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Alpha Leo and the Heart of Fire

Chapter 137
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Beautiful Bond Ch 10. Mine
I tug my top down, smoothing the creases. from it, feeling a little self-conscious of his gaze on me, but I like it...
Last night, I had acted awfully. Seeing that mark, I suddenly felt so angry. He was mine.
That was all I could think of.
Is this how I’m going to react? I say I don’t want to offend Leo, but then I can’t even handle that mark on Marcel’s neck anymore.
“I really am sorry...” I say quietly.
“Don’t be. You were just feeling possessive of what’s yours.” He says, and my eyes widen.
He knew why I reacted like that!
“I... I don’t know what overcame me.” Actually, I do... “When I went back to my room.... I ...”
I hesitate and he slows down as we exit the gates. “Is everything alright?” He asks, concerned.
I nod, taking a deep breath. “I shifted.” I blurt out. 3
He stops in his tracks and looks me over as if I’m going to wolf out on him right now. He whistles, making me blush, and he
smiles. “I did think that your aura was stronger. Do Leo and Azura know?”
I shake my head. “Not yet... I wanted to tell you first.” I say, feeling proud that I did it...” It happened straight away, after I left you
by the car.”
“I see... What exactly happened?”
I take a breath, brushing a strand of my hair back as I stare into those dark brown eyes and begin to tell him exactly what went

I rush inside and head straight up to my room, feeling guilt and anguish rip through me. An intense urge to turn and run back to
my mate is struggling to take over, and it takes my all to manage to lock the door after me and stay here.
My heart is racing, and I’m devastated at how I reacted.
This pain and anger I feel are so intense, but I’m being stupid. I am his second chance mate. Of course, he had a mate who
marked him before me, I knew that!
“Mine.” I growl as I stagger to the bathroom feeling pain rush through my body. I don’t know what’s happening...
I fall onto all fours, and I bite on my lip, not wanting anyone to hear. Excruciating pain rips through me and I fall over, unable to
breathe and then, it is all gone.
I look around my room, my heart thumping, but something is wrong... everything looks different...
That’s when I look down and realise I’m no longer a human...
Golden fur... 4
I turn and stare at the mirror across my room, my heart beating violently as I’m greeted by a beautiful honey-gold coloured wolf...
I’m... beautiful... a
A wave of realisation hits me as I continue to
stare at my reflection.

I shifted.
I gasp when he tugs me into his arms, enveloping me in his warmth, although I’m far too aware of his body against mine and a
certain part of him that makes my core knot in desire.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there beside you.” He caresses my back, and I snuggle into his embrace.

“It wasn’t that painful... I’m ok.” I say softly, inhaling his alluring scent. I can feel her presence even more. I guess subconsciously
something had made her lock up, and she had awoken because of our emotions.
“Shame that the dress is gone then.” He says, making me laugh.
“You liked it.” I reply.
“That’s an understatement and I would have preferred being the one to rip it off you.” He replies huskily, and my heart skips a
beat as my face heats up.
“Mm.” I mumble, looking at my hand that rests on his chest. He leans down and I look up. My gaze dips to his lips, but I slowly
place a soft kiss on his cheek before hiding my face in his chest. His thrumming heart tells me I’m having as much of an effect on
him as he is on me.
I want to stay here forever.
After a few moments, he pulls away and, taking my hand, leads me down the path. We walk in silence and he turns down one of
the more secluded paths lined with trees. A high wooden fence covers the building to the left and on the right side, past the trees
is the edge of the park.
“As you know, I was initially planning on going on holiday and I am hoping you will come with me. I’m thinking of Dubai, but I’m
willing to change to wherever you want to go.”
A holiday...
Excitement rushes through me, and I want to say yes. My mouth opens but then I realise I need to discuss this with Azura and
Leo... it’s strange having to think for me too, when my life has always been to serve...
“It sounds lovely... I will let you know if that’s ok.” I say, trying not to sound hopeful.
“I have already told Leo and Azura that I’m asking you, in case you’re worried about other commitments. They’re happy for you
to go.”
I bite my lip and smile happily. “Then I would love to go with you, and Dubai sounds perfect.”
“Great.” He replies and I know I have to be a better person than my wolf wants me to be. 6.

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“About your mark. I was thinking perhaps you can get a tattoo of it – like Kareena.” I suggest still feeling ashamed of how I
“No, I’m yours. The fleeting memories I have of Petra will always hold their own place ... but I’m rightfully yours now. Only your
mark will be on my body.”
Only mine...
He touches his mark, and I can tell from his eyes he means every word.
“Are you certain you don’t want to? I won’t mind. I’m sorry for reacting like that. I think it was my wolf’s emotions. I will be happy
for you to get a tattoo to symbolise your bond with your first mate if you want to.” I say softly, my heart aches thinking of
everything he has gone through, and I realise I had also made it worse. I had made him feel he wasn’t good enough for me by
constantly running...

“Don’t feel guilty for a reaction that was perfectly natural. In fact, I like you being possessive of me. Being brutally honest,
Petra was a woman with her feels like failed. The time I had
I was looking up at it from the bottom of a pool. I wasn’t myself... and I barely remember much of it. I know for some, creating a
symbol of their first mate’s mark can work and in ways helps them move on, but Leo is the symbol of our love. There is nothing
else that I need. This heart and I belong to you now and I vow, I’m all yours and I’ll give you everything I was unable to give to
her and more.” 7
Our eyes meet and I just want to hug him tightly.
He means it and I promise I’ll try to be the best mate I can be.
“Are you certain?” I ask one final time. I want him to be sure. My heart pounds as I step closer to him.
“I am. This story, this journey, it’s ours.” He replies as his hands wrap around my waist and I’m pulled flush against him. “And
next time you feel the urge to mark me... go right ahead.”
Something deep inside of me knots at the tone of his voice, and I can’t help but lick my lips in anticipation when he looks down at
them. His kiss last night...

It had felt magical, the pleasure that consumed me... he has a side to him that is waiting to be unleashed, one he is holding
back. I could tell from the dominance he was trying to rein in when kissing me last night. The way his lips felt... 1
I lean in at the same time as he does and our lips meet in a kiss that I cannot explain in words.
My heart thumps and I’m sure I hear a low growl from him as he suddenly steps forward, forcing me to back up against the tree
behind me. Excitement ripples through me and I kiss him back hungrily. His arms tighten around me, caressing my waist and I
lean into him, whimpering when his fingers lightly tug at the hem of my shirt.
I part my lips, allowing him the entry that he desires. I feel him throb against me and I can’t help hands slut rub against him and
when his hands slip under my top, I lean into his touch, unable to focus on anything else. His rough fingers run up the side of my
waist, skimming my bra.
“Marcel...” I gasp. My arousal scents the surrounding air, but I don’t mind.
I wriggle in his touch, whimpering when his thumbs brush the sides of my breasts and I lean back further, allowing him better
access to my breasts. His eyes are blazing gold, and his aura is swirling around him.
Our eyes meet for a split second before he kisses my neck, sucking hard and I don’t recognise the moan that escapes me. He
palms my breast once before he lets his hand slide down below my breast. His thumb grazes my nipple for a second before his
hand snakes back around my waist and pulls me against him once again.
“As much as I want you right now... Not here, not now...” He whispers huskily, as he continues kissing and sucking on my neck.
No... I want you to touch me.
“Nh...” I mumble, feeling lightheaded as he continues to pepper my neck and jaw with kisses. His fingers tangle into my hair as
he tilts my head up, kissing my lips in another mind-blowing kiss. I kiss him back, my grip on him tight, and only when he holds
my wrists and removes them from his neck do I look up at him, questioning him silently.
A sexy smirk crosses his lips, but his eyes are still burning gold.
“As much as I want to continue kissing you, Bellissima... I’m not going to be able to stop.” He whispers roughly, making my
cheeks that are already flushed, darken. 1

Cupping my face, he presses his lips against mine one final time. He sucks on my lower lip slightly before he moves back and
looks into my eyes.
“We leave in two days.”
With those words, he lets go of me, turning and walking away, but before he turns the corner, he glances back and our eyes
meet one final time.
I smile at him before I turn away to return home, still feeling all giddy. I lightly touch my swollen lips, blushin
I can still feel his hands on me and what’s more, I wanted him to continue. Next time I want everything. 15