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And Then There Were Four (Lilith Carrie)

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134: Welcome to Asgard Pollux.

Everything had happened with Cassie was like a movie playing in slow motion while I stood by unable

to do anything. I had tried to tackle her, to stop her from hurting anybody, and even Lucas tried to calm

her down.

Yet, her powers bounced back and Melissa, her best friend, ended up getting killed.

Never in my life did I think something like this would have happened. Of course, I hated my sister for

some of the shit she did, but I never meant for this situation to get out of hand. It broke my heart seeing

her shed tears for a girl I had watched her grow up with. A girl who had been her only real true friend.

I lost myself the moment I saw her step out of the woods with Lucas and because I did, it started the

trickling rollercoaster of events that played out. So in a way, I was responsible for Melissa’s death as

well, and that was something I would never be able to forget.

How was I supposed to be the future Alpha if I couldn’t even rationally control myself.

“It’s time to go,” Kara, Odin’s Valkyrie said as she stood before me with her wings flexing behind her

back and an eerie gaze in her eyes. She was a mysterious woman, one I had frequently seen over the

years when she came to check in with her family, and as I gazed at my mother, I realized this was it.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as my fathers stood at her side. She had been so adamant for years

this situation was never going to happen, and between her and our fathers, they had tried so hard to

help prepare us, to control the uncontrollable.

I was prepared to go though. Priscilla had told me it would be inevitable and honestly, I had been

excited. The idea of learning from the gods, and then being an Alpha who far surpassed the training of

normal wolves, it was a calling I desired regardless if it meant I would have to remain away an entire

year. for

With a heavy sigh, I walked towards my mother and wrapped my arms around her. The woman who

had given birth to me and been my rock for my entire life. I would miss her when I was gone, but I knew

one day I would return.

“It’s okay, mom. Everything is going to be okay.”

“How can you say that you’re both leaving me?” she replied tearfully. “How can you say it’s going to be


“Because it will be.” I smiled gently as I wiped a tear from her eye. “It’s only going to be a year, and if

you think about it, that’s the same length of time it would have taken me to go through the Alpha


Taking a deep breath, my mother sighed, nodding her head. It was going to be hard for her, as it would

be for any parent, but she still had four of my siblings at home to look after, and I knew that would keep

her focus.

“Make sure you look after your sister,” Damian said firmly as he clasped a hand upon my shoulder. “I

know you both haven’ t been close for a long time, but you have to overcome this.”

“What about Melissa, what will happen?” I asked, letting my gaze fall to Melissa’s body being tended to

by the pack doctors.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Don’t worry about that. I’m taking care of it,” Hale’s words echoed through my ears and as I looked at

him, I knew he would. Being an Alpha wasn’t an easy thing, and this was something I would have to

learn eventually.

“I won’t let you guys down,” I told them with confidence as squared my shoulders and held my head

high. “I’ll come back as the man I need to be.”

“I know you will.” Damian chuckled. “Just take care of Cassie. She… she’s going to need you more

than you realize.”

Nodding my head, I finished my goodbyes, and as I turned, expecting my sister to be waiting for me, I

was shocked to find she wasn’t. Instead, I watched as Odin gave her a small smile placing his hand on

the top of her back as she proceeded to step through the portal without so much as looking back to say


She was a hollow shell of herself, and with every moment she was away, I prayed the gods would be

able to fix her. That by some miracle she would become who she was meant to be, because I couldn’t

be expected to look after her forever.

I was honestly surprised to see Lucas was going along so willingly. He didn’t seem like the kind of

person who would, and looking at how he was a Lycan as well, I could only imagine why.

Stepping forward, Kara waited for Lucas and I, and as we stepped through the portal, I knew there was

no turning back, and honestly I was excited.

As a blinding white light filled my vision, I felt myself being twisted and pulled until peace flowed over

my body like a warm blanket. Gasping, I looked around and found myself lost and alone but something

in front of me called me forward.

With one foot in front of the other, I made my way through the white clouds of mist encircling my body

until a small, green clearing came into view and I took in the sweet smell of fresh air and bright blue


“Welcome to Asgard.” Odin grinned as he held his hands up into the air, spinning slowly to show us the

magical realm we were entering. I honestly wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I can promise it

definitely wasn’t this.

Tall white pillars loomed around us, holding up large white marble roofs seemingly cascading far off into

the distance. An as I stepped forward, I realized among this pantheon styled buildings laid mountains

decorated in green forests and waterfalls. There had to been a thousand buildings all built into the

mountain sides, and turning to Odin, I frowned in confusion.

Thad expected something far darker or perhaps more isolate, but instead, I was in a city,

“Where is Asgard?” Lucas asked, causing me to turn and face him. He was just as confused as I was,

and I was glad he asked the question instead of me.

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There was no way I was going to make myself look like an idiot.

“In time you will learn,” Odin replied in a booming voice deep and distinct it made your soul shake when

he spoke and there was amusement in his tone. He headed towards the large white steps of the

massive marble building in front of us. I couldn’t help but be wary of the man he was. “Follow me this

way, and I will have Freya show you to your rooms. You can settle for tonight, and tomorrow you start


“School?” Both Cassie and I said at the same time as we looked at each other in confusion and then

looked back to Odin. We had just graduated school. The last thing we wanted to do right now was go

back to school.

“Yes, school. You didn’t think you were just going to come here, pick up an axe or throw in some

fighting skills and we would let you on your merry way, did you?”

“Well, yeah,” I muttered to myself as a giggle caught my attention and I took notice of a beautiful

woman walking towards Odin.

She was beautiful, more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. It was clear she far surpassed my

mother in age, her long golden strands were perfectly braided down her back as a crown sat upon her


“It’s lovely to see you all,” she said with a soft almost sing song voice. Her eyes scanned the three of us

before falling onto my sister. “Castor, sweetheart. I have been waiting for this day since you were born.”

What the hell? She was only interested in my sister. What kind of bullshit was that?

“Sorry, I don’t know who you are,” Cassie said softly, her eyes darting to me with confusion as she

shrugged her shoulders.

“That’s Freya. The motherly goddess who looks over us all.” Lucas belted out as he crossed his arms

over his shoulders, a content gaze on his face as he glanced over at me and smirked.

“That would be correct, I am Freya, and you must be Lucas the celestial Lycan we hadn’t been

expecting… no worries, though. I will figure out who you came from in time.”

Lucas scoffed with annoyance as he rolled his eyes. “I’m no one, and there’s nothing to know.”

Freya and Odin shared a knowing glance between each other at his comment before she clapped her

hands together. “Let’s get you to your rooms. That way you can get freshened up before dinner.”

Not bothering to ask any questions, I remained quiet as followed behind Cassie and Lucas. It didn’t

please me to know, once again, my sister was the center of attention. I got she was unique, but for

once, I had hoped the spotlight wouldn’t shine on her.

The moment we stepped into the halls, I took note of how more extravagant the inside of this building

was to the outside. White walls decorated with ornate objects, and paintings of historical scenes littered

the area. It was cool, but with how fast Freya was moving, I didn’t have time to take in it all.

It was brilliant to think, in a place like this, they had created something with such beauty. Who knew

with everything these people had, they could create something so much closer to nature than the world

I was used to growing up in.

The moment we turned down another hallway, I quickly realized this must have been the residential

area. Doors of various designs lined the walls for what seemed miles and upon every door was a


The first door we came to was Lucas’ room, his name engraved with silver upon the wooden door. I

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

didn’t realize that this place would be so name specific, and as Freya opened the door, we were met

with black and red decor, that reminded me of a sex den I had once seen on a porn movie. “Uh-nice

decor,” I chuckled, watching as Lucas rolled his eyes.

“Yes, all of these rooms were decorated based on your personalities and the way you lived in the

human realm.” Her words caught me off guard, and instantly I worried about what mine would look like.

“Come on, Cassie.” Lucas looked to Cassie expectedly, and as he did, Cassie crossed her arms over

her chest and raised a brow in his direction.


“No?” He furrowed his brows. “What do you mean, no? I’m your mate.”

A small snicker came from Freya as she clasped her hands in front of her and smiled. I wasn’t sure

what she found funny, but maybe it was the same thing I found funny. My sister was out right refusing

to go stay in Lucas’ room.

“Lucas, Cassie may be your mate, but that doesn’t mean she has to stay with you. She has her own

room, and you have no claim over her, I’m afraid.” Freya’s comment didn’t seem to sit well with him and

walking into his room, he quickly slammed the door.

“I guess he didn’t like that,” I muttered as Freya held her tongue and quickly turned, continuing down

the hallway.

“Your room is right here, Pollux.” As she went to grab the handle, I quickly beat her to it and smiled.

“I got it. Thanks again for this. I’ll see you guys at dinner.”

The last thing I wanted was for my sister to see the things I was into. I wasn’t sure if that was the shit in

the room, but there was no way I was going to risk being mocked by her if my room looked anything

like Lucas’ room.

With a shrug of her shoulders, I watched Freya and Cassie disappear further down the hallway, and as

they did, a sigh of relief escaped me before I took a deep breath. With a fleeting glance at my name

engraved across the door, I turned the handle and stepped into my room.

I wasn’t sure what I had expected, but blue walls and modern style decor definitely wasn’t it. I felt like I

was staring at a more mature version of my bedroom back home, and with it, I found myself slightly

annoyed. Lucas had gotten a sex room, or at least that’s what the glimpse reminded me of.

Instead, I was faced with blues, whites, and silver. A ship’s captain style room with a large golden

anchor on the far wall. I was a wolf, not a sea captain, and even though the room was really nice, I felt

slightly let down.

Part of me was hoping for something dark and dangerous, but I wasn’t going to complain. Instead, I

would pay less attention to the minor details of my stay and look forward to what was to come.

Taking the time to walk around and admire everything, my eyes took in everything from the large king-

size bed with a dark navy blue comforter. To the small sofa and a desk near a large floor to ceiling

bookcase. It was the typical shit you would see in a room, but on a larger scale.

“Guess this is as good as it gets,” I muttered to myself as ! jumped onto the bed and closed my eyes.

This was the start of something better for us all, and if I had to be here for the next year, I was just

gonna have to make the most of it.