes videntes eum in nomine tuo, spiritus fortes.” Althea’s chant became. louder as her

hair was being blown away by the tornado that was rising and covering Blade’s whole body completely.

Despite the authority and firmness in her voice, Althea’s eyes were betraying her. She looked worried as

her eyes focused on the tornado that engulfed Blade.

And then, in an instant, she stopped chanting and the tornado vanished, making me jump from my

position when I came face. to face with someone who fucking looked like me.

“Fuck!” I growled lowly, still amazed at what I was seeing.

‘Exactly what I feel when you shapeshift into my form.’ Lucius chuckled in my head.

Blade stood there still, not moving from his spot, but he was looking at his body, which shrank down to

my size.

“How do you feel?” Althea asked in a soft voice, and Blade tilted his head to look at her.

“I feel okay. You, how do you feel looking at me? Will you be able to distinguish between me and Stone?”

I wanted to snicker, even with his first mate, Blade refused displays of affection in public places, but he

had his own way of showing how much he cared with his words.

Althea’s eyes widened as she shrugged her shoulders. “Same. I know it’s you in there because I see

some clouds in front of you.”

“Good. I don’t want you to mistake Stone for me.”

Althea rolled her eyes before looking at Collin. “I think we can proceed with your sister. If you can bring

her here.”