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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 145
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Chapter 145: Pixies & Karma


When I saw Silas near my sister, I knew he was up to something. She was never one to really put

herself out there, even though it seemed she was. She was rebellious, yes, and had a wicked side

when she wanted to but to be an attention whore… no way.

Yet since the moment we had gotten here, she had become different from the way I knew her. She was

no longer the sister I had grown up with. She was more confident and . determined to establish herself

in this place. Normally, that wouldn’t have been a bad thing, but the way she was going about it felt


As if coming here had done something to her that couldn’t be undone.

Staring off across the green training fields, I thought to the day I battled with her. I was used to having

sparred with Cassie growing up, but something about her that day was so much different from before.

Almost as she thrived for the blood she spilled.

A warrior that had no fill until death presented itself.

Letting a sigh escape me, I watched the men who had the late sparring class take their stance and

wished I could get back on the field with them. At least it would keep my mind preoccupied so I wasn’t

busy thinking about my sister. It wasn’t like I was her keeper or anything.

She had to learn to take care of her own affairs and do so quietly.

“Hey, Lux!” Destin, another wolf shifter, called from across the field as he came jogging up. “Are you all

done for the day?”

“Yeah, I finished about twenty minutes ago. Ready to head out.”

Destin laughed as he tossed me a football. “You kicked ass out there on the field today, man. You up

for a few rounds?”

As much as I wanted to say yes, I just didn’t have it in me. “Not today, man. As much as I’d love to, if I

don’t get that paper done for Stuckey, he’s going to kick my ass.”

The comment made us both laugh, and as I tossed the ball back to him, I stood from where I had been

sitting on the bench. “Hey, before you go, there’s a small bonfire this weekend. You should come, man.

I can tell Zai has a thing for you.”

Thinking of Zai made me roll my eyes. Yes, she was fucking gorgeous, but her pride and ego were

what made her unattractive in my eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was get involved with someone

like her.

Especially when there was one girl in particular here, I couldn’t stop thinking about.

“Honestly, Destin, I’m not interested in her.”

Shock registered on his face as his mouth made an ‘O’ shape. “Whoa, really?”

It was obvious most men wouldn’t dare turn down the opportunity with Zai, and that, of course, made

me question if I was making the right choice. “Yeah, for real.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

She’s a little too… dramatic for me.”

“Oh, come on. You don’t have to go be with her. Just have fun and claim the right.” That was typical

fuck boy shit, and once upon a time, I would have done just that. But I wasn’t like that anymore. I didn’t

want meaningless sex.

Not when my mate was out there somewhere.

Shrugging my shoulders, I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder. “Honestly, man, I’m good.

But I expect a full report from you on how wild it is, though.”

Taking my time, I walked across the field towards the tunnel that led out of the training arena and

toward the school. All I wanted to do was get a hot shower and something to eat, but the moment I

walked into the locker room, I knew something was off.

Eyes fell on me from various guys in there as if they knew something I didn’t. Trying to ignore the rush

of emotions running through me, I quickly opened my locker and shoved my things inside, grabbing my

stuff for my shower to try and relax.

The amazing feeling of the hot water rushing over my skin was a welcoming moment. Even though I

was a shifter didn’ t mean I didn’t get sore, and today, I worked out harder than I normally have in the


With a sigh of relief, I washed away the things that had been bothering me and listened to the pelting of

water against the tile flooring.

“Dude, what’s up with you and the new girl,” a voice called out, catching my attention. I wasn’t sure who

they were talking about, but I suspected it was my sister.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Silas’ voice registered in my ears, and the moment I heard him


I knew full well they were talking about Cassie. My blood boiled at the realization as I stayed quiet,

listening to what was being said.

“I know something is up. Would have thought for sure you. would have got some of that ass the other


“Hey, don’t talk about her like that,” Silas growled in response to the other guy’s words, “she ain’t that

kind of girl.”

“Whatever,” the kid replied. “She ended up hooking up with that Lucas guy right after you left her.”

She hooked up with Lucas?!

I knew the guy was her mate and expected eventually for them to be together, but for my sister to

entertain Silas and then sleep with Lucas was completely fucked up. I had thought my sister was more

reserved than that, but perhaps I was wrong.

Turning off the water, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around me as I exited the shower. Both Silas

and the dumbass he was talking to stared at me with wide eyes as narrowed my own in their direction.

“Got something else to fucking say?”

“It’s-it’s not what you think,” Silas replied, stuttering over his words.

Not wanting to hear any more of what Silas had to say, I growled at him, my nails sharpening as fangs

protruded. “Stay the fuck away from my sister.”

The warning was clear, and deciding to handle this with her myself, I didn’t bother to hear what Silas

had to say.

Instead, I strode to my locker, threw on my clothes, and decided to hunt. The only problem was this

hunt wasn’t like the others, instead, I was hunting my twin.

I was hunting Cassie.

Thirty minutes later and after much searching, her scent grew stronger the moment I turned into the

main foyer of the school. The large vaulted ceilings overhead made it look like a cathedral, and as my

eyes scanned the surrounding area, they fell upon Cassie, who stood with two girls laughing.

One of the girls ended up being the electric blue-haired beauty I remembered seeing at the dinner Odin

had thrown for us. Even now, staring at her, I found myself frozen in my steps, not wanting to approach

Cassie. But at the same time, my anger over what Cassie was doing grew stronger and stronger with

every passing second.

Pushing aside my doubts about the entire situation, I narrowed my gaze on Cassie and stormed

forward with my fist clenched at my sides. Cassie had crossed the line more times than I could even

count, and where she thought there was no big issue, she didn’t realize the repercussions of what she


“Cassie!” I yelled from across the hall, catching her attention and the girls she was with and anybody

else nearby. “You and I need to talk.”

Her eyes widened in surprise a little bit as if she didn’t have a single clue as to why I was in such a rut,

but she quickly. narrowed them in my direction as she realized I was obviously coming to her with an


“I don’t know what your problem is but if you’re going to sit here and run your mouth at me, you need to

do so somewhere else because I don’t have the time for it.”

The sarcastic and snippy way she responded to me ticked me off even more and as I stepped in front

of her, snarling down at my sister’s, whose eyes glanced up at me with a blue hue I was all too familiar

with, I didn’t know whether I wanted to slap her for her insubordination or punish her in other ways.

“You’re going to listen to what I have to say,” I snapped at her. “After the conversation I just heard some

of the guys. having in the locker room about you, it makes me wonder what kind of person you’ve

become since you came here.”

Cassie’s eyes widened in shock as her lips parted. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Don’t play stupid. First, you reject your mate and then decide that sleeping and toying with him is fun

and games. And then, on top of that, you’re flirting and trying to hook. up with every other male on this

campus. You really have lowered yourself to being a whore, haven’t you?”

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The anger that quickly swept over my sister was unlike anything I could have ever expected. Her eyes

glowed blue as she snarled at me, fangs over her lips, stepping forward, ready to lash out at me in any

way that she could.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talking to, but you have no clue what the hell has been

going on. And maybe if you tried being more my brother instead of the egotistical prick that you are

because I am better than you, maybe you would have some type of insight into what’s going on in my


Collective gasps were heard all around. Before I could bring my hand back to slap the crap out of her

for what she said, the electric blue-haired girl stepped in between us. Her eyes narrowed at me as she

placed her hands against my chest and shoved me back as hard as she could.

I hadn’t expected someone as small as her to be able to shove me as she did. I flew back three feet,

falling onto the ground, my eyes wide as I stared at her, the electric current of her touch still running

through my skin.

The first time I met her, I knew there was something about her, something that drove my inner beast

crazy. But I didn’t want to admit there was a possibility she was my mate, even though she smelled

more heavenly than I could have ever imagined. Yet the moment she touched me, even though it was

to shove me to the ground for speaking to my sister the way that I did, I knew for a fact this girl was. my


“Trixie!” the darker girl said standing near Cassie. “What are you doing?”

“I’m handling a problem. He may be her brother, but that doesn’t give him the right to speak to her like

that!” she snapped as she crossed her arms over her chest, looking down at me with disapproval.

Disapproval that hurt me more than I was willing to admit.

“Trixie, it’s okay,” Cassie said before Trixie held up her hand, cutting Cassie off. The tension of the

situation quickly dissipated as we tried to wrap our heads around what just happened.

Everyone around seemed just as shocked as I was that this small, petite girl could do what she did, but

there was no denying the anger in her eyes as she looked at me.

Shaking her head, Trixie gave me a sad look and sighed. “I understand that you’re her brother, Lux, but

honestly, that was uncalled for. I had such higher hopes for you.”

When those words left Trixie’s mouth, I wanted to break down and beg for her forgiveness. I had waited

for a mate for so long, and even though I had hoped for a shifter, I couldn’t deny the draw I had to this


“I think you’ve registered him speechless,” the dark-skinned girl said as she crossed her arms over her

chest with a smirk. Everybody in the entire hall was staring at me as if waiting for me to respond.

However, I wasn’t able to speak because I didn’t know what to say.

Looking at my sister, I watched her brows furrow in confusion as she looked from me to Trixie and then

back. Her brows lifted as her mouth parted in shock.

“Holy shit!” She laughed, making both Trixie and the other girl glance at her in confusion. “This shit just

got a lot more interesting. Guess karma’s a bitch, isn’t it.”