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Wife by Day, Boss by Night by Thalia Quillspeak

Chapter 207
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Chapter 207

He had achieved his goal, the very purpose of the agreement he had coerced her into, to break her spirit.

She was frightened of Brian and wouldn't put up a futile fight again. Whatever he wanted, he had it. As long as it

made him happy, as long as it pleased him, she would comply.

And when he grew tired of her, he would surely let her go, wouldn't he?

Outside the towering headquarters of WL Group, Brian lifted Natalie, wrapped in his oversized suit jacket, from

the car.

Above them, the hot air balloons he had used to propose to Gracia slowly drifted by.

The employees on the sidelines exchanged puzzled looks. Although Brian shielded Natalie's face, it was clear

that this woman was not Gracia.

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What was the boss playing at? He was proposing to Gracia but carrying another woman back to the office.

Aware that Davis was waiting at headquarters, Brian didn’t hesitate to carry Natalie straight to his top-floor

office. The entire top floor was his territory, off-limits unless he personally granted permission.

As he set Natalie down, she had regained her composure. They locked eyes for a while, and she glanced at his

hand resting on her leg, asking softly, “Could | change my clothes?”

“You'll stay here today until | finish work,” Brian answered, his voice low. “This is my private lounge. You can do

whatever you like, eat whatever you want. Just letknow.”

With that, he let go of Natalie. He knew she didn’t want his touch, but she had to stay today. Natalie didn’t object

or say a word.

Brian held her gaze again and said, “Aside from Nate and the cleaning lady, no.one else has been here.”

Then, he stood up, left the lounge, and closed the door behind her.

Finally, alone, Natalie let out a long breath and looked around.

The room was a testament to Brian's taste. Black, white, and gray dominated the space. It wasn’t large, but

there was an adjoining bathroom. His wardrobe contained a few suits and sof Nate's clothes, likely for those

nights when he had to work late and crash at the office. She got up and peered into the bathroom. Neatly folded

towels, freshly laundered, awaited her.

Natalie looked down at her tattered clothes, remnants of Brian's forceful handling. It wouldn't do for someone to

cin and see her like this.


Chapter 207

After a moment's consideration, she chose the largest of Brian's shirts from the wardrobe and quickly showered

in the bathroom, slipping into the shirt afterward,

With her hair still damp, she emerged just as Brian walked in.

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Their eyes met again, and his gaze immediately fell on the oversized white shirt that she was wearing.

A warmth in his look made Natalie uncomfortable. She averted her gaze and said, “I'll wash it and return it to

you after | get home.”

He didn’t respond but placed a thermos on the bedside table and asked gently, “Hungry for lunck?”

Natalie realized she was indeed hungry, and the thought of Brian's forceful feeding earlier was something she

couldn't bear. Without a word, she followed him to his office area, which was more spacious than the lounge.

Bookshelves lined the walls from ceiling to floor, filled with documents and books.

The meal was already laid out on his expansive black marble desk, but there was only his chair. They couldn't

possibly share one chair for their meal.

Just as she was considering pulling up another chair, Brian chimed in, “Don’t mind me, go ahead and dig in.” As

he spoke, he sat on the nearby sofa, picked up a document from the coffee table, and continued reading.

Since Natalie returned home, she hadn't shared a meal with him at the stable. Feeling awkward, she sat at

his desk and began to eat alone, slowly enjoying her meal.