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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 147
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Chapter 147 BOOK 2 CHAPTER 17 Do you want to go in Commander Mika asked.

We were still standing in front of the door for reasons best known to each of us. I knew why I was there but I still didn't understand why Commander Mika was standing there with me.

I turned to her. "What?" I asked her again. It wasn't as though I didn't hear her the first tbut I was so deep in thoughts I wanted to confirm if 1 heard what I thought I heard.

"I asked if you wanted to go in, she repeated.

"Where?" She pointed at the door and laughed. Why was she being nice and friendly to me? I'd seen her interact with others. She didn't usually smile so much at them. She was strict but mostly professional. She was good at her duty as the second in command. I loved the fact that she was strong, fast, and could beat up five men without stressing too much. Also, she had great pride in her duty.

"It's an art room. Only one person is currently using it. We're looking for more art enthusiasts who would love to paint and draw here," She unlocked the door and we both walked in.

The smell of brushes, canvas, and paints hitlike a dream. It was a representation of a world I'd always loved but never had to priviledge to touch. I and Ella shared one thing in common. It was our love for painting but I'd learned to suppress that part ofa long tago.

"What do you think?" Mika asked.

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I shook my head. "It's plain, I lied.

It was beautiful and it was fucking brilliant. Smajestic artworks that were hung on the wall were the best I'd ever seen it doesn't matter that I'd only seen a few in books. It wasn't until I got to this rogue pack that I'd seen artworks live on walls.

"I think it's brilliant, Commander Mika complimented.

"You see a lot of good in everything, don't you?" and It suddenly slipped out of my tongue before I could control it. I bit down on my tongue and reprimanded myself for saying that.

"Don't you?" She askedwith a smile.

I nodded and I smiled back. That nod was a big lie.

According to Mother, there was nothing good in the werewolf world. It's all fucked up. Alphas were a bunch of liars, Lunas gave fake hopes, and packs were just living under the rules of their Alpha without having a mind of their home. Where I cfrom, there might be a lot of rules but you had a choice not to follow them.

"What was your childhood like?" She asked. She sat on a stool and askedto sit opposite her. "My what?" She arranged several white canvases on their easels in front of us, carefully positioning them as an artist would before beginning a masterpiece. Then, she handedsbrushes and askedto choose a color.

"Your childhood. What was it like? I frowned. What was childhood supposed to be like? Does things like that matter in the world? "You know what, don't givean answer, try to paint it out, then, she laughed.

"Paint what out?" Chapter 147 Your childhood." I frowned again. She sat on her stool and began painting. She smiled atand encouragedto give it a try. I don't paint," I told her. She shrugged. neither but trust me, this is fun. The weirder whatever you paint is, the more we will laugh. It doesn't even have to be good. It could be anything. I promise that you'll want to cback to do this again. Everyone I've brought here, except for Rowan though, enjoyed it and loved it," She rolled her eyes at the mention of Rowan's name.

I finally looked back at the canvas. Maybe it wasn't vanity to have a little fun. Trying it out wouldn't hurt, would it? But what was my childhood like again? Slowly. I began painting as much as I could. I hadn't done it before but as Commander Mika said, it doesn't have to be perfect, it could be weird.

All of a sudden, it was as though something was moving my hand, teachinghow to go about it.

I wasn't stubborn this time. I did as I could.

Out of nowhere, the door was suddenly thrown open. When I said thrown open, I didn't mean just pushed, I meant dislocated from his hinges and thrown to the other side of the room.

Alpha Rowan walked in, looking sinister and scary. His eyes were red. I mean, blazing red.

Immediately, Commander Mika cin front of me, blockingfrom his line of vision.

Thorne, she growled.

"Mika? Good to see you again. It's such a shthat Rowan liked you when I hate you with so much passion," "I'm warning you, Thorne. Stay out and don't cause any trouble for Rowan to fix later," Mika warned.

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What? What was going on exactly? I wanted to know. She was talking to Alpha Rowan but she called him Thorne. He was practically the sperson.

I was still in my seat, confused as to what was going on exactly. The brush was stuck in my palm.

"Cute!" Rowan spat before he grabbed Mika and threw her against the wall.

My eyes went wide as I took in what just happened. Why was he hurting his second in command? "Harri! Run!" Mika suddenly yelled as she managed to get off the wall.

"What?" That's not Rowan. Run when I tell you to What did she mean that wasn't Rowan? Was I seeing differently from her?

Mika charged towards him again.

This time, Rowan punched her in the stomach and Mikd doubled down to the floor, holding her stomach as she walked in pain. I stood up from my seat, not sure as to what to do next.

Slowly, Rowan walked towards me. I moved backward. He didn't stop and I didn't either until my back hit the wall wasn't scared of him but I couldn't wrap my head around whatever it was that just happened. He grabbed my chin tightly and brought my face to his. Something infought for freedom.

"Uh! Pretty! Beautifu! It's good to finally be this close to you. Thatm pathetic, weak bastard keptaway from you. Now, let's play a game, shall we?" Ads by Pubfuture