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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chatper 89
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Chapter 89

Natalie knew there was no point in pleading for mercy. It was only at this moment that she fully grasped the

ruthlessness of Brian.

As she stared at her phone and the anti-trackingshe’d been considering, she finally decided to delete it,

reverting her phone to the tracking settings Brian had installed. After al she was on hturf, and any long-

term irregularities would surely raise his suspicions

Just then, a text from Gavin popped up. [Uriah just hitup. He's found enough meds for the next few days.

We'll figure something out. Don’t stress too much.]

A wave of relief washed over Natalie at Gavin's message. Having meds was all that mattered.

When Rosie heard Natalie was back in town, she burst through the door without knocking catching Natalie in a

moment of disheveled vulnerability on the edge of her bed.

“Oh, sorry...” Rosie blurted out an apology, already turning to leave.

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“It's cool” Natalie said, mustering senergy to stop Rosie from exiting. “What's up?

Rosie turned back and handed over a rehearsal schedule. “Your first scene is tomorrow. You've got three. Take a

look to see if there are any issues.”

Natalie quickly scanned the week's rehearsal plan, frowning slightly.

As the third lead, she was slated for just over sixty scenes. But Miller had crammed fifteen of them into her

schedule this week, especially since they were shooting a period with tight sets, and not even the most

seasoned actors could nail every scene on the first take without disrupting others’ shooting schedules or hogging

the sets.

“It's a tall order,” Rosie murmured. “But | believe in your chops. Gavin's picks never disappoint Natalie looked

up, meeting Rosie's eyes.

“Get sgood shuteye tonight. | reckon you're still jet-lagged. Tomorrow, I'll have others shoot in the morning,

and we'll take the afternoon and evening slots, okay?*

Since Miller had made such arrangements, Natalie, as the third lead, couldn't afford to rock the boat too much.

“Sounds like a plan,” she nodded and responded softly.

The next day, Natalie was still in bed when she was jolted awake by Rosie's urgent knocking.

“I'm coming in!” Rosie bustled in, yanking open the curtains, grabbing clothes, and squeezing out toothpaste.

“Up and at them!”

Natalie had a restless night and had stayed up late running lines. She groggily sat up at Rosie’s commotion and

saw it was just past nine on her phone. “What's going on?”

“Sofia’s throwing a fit!” Rosie whispered. “You've got a scene with her today, and she won't


budge on rescheduling. It’s a mess over at the set right now.”

Soffa, the show's secondary lead, had disliked Natalie since the first day she joined the Global

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Entertainment Group

“By the way” Rosie added, “Sofia and Madelyn are pretty tight. They're from the sInstitute for Film and

Media Studies, mentored by the sacting coach!”

Rosie thought Sofia’s grudge for Madelyn would blow over in a few days, but that didn’t seem Like the case.

Their . “Deling Destinies was adapted from a best-selling from a few years back and had a massive

following, though it was not a high-budget production.

The male lead was both a skilled actor and a social media sensation. Sofia, who was used to playing the leading

lady, seemed to have slummed it in a secondary role. She had fought tooth and rail for the lead, causing quite

the spectacle online, and acted more entitled than the actual lead.

The director even gave Sofia sslack and she took the opportunity to adjust the script and give herselff more


Natalie was anare of Sofia’s reputation for riding the coattails of a hit remake she once starred in, eating up the

spotlight and throwing diva tantrums.

“Givea second Natalie said, pausing momentarily to fight off the headache, and then addressed Rosie.