Peter felt as if thad stopped. He rested his cheek again Aria’s fread, holding her tightly. He saw out of the
corner of his eye how everyone else had quietly left the room, but it didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered. He felt
good for the first tin a long twrapped in the arms of this wornar.
He had never spoken about it, but he had always had the sdream. A silhouette of a woman would appear,
but his mind played tricks on him. He used to think his subconselous was bringing back memories of someone,
maybe Mary and what they had lived through. But no... this feeling was different.
And then, when he finally heard the woman in his arms call him son, it was as if a shock of energy ran through
his entire body. That single word confirmed what he had somehow always known-she was the woman from his
dreams. No one else. He was sure of it now. He had been seeing her his whole life. He didn’t remember when the
dreams had started, but now, his scattered memories told m that even as a child, she had always been there.
Peter wiped his tears and looked at the beautiful woman with the sad eyes. He pulled her close again, inhaled
her scent, kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her hands-desperate, longing. She was the woman who had always
been in his dreams. He knew he wasn’t crazy. She had always been there, unseen but waiting.
“P-Peter... my son...” Aria stammered, barely able to form words.
She could only look at him, mesmerized. He was the spitting image of Leonardo-the man she had known, the
man who had been her first love. She had never known the monster he had become. To her, Leonardo had been
nothing but her first and only love. And now, seeing her son, seeing that she had never truly lost him, knowing
that he had been waiting for her too... It brought back a peace that had been stolen from her so many years ago.
Aria caressed his face with her thin hands, tracing every inch. He was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. His long,
thick eyelashes-he had gotten those from her. His dark hair was hers too. Even a small, distinct mole near his
ear -it was exactly like hers.
“Peter... You have no idea how much I've missed you. | should never have trusted my father. | should never have
gone to that cursed place. | lost you. | wasn’t strong enough to protect you. | thought your grandfather would
never hurt us. But | was wrong... | was so wrong! It was all my fault!” she cried, her voice full of pain and regret.
“No! No, Mom! It wasn’t your fault! No! People can be cruel you couldn’t have known what would happen,’ Peter
said, falling to his knees so he could be at her height.
Like a child, he clung to her waist, looking up at her.
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“I know there’s so much we need to talk about. | know you're my mother. | know you never stopped thinking
about me, just like | always saw you in my dreams. | could never see your face, but | knew you had to be
important because you were always there. Don’t think | blyou. No Mom. You are the last person to blame.
My father and your father-they’re the ones responsible for all of this.”
“My son!” Aria sobbed.
She still couldn't believe it. He was here-the baby she had carried inside her, the little life that had kicked her
from within. That tiny soul who had moved in response to her voice was now a grown man, a man with a family
of his own. A man she had been kept from for 48 years.
“My son, my baby... You are my baby, my child... | have always loved you. | have loved you without knowing you.
I have always loved you,” Aria whispered, pulling his head against her chest.
Peter closed his eyes. He could hear it-the rhythm of her heartbeat. A deep sense of peace washed over him,
something he had never felt before. It was as if he recognized that sound. As if he had never truly forgotten it.
Csit Mom. | don’t want you to cry anymore. | want you to tellwhat have you done all these years? Tell
Aria looked down, avoiding his gaze. She had no real life to tell him about. Her life had stopped when she lost
him. It had only truly begun again when she took control of her own fate. When she finally chose to live.
“What is it? Tell me...” Peter asked, gently lifting her chin so she would meet his eyes.
“Oh, my son... There's not much to tell...”
“Mom, we've spent a lifetapart. You must have so much to say.’
“Peter, after you were born... my life didn’t change. | stayed at the convent for years, devoted my life to prayer.
Your grandfather leftthere. | had no control over anything. For years, he keptlocked away, moving me
from convent to convent.
“Leonardo-your father-he toldhe searched for me. But every the got close, my father movedagain.
“This went on for years, my son. Your father never stopped looking. And then, one day, he finally found me. He
freedfrom that place. But by the the did... you were already gone.
“Leonardo toldyou had died when you were 31 years old. He said you had already been dead for six years
when he found me.
“My heart broke, son. | was finally free, but you were gone. spent so many nights hating myself...”
“No, Mom! You shouldn't have-"
Yes, Peter, | should have. If | had
been stronger, if | had been braver, if |
had escaped, if | "Breed for
Lgoparde-Re would have helped me.
| could have known you. But | was
afraid. | was terrified your
grandfather would hurt you. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“He was insane, son. A dangerous man. And if I, his own daughter, suffered at his hands, | couldn't even imagine
what he might have done to you.
“I never realized that you weren't a baby anymore. You were a man...
« P
Mom... You couldn't have done
anything... If my own father, wilkrall
. ) 5
his POWEY. Spyidn t Had o= how
9 )
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chuld you? Please don't blame
yourself. None of that matters now
I . )
What matters is that we're together.
Q . )
And we still have time. You're a
grandmother now. Ke great- (1
grain ER 24-year-old
son, a 6-year—old grandson, and two
newborn daughters. I'm about to
marry their mother—her nis
Celeste. You'll love her. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Mom, you and I... we've both suffered. But in the end, life brought us back together. And that’s all | need.
Nothing else.”
Aria knew her life had been hell. She knew it. But things had changed when Leonardo found her. And even more
when she met Danielle and her husband.
Peter, on the other hand, felt there was still so much to tell her. But the memories were blurry, vague. The only
thing he truly knew was that he had always felt her.
For him, none of the past mattered anymore.
What mattered was that she was here.
That she was home.