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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 76
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75. This Darkness Within Me
All traces of sleep vanished as I stared at the man before me. A man who for a second, I was unable to recognise.
How could Leo be part of a cartel, and I had no idea about it?
He was watching me emotionlessly, but I knew he was analysing my reaction.
How do you react to that?
I looked away, feeling a sudden pressure in my head.
A Cartel.
“So... When you say a Cartel? Do you mean like a secret Mafia boss?” I asked, my voice sounding hoarser than I planned.
“There is a difference between a Cartel
and a Mafia boss... but yeah, they are
similar enough.”

“So...” I ran my hand through my hair,
trying to organise my thoughts.

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Just like him...
“You know Judah had a gang...” I said, feeling my emotions all over the place.
Although his was just totally different,
and they terrorised people.
“A gang is different from an organisation, but do you remember anything about it, or what they called themselves? Any
information could help u
s.” He asked sharply.
My eyes flashed as I looked at him. “We
are discussing you, but no, I don’t, I just
know he had a gang of idiots on bikes
with him all the time. Let’s not change the topic.” I reminded him, frowning
“Alright... what do you want to know?”
Our eyes met and I felt my heart squeeze.
What did I want to know?
He wasn’t a bad person... he wasn’t...
I couldn’t think properly, running my hand through my hair again as I exhaled
The Heimtückische Wölfe... now that he

said it, I had heard of it... An organisation
that was mentioned on the human news
several times, wait... Weren’t they the ones responsible for the explosion of that private jet not long ago? Although there
were no arrests made – then there was
the fact that they were just unable to link
anyone to the Heimtückische Wölfe
Now it made sense.
His hand touched my thigh, snapping me from my thoughts. My chest was heaving
as I looked at him.
“Did you not think this was something I should have known about?” I asked icily. “I told you everything about me.”
“I told you everything important, the Cartel is just something on the side-”
“On the side?! Leo! The entire world
knows of it! It’s a growing criminal organisation birthed in the United Kingdom, not even that old, yet it has grown at a terrifying
rate! One that is responsible for the largest quantity of drugs being brought into the country, and you just miraculously forgot to
tell m
“There are far worse crimes than drugs, i
f it’s not me bringing them in, then
someone else would.” He replied quietly. 2
I knew that, but that doesn’t mean it excused him from telling me.

I wish I knew what he was thinking, but he had his walls up.
A Cartel...
“Fine. Whatever.” I said quietly as I turned my back on him and lay down. I was no angel myself... but what hurt the most, was
that he hadn’t told me, that I didn’t even know what Leo Rossi, or
should I say my Cartel Boss of a mate was? He was far more of a mystery than I
had thought.
“Don’t call me that, it irritates me!” I snapped as I felt his weight shift on the bed, and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me
back against his chest. The
warmth of his body was pleasant. Sparks danced through me, and I bit my lip to not react as the feeling of his firm, sexy body

pressed completely against me, igniting a fire that only he could.
“Fine, I won’t call you that, for now. Look, the last few weeks have been fucking crazy, there wasn’t time for us to go over
everything...” His voice was calm as his lips met my neck, that rippling soothing effect working like damn magic. “I know... it’s a
crime, but I assure you we
have limits, there’s no human or organ trafficking. My men are made to hold the values of the organisation. There are crimes that
are forbidden, and anyone breaking the code of conduct by abusing the defenceless and innocent... or killing them, pay the
consequences. The only thing we work with, are drugs and
I frowned; he was missing the damn point here. But I wanted to hear what he
had to say anyway.
He sucked on my neck and I felt him throb against me, making my eyes flutter shut as my breathing became heavier.
“Don’t you dare try to use the mate bond t o calm me down.” I growled.
“I’m not. I just need you to hear me out.” Why was his voice so soothing and calm?

“Hurry up.” I growled.
Another tantalising kiss was placed on m y neck before he continued. “I created the cartel to make sure that we had the money
to protect ourselves if the need arose. To make sure that all the orphans and children of our pack had the financial support to
continue in life. Slowly the organisation began growing, and my claim and position soon gave me power over other gangs in the
area. It gave me a thrill, a purpose... Dad refused to hand m e the title, and so I had to find a way to
provide for those who had nothing and to
find my own purpose. I put a stop to crimes that even the police could do nothing about. The law needs proof, and
without it many who are worse than me would walk free. I don’t want to fucking seem like I’m trying to make it sound like we did
good when I know my actions don’t sit right with you.”
“Then you don’t even know me.” I
muttered, sighing heavily. Slowly, I
turned in his arms and looked up at him. ”
I’m no angel Leo... I don’t even have an
issue with you being a cartel boss...” It’s
kinda sexy; yes, I’m weird, and I love
toxic crap. 2
My words took him by surprise, so even the mighty smart Leo Rossi got shocked a t times. “I’m upset that you never mentioned it
to me,” I said quietly.
“I’m sorry, I have been planning to tell Dad soon... somehow I didn’t even think t
o let you know.”
His fingers ran through my hair before he gripped the back of my neck, the look in those ice-blue eyes told me he was telling the

“What else do you do that I don’t know o f?” I asked sharply.
“I own high-end nightclubs around the country, strip clubs, my own search engine company, safe from humans, and a security
company which is in the works that will provide high-tech security. I have stakes in many powerful companies worldwide, and I
own a string of hotels across Europe... And...” I saw the hesitation in his eyes, as he licked his lips, exhaling. “I’m the creator of
the Alpha X Gen games.”
My heart thudded as I stared at him, shock flaring through me at the mention of the illegal underground games which was
becoming a powerful trend
worldwide from the shadows...
Something that Jayce had first brought to my attention. His adamance to take part when he hit eighteen had gotten him in trouble
with Liam. 1
People died in those games... 1
I remember Skyla had wanted to attend but had no idea how to get a ticket. No one knew how to access it, or if the rumours
were true and the spectators were ‘chosen’.
Despite it being known and unknown at the same time, it had gathered a cult following. It was a way to prove you were powerful
even if you weren’t an Alpha. It was a game made for the strongest. The
survival of the fittest.
Leo wasn’t just an Alpha... The capacity of
his mind was incredible, and all this just
felt like far too much information to take i
n right now.
“So... I’m mated to an underground Don and a game master...” I declared, slowly pulling away and getting off the bed, trying to
clear my head.
“Depends how important that factor is to you.” He said quietly, standing up. .

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With his body full of tattoos, those chiselled muscles, and the way he carried himself, I was a fool not to realise that Leo was far
more than just the ruthless, heartless, rogue Alpha...
He was far too powerful, and his intellect was incredible.
He came towards me, and his powerful
aura that I had become so used to
surrounded me. I backed up until I was against the wall, crossing my arms, and h e caged me between his arms, his knee forcing
me to part my legs, as he leaned i
“What’s on your mind, Beautiful?” He
asked, his voice a husky whisper that made my pussy clench. “Talk to me.”
How do I explain my deepest thoughts?
How do I tell him that despite all morality of good and bad, I didn’t have a problem
with what he did... There were crimes I
couldn’t forgive, and he had made it clear

his cartel had a code of conduct. Even
taking the law into his own hands, which
I was all for. The system was often
corrupted or manipulated, and without enough proof, many walked free. I got that... and I know maybe I was trying to justify that I
really am ok with all of this.
How do I tell him that maybe I was sick in the head... that knowing what he was, only made me find him even hotter?
I was weird, I really was... 1
How do I tell him that he was my perfect

dark fantasy, without him thinking he is mated to a freak?
My heart was racing as I stared into his eyes, my entire body on edge at his closeness. His body heat enveloped me.
Maybe it was the haze or his closeness, but... I wasn’t bothered...
How do I tell him I was just a crazy little psycho who really had no issue aside from him keeping it from me?
“You don’t need to tell me anything when I’ve already heard it all” He whispered huskily, his lips pressing against mine in a deep,
enticing kiss. ‘You’re not sick or a
freak. You’re mine, made for me...” 4
I whimpered against his lips, the pleasure dancing through us both.
I had my walls down, and he had heard all my thoughts... His hard dick pressed against my stomach before he suddenly
lifted me up, pressing me against the wall as his tongue slipped into my mouth.
Oh fuck...
‘I’m fucking sorry that I didn’t tell you, I
didn’t think.”
I know that.
I locked my arms around his neck as I felt him lower his walls too. Letting his
emotions and feelings bleed into mine.
His thoughts entered my head... His belief that I was made for him, his appreciation of my reaction, his relief that I was fine with
it, his fear of me turning away from
him, his promise to never do anything
that I wouldn’t approve of. His will to do

Yeah, he was mine, as I was his.
We both had a darkness in us, we both
were different, yet we truly were made for one another.
I know that many would feel angry that I was ok with him being involved in the Cartel, but I’m not perfect either... Maybe
someday Leo would step away from that path, and when he did, I’d be the first to b e proud of him and help him... but for now ...
I would be by his side, as his greatest supporter, because my mate was my
entire world.
His phone beeped, and he pulled away, sighing in frustration at the interruption.
“The meeting?” I whispered, thinking I was down to fuck him all over again, but i t was an important meeting.
He nodded, looking at me. “Thank you... for being you.”
“Hmm, you’re not forgiven for keeping it from me. I will think of a punishment.”
He raised his eyebrow, looking so damn sexy that I almost wanted to drop to my knees and give him one hot blow job, but no,
I’m meant to be angry with him, not worshipping that cock that I loved.
“I’m not?” He replied smirking cockily and I realised he had heard my thoughts; I quickly slammed my walls up wondering why no
one ever talked about how hard this was? 1
“No, you’re not.” I said, before becoming serious, tilting my head and looking at him. “And just so we’re clear, you are to g o to
those clubs for a show. If I find out
“I won’t, rest assured you are the only
one who I fucking want to look at.”
“Good.” I replied, running my fingers through his hair before gazing into his

eyes. “You’re far more powerful than you
let on...
He lowered me down, slowly kissing me deeply before releasing me. He picked me up and carried me to the bed, placing me
down with one final kiss on the forehead. He walked across to his wardrobe and took out a smart white shirt and black pants,
and got dressed quickly, looking damn sexy in the process.
What exactly was Leo Rossi...
“Let’s just say... I’m the King in the shadows.” He replied with a sexy wink,
looking at me over his shoulder as he slipped his shoes on and headed to the
bedroom door.
The King in the Shadows...
“I’ll be back soon, beautiful.”
Nodding, I stared at his broad back as he
looked at me one last time, giving me a tiny smirk before he closed the door after
A king...
In this world, there were many different types of people... yet Leo, Leo had something that truly was at the level of a true king.
I mean, I’m not being biassed, but I think
Leo could even give Alejandro a run for
his money... 4
A/N: Just a quick note, I know there have
been several comments as the book has

progressed about Leo’s involvement in
the cartel and how Azura will ‘fix’ him or
how it is a really bad thing. However, please remember that this is a work of fantasy, not real life. Thank you 13