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Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30


Confusion, frustration, pain, and rage were the only things I felt. I had so many questions that needed

answers. I had to know why, out of bazillion people in the world; why did they choose me? An ordinary

woman from Cyprus who has never offended anyone since the beginning of ever! Why did they have to

lock me up in this furnace? And why did they feel entitled to punish me?

What sin did I commit?

The steam in the sauna was unbearable. When Vernero brought me here, it was okay. I felt like I could

sit in here for a long minute. It was hot, yes, but the heat wasn’t bad. However, a few minutes after he

took off, the temperature rose by a hundred. I began sweating buckets until I shredded the little clothing I

had on. I breathed it in with my organs, allowing it to fill m y lungs like a gallon of fresh air. I was no

stranger to the benefits of steam to the body and often recommended sauna visits to some of my

patients. It soothed the burn on my cheek and lulled the pain in my heart. The sweat covering my skin

like a glove made me sticky and gummy, but the steam never stopped to swirl around, creating a very

thick, dense fog in the small room.

I bundled myself at the corner of the sauna and let my mind wander.

Where was Laura? Did she know I was kidnapped? At the hospital, were they aware that I was gone? Or

they had already found a replacement for me? Right at that moment, loneliness crashed on me hard, as I

realized that in this world, apart from Laura, I had NO ONE! It was always me against the world, Alone!

Even if I died in the hands of the twins, no one would mourn my death and miss me! Has my life always

been this sad? Full of… nothing? I couldn’t believe it! But it was the hard truth standing right in my face.

Sitting in the scorching sauna, it dawned on me that I was just one of the most irrelevant things this life

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could possibly have! No wonder why the police officers refused to help me! I mean, who would help such

a lone dog?

A sad, lone tear drizzled down my cheek and I unhurriedly wiped it. A very strong wave of fatigue came

crawling towards me like a lion after quietly stalking its prey. I had no energy to fight it. The heat, the sad

thoughts gnawing deep inside me, hunger, the hard and strong sense of failure, and all the chunk of crap

I had in my mind made it all easy for fatigue to swallow me whole. I felt very light-headed like I was

drifting away on a fluffy, white milky cloud while Adele sang a lullaby.

I didn’t fight it. I couldn’t. My eyes fluttered close and the rest of my body gave out in response.

The thought of dying in here was the last thing on my mind before darkness quickly drank m e in its

glorious abode.


“GET THE DOCTOR!” I barked at Valerie and tore off after Vernero, then ran to the underground pavilion

hot on his heels.

We arrived at the steam room in a blink of an eye and Verzi was quick to scan his finger. As soon as the

door clicked open, I gave it a strong kick and was inside the room in a heartbeat. The heat hit me hard in

the face causing me to take a huge gulp of the hot air.

“Vernero are you fucking insane? How could you lock her in here when it’s like this?” I cursed searching

the heavily fog-covered room. The steam made it hard for me to find her because it was everywhere.

Literally everywhere. And heavens it was hot in here! It was insanely hot!

“I didn’t.” He defended from somewhere behind me.

“Switch the damn thing off for fuck’s sake,” I growled out loud and stumbled on a small shoe i n my path,

then followed the small trail of clothes until I stopped right in front of her. My shoe -covered foot made

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contact with her naked thigh and I quickly bunched down towards her.

“Found her,” I informed picking her limp, hot, and sweat-covered body, and exited the room.

Vernero came walking behind us as I quickly made my way to the west wing. By the time we arrived,

Lorik and the other guys were waiting for us with eyes wide open. Lorik wasted no time checking her

pulse right after I laid her on the couch. I stood back and glared daggers at Vernero only to find him

slightly trembling. The look on his face was hard, and I knew he was about to go ballistic. I knew he was

telling the truth when he said: “he didn’t”. The temperature in that room was insanely high, and I knew for

a fact that he couldn’t lock Ari in that kind of a room. He couldn’t do anything to hurt her. He wouldn’t. I

knew it like I knew the back of my hand! 1

It’s either the system had a small error, or someone tampered with it and increased the temperature. But

who? Because no one had the guts to do that. Dark Woods was out turf, and everyone living here knew

their limits and where to draw the line. No one, absolutely no one would have the sheer audacity to

tamper with the sauna system while Leigh-Ari was locked i

n there. Especially when everyone knew what she meant to us.

‘She’s okay. She passed out from too much heat and dehydration. I will put her on the drip and she

should be fine in a few minutes.” Lorik broke the heavy silence, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Thank fuck!

“Okay. Let’s take her to her room.” I called out and walked towards her in an attempt to pick her, but Verzi

beat me to it and hurriedly bundled her to his chest. I followed him while the

others went to collect a few things.

We climbed the stairs in deafening silence until we reached her room where Verzi gently

tugged her in bed facing up after I prepared the bed.

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Lorik arrived shortly with Valerie behind her and he connected the drip to her, when they were done, the

two left us alone with her sleeping body.

“I didn’t do it,” Vernero said in a small tone.

“I know. The system surely misfunctioned.” I replied still staring at Ari’s sleeping face

“It’s my fault. I didn’t check it.”

“No silly. It’s not. Anything can go wrong at any time. Don’t beat yourself for it. You heard Lorik, she is

okay.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile. He rewarded me with a non convincing nod before

looking at Ari’s sleeping face. Knowing Vernero, he was definitely overthinking the whole thing and was

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already planning on how to skin whoever meddled with Ari. If he continued to carry the blame, then he

was going to find ways to punish himself. And boy that was never lovely. He made sure to hurt himself to

the point where I, wherever I was, felt his pain. Sometimes he would bind himself and let Ciello do things

to him. His screams would wander this whole dang castle and I so hated that. We had our Ari now, and

he wasn’t going to go down that trail ever again!

I shook my head expelling the unpleasant thoughts and walked to the lounge area and perched myself

on the plush leather seat. I couldn’t wait to get done with this day already.

It was one hell of a long day in history.


Hey lovelies




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(I have compiled a video for the main characters on the official I***g page au_rare_stories. If ever you got

curious on how the twins and their girl look like, go watch that video now. And let me know if they all are

up to your expectations. And believe me, I found the most suitable models there ever are in the entire

universe. I hope you find them hot too!)

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