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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 754
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Chapter 754 Plan To Seize Power

Naturally, Amelia also saw the online post that slandered Oscar. She requested help from a skillful hacker friend of

hers to dig out where the online post was sent out. In no time, the friend updated her that the ID of the poster

came from the personal computer owned by a tenant living in a condominium in a small neighborhood in


When the hacker hacked into that person’s banking records, the hacker found a suspiciously large sum of money

transferred into that tenant’s bank account.

The hacker surmised that someone had hired the tenant to create a defamatory post to shove Oscar under the

spotlight and also make him the target of discussion. Moreover, the accounts actively commenting on the post were

actually alternate accounts, presumably owned by ghostwriters hired by the mastermind to sway public opinion.

After obtaining that information, Amelia immediately gave Sean a call. “Hello, Amy.” Sean’s tired voice sounded

from the phone. Without wasting any time, Amelia said, “Sean, did you see that recent online post that’s making

the rounds on the internet? It has already attracted the interest of the media.”

“I know. I saw that. Moreover, many journalists surrounded my company today, trying to get an interview with me.

They wanted to verify whether that was true. However, I’ve ordered someone to chase them all away.” Sean

massaged his temples and continued, “Actually, Dad ordered someone to post that. God, I don’t know what he’s

thinking anymore.

Even I, his son, have no clue what is going on in his mind. Ever since Mom died, he has been acting really crazy and

doing things without caring for the consequences.”


Although Amelia was somewhat surprised at the answer, she was also confused. “Why is he doing this? I don’t think

he needs to go this far. Any idea?” Amelia calmly questioned.

Sean didn’t know how to explain it to Amelia. After a long torturous pause, he finally answered, “Amy, you need to

be careful. I think Dad has made you Mom’s replacement. After her sudden death, I think he found it too hard to

accept reality and has changed the focus of his love to you. Although he knows you are his daughter, he

subconsciously rejects the thought that Mom isn’t here anymore. He absolutely refuses to believe she is dead. He

loved Mom too much.”

Amelia instantly went silent.

Although Sean’s take on this seemed far-fetched at first glance, when she put herself into her father’s shoes, she

could almost believe that she, too, would love a man who looked like Oscar as a replacement.

It was impossible for others to understand the crazy and outrageous things a person who loved too deeply would

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However, Benjamin had always called her a bastard child, so she found it more plausible that this was actually a

scheme by him than him truly confusing her with Eleanor. The target of this scheme was also obviously her.

What is this man trying to do? Amelia wasn’t sure.


“Sean, I don’t care what Mr. Hutton is planning, but please, I want you to remove that post as fast as possible while

also clarifying this matter with the media. I don’t want Oscar’s reputation to be dragged through the mud any

longer,” Amelia demanded. Pausing to take a breather, she continued, “I know we are a family. Still, we did not live

together when we were young, so it’s not like we’re that close to each other. That’s why, in my heart, my husband

is my priority.”

Sean let out a bitter laugh and said, “All right, Amy. I know what to do. I’ll try to resolve this as soon as I can.”

Amelia let out a sigh and went on in a softer tone, “Sean, I’m sorry for treating you like this. Please don’t blame me

for being so harsh with you. After all, your family, the Hutton family, has crossed the line. I don’t want our families

to have a fallout when Mom only recently passed away. I’m sure she would have lingering regrets if things

continued in this manner.”

“I know,” Sean said.

“Then, I’ll leave it to you to take it down. I’m hanging up.” With that, Amelia ended the call.

Just as Sean placed the phone on his table, his secretary knocked on the door and informed him that Benjamin had


Speak of the devil, as they say.

Benjamin pushed the door open and entered the office.

“Dad, why are you here?” Sean asked, perplexed.

“Don’t do anything about that post. I want this to blow up on the internet and take advantage of the public to

pressure Oscar into letting me meet Lia,” Benjamin calmly said.

Sean rubbed his forehead and answered, “Dad, stop it. No matter how viral the post gets on the internet, it won’t

change anything. Moreover, with the influence of the Clinton family, they won’t let the post do any more damage

than this.”

“Regardless, I still don’t want you to interfere in this matter. I know what I’m doing. After living for all these years, I

don’t believe I’m unable to deal with a youngster.”

“Dad, just what are you trying to do? I remember you don’t like Amy and think she’s a bastard child, but why have

you changed your mind only after a few days? Why are you so adamant about meeting her now?” Sean growled.

“I just want to see your mom.” A sudden flash of sadness and longing flitted through Benjamin’s clouded eyes.

The sudden departure of Eleanor had dealt a blow too heavy for Benjamin to take. He still thought his wife was

playing a cruel joke on him, and once she had had her fun, she would return to him just like always. In his dreams,

he would always see a younger version of Eleanor chatting away with him, but the moment he woke up, everything


Sean’s mounting anger dissipated completely at his words.

“Dad, I know you are grieving, but Mom is not here anymore. You can’t keep wallowing in despair like this. It isn’t

good for you. How about this? I’ll help you sign up for a travel group package, and you’ll go with the group for some

sightseeing. Take this opportunity to relax, experience new things, and enjoy the scenery. Maybe you will feel a lot

better after that. Moreover, if you truly like your mistress, Amelia and I are okay with you marrying her. Just please,

don’t torture yourself anymore,” Sean suggested earnestly.

However, Benjamin glared at Sean and gritted his teeth. “What did you say?”

“Dad, this is for your own good.” Sean continued, “I will manage the company and take care of the matters at

home. As for the online post, I’ll order someone to remove it and then apologize to Oscar. I believe he won’t hold a

grudge for it.”

Suddenly, Benjamin rushed forward and grabbed Sean’s collar aggressively. Gritting his teeth in anger, Benjamin

spat venomously, “Sean Hutton, do not forget you are my son! You have no right to meddle in my affairs. Amelia

looks exactly like your mother. I have to thank you, too, for reminding me about this, and that’s why I was able to

come up with such a wonderful plan. If I manage to lure her over, I could have a psychiatrist hypnotize her and

transfer all of Eleanor’s memories into her brain. Then, she will be able to remember everything your mom

experienced with me during the past thirty years or so.”

“Dad…” Sean was extremely tired. “There is no way to transfer a person’s memories into another person’s brain in

this world. Please stop with your delusions.”

“I know there is a way. I just know. Again, do not hinder me. If not, I’ll have a lawyer remove your right to inherit my

assets.” Benjamin narrowed his eyes and added in a warning tone, “Also, don’t snitch on me to Oscar. If I catch you

doing that like last time, I’ll kick you out of the company.”

With that, Benjamin left.

Sean heaved several ragged breaths. Complicated emotions swirled within his eyes.

“Dad, you’re the one who forced my hand. I can’t stand idly by and watch you destroy the company for your own

selfish reasons. For three generations, Grandpa, you, and I had put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to keep the

company up and running. Moreover, I believe the efforts I put into managing the company are no less than yours.

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So, forgive me. I have to stop you,” Sean muttered. Then, he called Oscar and told him what Benjamin was going to

do and his utterly insane plan. Next, Sean asked for Oscar’s help in restructuring his company. He wanted to seize

power from his father so that he could stop whatever crazy thing Benjamin was trying to do.

Oscar immediately agreed to his request. He sent several of the capable and core members of his company to help

Sean cut out all of the cancerous parts that had thrived under Benjamin’s protection. Then, they would secretly

train a batch of newly-hired interns. Once the interns had learned enough to become elites, they would be able to

aid Sean in the future.

No one could deny the people Oscar sent were competent as they were decisive and had good problem-solving


In only a span of a few days, they solved a lot of issues Sean had. Simultaneously, they even dealt with the viral

post by controlling public opinion in their favor. While the initial group of ghostwriters was having a field day with

that viral post, another group of ghostwriters entered the fray and claimed that they knew Oscar personally. They

endlessly praised Oscar’s character, saying that he was not only filial, capable, handsome, and rich, but he also

loved and treated his wife very well. In addition to the praise, they also uploaded many images of Oscar and Amelia

going about their daily lives. From the pictures, one could see how caring and loving Oscar was to his wife.

Hence, that would beg the question—how could a man like that forbid his wife from meeting her maternal family


There were other comments that exposed the truth about Amelia and the Hutton family. Some even added

embellishments to the story that Amelia had miscarried after being one-month pregnant because she had

overworked herself caring for Eleanor, who was seriously ill at that time. Another poster uploaded a picture of a

pale-faced Amelia lying on the bed on the day she miscarried. Nobody knew when these pictures were taken.

With Oscar’s handsomeness, Amelia’s gorgeous looks, and the photos as evidence, they managed to sway public

opinion in their favor in no time.

A lot of the netizens were actually excited about how good-looking the attractive couple was.

One anonymous poster typed: Mr. Clinton! I’m willing to have your babies!

Another commented: Mr. Clinton, you look so good with your wife. You two are like a match made in heaven.

The third wrote: Hey, Mr. Clinton, does she know you love her to bits?

The fourth chimed in: They’re so cute together. They’re like the perfect couple.

The comments that claimed Oscar was a domineering person and didn’t respect his wife were buried under the

onslaught of positive comments. The netizens didn’t hold back their excitement over Oscar, the heir of Clinton

Corporations, and his handsome appearance. In the end, the husband and wife pair, Oscar and Amelia, became

overnight sensations.

While some were happy with the direction the discussion was going, there were naturally some who were upset.