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You Are My One and Only

Chapter 303
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Chapter 303

After sending Elizabeth and Rose off, Patricia returned to the office. When she arrived at the

secretary's office, she heard the secretaries chatting.

"Did you see her? She's the third daughter of the Ortega Family. Her grandmother and Elizabeth are

best friends. Rumors have it that she's President Arnold's future wife."

"She looks quite young, but she's cute. She seems like a good match for President Arnold."

"What about Miss Aniston? Is President Arnold her sugar daddy?"

While chatting away, the secretaries laughed. To them, Patricia was just seducing President Arnold with

her beauty. She wasn't comparable to Adeline, nor could she compare to the third daughter of the

Ortega Family.

However, she didn't let those gossip affect her. She used to think like them, but after Isaac gave her his

promise, she decided to believe him. She then strode over, purposely letting her heels sound loud

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enough to startle the secretaries. Spotting her, they quickly returned to their seats, not daring to utter

another word.

It was already half past six when Isaac returned to the office.

Patricia was on a video call with her three children, with Sylvie's little head facing her, while the two

boys next to her only showed half of their handsome faces.

"Mommy, are you going to work overtime again?" When Sylvie's childish voice sounded, Isaac heard it

clearly and realized that Patricia was lying to her children about working overtime, when in fact, she

was going on a date with him.

Patricia's eyes shifted due to guilt and noticed the handsome man sitting at the desk. His eyes were

droopy, and there was a trace of fatigue on his face. He had been busy for the whole day as he

attended four to five meetings. She felt bad for him, having been swarmed with work.

"Yes. I have to work overtime tonight, so please listen to Mrs. Zimmers, alright? Sylvie, your piano

teacher is arriving soon. Be good in class, okay?"

Scott suddenly uttered, "Don't tire yourself out!"

Stellan added, "You can support us perfectly fine now."

They were reminding her not to take it too hard since the two of them were capable of earning money.

Besides, she also had assets now, so there was no need for her to work so hard.

Patricia replied with a smile. "Got it. Bye!"

She hung up the video call with a huge grin on her face. After a day of exhaustion, it felt nice to see her

beautiful children. It was as if they could make her fatigue dissipate instantly.

Propping her chin with her hands, she couldn't help feeling like they were the best gifts she ever

received in her entire life. Presently, she was contented! She thought her life was complete.

Seeing her absent-minded appearance, Isaac felt sweet and warm. He then uttered, "Tricia, come

here. Let me hug you."

Only then did Patricia regain her senses, got up, and walked to his side. Isaac yanked her down until

she was sitting on his lap before embracing her with his arms. She opened her arms and hugged his

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neck, inhaling the faint fragrance he exuded that made her relax. Isaac, on the other hand, felt like his

fatigue had dissipated and he had revived again.

After hugging each other for a while, Patricia patted his head. "I'm hungry."

It was almost 7.00PM now. How could she not be hungry? She reckoned that she could eat a bull right


Isaac chuckled. "Okay. Let's go and eat."

With that, the couple got up. Isaac wore his coat, while Patricia wore hers and headed toward the


When Isaac caught up with her, he slipped through her hand and linked his fingers to hers.

Glancing down at their interlinked hands, Patricia tried to withdraw them as they were still in the

company, and not everyone had clocked out yet. If anyone caught sight of them, she would become the

topic of gossip again.

However, he refused to let go. "You're never going to escape from me in this lifetime. Just stick with


Frankly speaking, from the day he made her move into his office, the whole company should already

be aware of their relationship. Therefore, she didn't have to be afraid. She could confidently be his
