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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 200
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Chapter 200: Figures of Curiosity


Standing in silence staring at the space my mother once stood, I contemplated some of the things she

told me. Everything took time and time wasn't something I had given a chance. It was instead

something I fought against and hoped I wouldn't have to face. Since the moment I stepped into Asgard,

I never really gave it a chance, and because of that, I f****d up at every corner.

I wasn't the only one that had been thrown into a life they weren't ready for. My mother was a prime

example of what I was going through, and if she was able to make it one in one piece and come out on

top then why couldn't I?

Trekking back down the sidewalk that she and I had come from, I took in the pack and admired all the

hard work my family had put into this place in order for it to grow with the ages. I was merely a thought

—or memory, within the pack territory.

A person who had once been a big part of life and left to be more.

“Cassie." Finn's voice caught me slightly off guard as I rounded the corner of the public garden and

came face to face with his celestial eyes that reminded me of my own. Every time that I looked at him, I

was shocked by the gaze that looked back at me, but yet I couldn't pull away.

“Finn—what are you doing here?"

He shrugged his shoulders, looking around at the beautiful array of colored flowers and greenery.

Something that I was certain was Trixie's doing as she loved nature more than anyone I knew.

“Just taking a walk around your pack. It's beautiful here… though I have to admit my own gardens back

home are twice the size of what is here." Of course he would one up it, but then again, did I honestly

expect less from him?

“I'm sure they are, but because I have never seen them, I'll just take your word for it."

“You know you could," he replied with a smirk.

“I could what?" I missed the hint he was giving and when I asked what, I did he chuckled in response.

“You could come see them. In fact, if I win, you could live amongst them."

Live amongst them… something about his offer made me slightly uncomfortable. I had just gotten

settled in Asgard after being pulled from the only home I had ever known and now he was suggesting I

move to his land if he wins? I wasn't too sure about that.

However, there was no way that I was going to let him know that I was uncomfortable. “You mean, if

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you win. I have seen the competition out there Finn, and even though you beat the last guy, I don't

think you can take all of them."

He flinched with a smile as he dramatically expressed his hurt in what I said. “Ouch, princess… you

wound me with your words."

His sarcastic comment made me smile even though I didn't want to. Every time I thought that I was

able to get away from smiling and flirting with him, he dragged me back in. Something about his

charismatic ways made me curious to know who he really was. Considering he seemed to be all

rainbows and sunshine, I knew damn well there was no way that he could be that happy all the time.

“What are you saying… that you can take them on?" I asked as I flirtatiously gazed at him from over my

shoulder. I walked around the rose bushes and wisteria that grew around the white archways of the

garden paths.

He followed me, his eyes never leaving mine and though I turned away from him, I could still feel the

heat of his gaze as a low chuckle escaped his breath. “I can take them, and you, my dear."

Dear. A word of endearment that I hadn't expected to hear caused me to pause in my place as I

thought back to Lucas, who had been the last one to call me that. The brooding silence from him was

deafening. Not that he probably even realized I was gone.

No matter the situation, there was no reason to think over what I couldn't change. Lucas would be

Lucas no matter what and in the meantime, I was possibly passing up on something—someone who

might make me happy.

Turning to face Finn, I realized that he was closer to me than I had expected and as I slowly gazed up

at him from beneath darkened lashes, I felt my breath catch in my throat. “Perhaps one day you will be

able to prove that."

“Oh, I hope that I can."

It was a promise that deep down I was hoping he would keep.



From the moment that we arrived at this place, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. I didn't want to be

here but no matter what, I was stuck in a situation I had to make the most of. Odin had given me an

order, and I was glad for it. Because knowing that she was coming here with Finn and no other

chaperone wasn't something I wanted for her.

There was something about Finn that didn't settle well with me, and yet there was something about him

that felt so familiar.

“You have been standing here watching her for a while." The sound of Pollux walking up beside me

caused me to sigh. I had already dealt with entertaining Cassie's father Talon for a while as he told me

about the warriors he had around his pack and the training he did for others.

It was obviously something he was proud of and to ensure I wasn't rude to the man that could

potentially cause me issues with Cassie if I was, I entertained him.

“Yes, well that is my job," I replied in a flat monotone kind of way, clearly showing my enthusiasm for

my task.

“Man, she's safe here." He chuckled. “Why don't you take a load off and get a drink with me."

Glancing at him from the corner of my eye, I contemplated what he was offering. We were in his pack.

A pack that belonged to Cassie as well and from research that I had done was one of the safest packs

in North America. What did I have to worry about?

“Very well… I suppose you're right." I agreed to his offer but deep down a feeling of uncertainty rolled

through my gut, making me wonder if I was making the right choice.

“I am right. I'm the Alpha."

Cocky as ever, I continued to follow Pollux further and further from Cassie. My mind screamed at me to

turn around and go back to her, but my gut told me she needed the space. There was something about

being in this place that felt calming, yet I was on alert.

For a man in my position, that wasn't an easy mix of feelings to have. I was a warrior… a guard of

Asgard and instead I was acting like a frat boy on vacation by going to drink with the Alpha who was

five times younger than I was.

The moment that we exited off the beaten path and rounded the back of the pack house to a small

guest house that sat alone near the wood line, I realized I hadn't seen this place before. It was quaint

and had a charm to it that screamed feminine energy. “What is this place?"

“Oh, this place?" He chuckled, glancing around the room. “It was my mother's a long time ago. Now, I

simply use it as a place to clear my mind when I need to get away from things."

The small, white cottage looked like it needed a small touch up but the moment he opened the door

and we stepped inside, I could tell it had been recently renovated. The smell of paint lingered in the air

and as I gazed around at the minimalist decor that consisted of a couple photos on the wall, a sofa and

a tv with a small kitchen, I could tell that no one had been here in quite some time.

“It's… charming. As your sister would say," I replied as my gaze fell back onto Pollux, who pulled a

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bottle of whiskey from a cupboard and two coffee cups.

“Speaking of my sister…" He sighed, pouring the whiskey into the glasses before he turned to hand me

one. “I was thinking that it may be best if she had her own privacy out here. Away from things while she

worked on gaining a better understanding of who she is."

Hearing that Pollux wanted his sister out of the main house wasn't what I had expected. In fact, I was

taken aback by the idea that he would want her away considering she had been gone for so many

years. Then again, the little outburst between the two of them earlier on could be the reason. Perhaps

that closeness that they both once had wasn't as lasting as one might have thought.

“Why would you want her out here?" I finally asked, watching him turn to stare out the window with a

determined yet lost sort of gaze.

“It's complicated."

“Complicated… you haven't seen your sister in years. So, why push her away now? Why force her

away from her family, Pollux?" He turned to stare at me with a frown marring his lips before he brought

the glass to his mouth once more and down its contents.

“She's a liability, Silas." It was an answer that I had expected but as he walked back towards the

counter, I had a feeling that he wasn't finished. “I had hoped her coming back here would be

welcoming, but she showed earlier that she can't control her powers."

“She had a minor outburst," I replied in anger, “she is still your sister—your family."

“And this is my pack!" he shouted in return, catching me slightly off guard. I would tolerate him raising

his voice right now, and I can understand his anger but at the end of the day, I was raised that family

was everything. “What would you do if you were in my situation?"

Shaking my head, I thought over what he was saying. First off, I couldn't imagine myself in his situation,

but right now, staring at the man in front of me, I saw his hurt, his anger and frustration, and I knew that

he was simply being an Alpha trying to protect his pack, his own family.

Chasing back my drink, I set the glass down upon the small table and turned towards the door. I didn't

want to give him the answer he was looking for but when he called my name, I stopped in my tracks

and sighed looking over my shoulder at him again.

“Please… just answer my question. If you were in my place, what would you do?"

Staring back at the man in front of me filled with so much desperation I tried to place myself in his

shoes. “I'd be wary, but I still wouldn't throw my sister under the bus. Instead, I'd get to know her and

find out why she is the way she is."