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Trapped in Love By Kitty Song

Chapter 157
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Chapter 159 Hiring Bodyguards


Caroline eased herself out of bed, massaging her sore chest. She stepped out of the room to check on

her children, her heart finding solace as she saw them deep in slumber.

Closing the door gently, Caroline settled into her children’s bed. She tenderly kissed Tyler and Liora’s

foreheads, then embraced them snugly.

Her dream reminded her that she had neglected her children’s safety recently. After returning to the

country, she focused on dealing with Daniella and ignored her children’s safety in Angelbay.

She thought about hiring some bodyguards to guard her children at all times.

Tyler opened his eyes drowsily after Caroline shut her eyes.

Why is Mommy in our bed all of a sudden? What’s going on? He recalled Evan mentioning

Daniella at the villa’s entrance Does Mommy have a problem with her?‘

Tyler furrowed his brow and decided to investigate Daniella the next day.

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Sunday arrived, and Caroline contacted Neil, recounting the previous day’s incident and discussing the

possibility of hiring bodyguards

Neil acknowledged, “We truly neglected the children’s safety. I’ll arrange for the bodyguards and make

every effort to dissuade Evan from prying into the children-

Caroline interrupted him. “Neil, Daniella is our top priority. If the truth comes out, Evan might seek

custody of the children.”

Neil understood. “Noted. I’ll assign someone to monitor Daniella. Take care of yourself, Carol, and don’t

hesitate to ask for help with the company.”

“Okay,” Caroline affirmed.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Caroline, Tyler and Liora listened in on her conversation from the


Tyler whispered, “Lia, let’s carry out the plan.”

Tyler had instructed Liora to prevent their mother from coming upstairs. His goal was to access


Liora nodded eagerly. “Got it, Ty!”

Clutching her bunny toy, she hopped downstairs.

Tyler moved upstairs to the study, connecting his laptop to Caroline’s. He initiated the process of

copying the encrypted folder, typing away meticulously.

Fifteen minutes later, Tyler exited the study with his laptop. He glimpsed Liora engrossed in play

Wheir mother downstairs before retreating to his room, feeling a sense of relief

Tyler opened the laptop and contacted Axel through a chat message. He shared an encrypted file

and a password, attaching a brief instruction.

Your task investigate Mommy and Daniella’s connection next]

Neil arrived with ten bodyguards in the afternoon, leaving Caroline astonished by the sheer


Neil questioned in concern, “Is this manpower sufficient, Carol?

Caroline was at a loss for words “How could ten bodyguards be deemed insufficient?‘ she


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Caroline stopped Neil from going wild. “It’s enough, Neil.”

However, Neil persisted, “Inform me if you require more. Five will safeguard the villa, while the

remaining five will accompany the children to school and spend time with you at the company.

Caroline smiled. “Honestly, two would be enough”

“No,” Neil firmly replied. “I can’t rest easy with that.”

Caroline relented. If she were to continue the discussion, Neil might even commission more


The idea of bodyguards troubled Tyler and Liora the most, knowing their freedom would now be



Monday arrived, and Caroline accompanied her children to school. As she entered the car, a white.

sports car approached.

Daniella got out of the car, knocked on Caroline’s window, and shouted, “Caroline, step out of the
