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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 942
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James rolled his eyes at Esther's comment.

"Here are the rings you asked for, boss," the sales assistant said, addressing James.


Esther choked, realizing her mistake. James owned the store, so of course, he'd be familiar with it.

The sales assistant presented the ring box, unveiling a stunning pair of diamond rings with butterfly wings.

"Do you like them?" James asked.

Esther was practically mesmerized. This design was ingenious, even more appealing than Pearl's latest design.

At Waldorf Residence, Pearl sneezed after Esther casually tossed aside their friendship with those words.

"Yeah, | like them," Esther replied.

James picked up a ring and slid it onto her right ring finger. "Wear this ring if you like it. Let everyone know you're taken."

Esther blushed. Wearing a ring on that finger felt more like an engagement announcement. "Isn't this inappropriate?"

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"What's wrong? You're my girlfriend," James responded, slipping the other ring onto his own finger.

"You can't take it off. | want to see it every twe video call," he added.

Esther coufdn't believe her boyfriend

wasn't just a lawyer but a controk-”

freak; She couldn't help teasing;

"Why are you so bossy?" Content

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"Only with you." James gazed at her affectionately, leaving the sales assistant dumbfounded.

Their usually composed boss

seemed smitten. Had she heard ¢°

correct? Feeling awkward, the

sales-assistant changed the stibject.

"Mister James, is there anything else

yottneed?' Content belongs'to


Only then did Esther realize their surroundings, feeling embarrassed.

"No, you've done a great job. You'll receive a bonus," James said, making the sales assistant beam.

"You have great taste, Mister James.

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Missus:Crawford is lovely, and the”

ring suits her perfectly," the safes

assistant commented. Content

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Feeling even more embarrassed, Esther urged James to leave quickly.

James felt he'd done enough for the day and escorted her home, giving her sspace.


The next day, Esther tearfully called Pearl, informing her of her departure and urging her to take care.

Pearl sighed, offering comfort before hanging up.

With Esther gone, Pearl felt the absence of her chatter and companionship. She's missing her best friend already.

But now, a more difficult issue arose: Mister Howard's proposed conditions. Would they need to divorce?