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An Omega For Sale by Kess

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91

Once we had filled up our plates with whatever we pleased we moved to a part of the field where we could just

watch the activities around and settled down to begin eating.

I don’t think anything could have been able to wipe the smile of my face or the sparkle in my eyes. Jessy of

course stained her shirt and her bunny in less than two minutes and the messy three years old moved to steal

food from the Alpha’s plate, who of course let her and even adjusted in hi spot so she could move closer to him

and eat comfortably from his plate.

| rolled my eyes at the two but said nothing,

The feeling of eyes watchinghad stopped the moment that we stepped into the fields but | couldn't help but

wonder if it had really gone away or if my excitement had just madeloose concentration.

“You wanna go there?” | heard Greyson say by my side and | turned to look.

Jessy was pointing in the direction of the kids that were huddled together in a spot playing and | could see the

want in her eyes. My daughter shook her head no but | could immediately see through it.

Jessy had never really been accepted by other kids back at our previous pack and although she loved to play,

she would often play alone to avoid coming in contact with the other kids, since they bullied her a lot.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| could see that my child really wanted to play with these kids but she was scared. Scared that they were going

to bully her if she cclose to them, scared that she wasn’t going to be accepted. And my heart restricted in

my chest for my daughter.

“What? Why not? It'll be fun. Con, I'll take you there. Hang on.” He instructed and when Jessy’s arms were

firmly wrapped around his neck, he stood up and moved in the direction of the other children.

| watched as he dropped her amongst the children and for a moment | feared that they were going to begin

hitting her. | watched as Jessy crawled to a corner and sat there alone and | stood up to watch scared that my

daughter might start panicking, before I could move in her direction to bring her back with me, | watched as

another child; a boy, crawled in her direction and offered her his toy.

Jessy observed the fluffy teddy in her hands. Pinching the ears and rubbing her hands through its body. Once it

seemed like she was satisfied with the results, she offered the boy a small smile before giving him her own


The boy took it with a smile, even when Jessy’s bunny had a stain on it.

| watched as Greyson smiled at the duo, ruffling their hairs before moving back in my direction with a proud

smile on his


“And that is how you get two children to be best friends.” He said the moment he was back at my side and |

rolled my eyes playfully at him.

“You didn’t do anything. The little boy did all the work.” | said and he gasped, pretending to be hurt.

“Ill forgive you this once. Con, it’s adult tnow, what do you want to do?” He asked,

But he didn’t wait forto respond before he was taking my far in his hands and littering kisses all over my

face. | laughed in pure joy and the Alpha chuckled along with me. Neither of us seeming to care that we had the

eyes of almost every pack member on us.

“Well | want to dance -Lresponded and he made a face.


Chapter 91


“I can’t dance to save my life and I'm just going to embarrass theth of us if | try

filled with the The

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

dance for “Well you're in luck. Looks like this is a competition for the work dancer because the hero Alpha looked

in that direction and just in that moment, someone stumbled and fell, which made us both bough

“No Freya” He said stubbornly

“Pleaseee” | tried again but the Alpha only shook his head stubbornly

“Wait here. I'll be right back.” He said and before | could respond he was leaving, | looked on in confonas teet to

the other side of the fields, waving back to Jessy when she called out to him

“Good to see that Greyson let you out of the house.” | jumped a little in my spot at the voice before eventually

smiling when | saw Smith standing there.

“Well he did, thankfully | responded and the Beta settled besideofferinga small smile, which I returned

“How is it going?” He asked and I noticed how his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“It’s alright. I'm having fun.” | said.

“Doesn't look like it.”

What do you mean?” | asked

But before he could response a shadow was casted upon us and when | looked up to see who it was, the sight of

the Alpha with anger dancing in his eyes, darkening his grey orbs madeshiver.