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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 656
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Chapter 656 Blunt Questions

Laura nodded.

Jennifer took out her phone to find out that someone had re-uploaded the videos after they were taken

down. Besides that, some netizens were even deliberately adding comments to the videos. Upon

seeing that, she knew someone was definitely scheming against her.

Jennifer’s expression instantly changed. Since she had majored in marketing at university, she knew

someone was plotting against her. Whoever is doing this wants to ruin my reputation. Who, though?

Who wants to destroy me so badly?

Right then, someone came into her mind. Clenching her fists, she bit her lower lip so hard that she

almost broke through the skin. Oscar, must you be so heartless? Are you not satisfied with what you’ve

done to my mom? Why do you want to destroy my reputation? Are you only going to stop once the

Larsons are gone from Tayhaven?

Jennifer was overwhelmed by hatred and dissatisfaction.

“Jennifer, is everything okay? Have the videos been taken down?” Laura asked worriedly.

Jennifer returned to her senses and replied awkwardly, “Mom, don’t worry. I’ll deal with the videos.”

Laura looked devastated, so Jennifer helped her to the couch and sat her down. Suddenly, a headache

assaulted Laura, and she shook her head to get rid of it before closing her eyes to rest. A moment later,

she opened her eyes and looked at Jennifer in confusion, asking, “Why are you here, Jennifer? Didn’t

you say you were working overtime when you called just now?”

Hearing that, Jennifer felt relieved and heartbroken at the same time. “Mom, I came back to take some

documents. I’ll be going back to work in a while. I’ll bring you upstairs for a nap, okay? You look tired.”

“Is it? No wonder I’m feeling sleepy. Okay. Let’s go up for a nap.”

Jennifer brought her mother to the bedroom upstairs and put her to sleep. After that, Jennifer sat on the

bed helplessly. Judging by how explicit those videos are, the mastermind is way stronger than the

Larsons. Otherwise, the Larsons would’ve gotten the whole incident settled already.

Jennifer sat there for quite a while before giving June a call, and he only answered the phone after a

long moment.

“June, you’ve seen the videos on the internet, right? Are you not going to think of a way to take them


“I’ve already instructed the technical department to delete those videos. They should be done with it

soon,” June answered in a cold tone.

“Since you’ve already gotten people to deal with that, I’ll stay out of the way. We’ll get back in touch

after the incident dies down. In the meantime, I think you need to offer Cassie an explanation.

Otherwise, she’s going to misunderstand us.”

“I will. Don’t worry about that.” With that, June hung up the phone.

Jennifer looked down at the black screen of her phone with a smirk.

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Half an hour later, Jennifer went on the internet to see if the videos were still there. Indeed, most of the

videos had been taken down. However, it seemed like someone was actively trying to do the opposite.

Every time a video was deleted, a new one would surface. In fact, Jennifer felt as though someone was

having a fun time trying to sabotage her.

It took three days for the incident to die down. Throughout those three days, Jennifer had kept herself

locked in her house.

Meanwhile, Vincent almost lost his sanity because of Jennifer’s incident. Not only did the stock price of

his company plummet, but the employees were also getting anxious. If it weren’t for his connections,

those videos would’ve stayed on the internet a lot longer, and Larson Group would’ve faced bigger

losses as a result.

That night, Vincent only got home at eleven. When Jennifer saw him, she merely raised her head to

look at him while sitting dejectedly on the couch.

Vincent approached her. Instead of reprimanding her, he stroked her head gently like a loving father.

“Why are you still up?”

Jennifer raised her head and uttered in a raspy voice, “Dad, I’m sorry. I’ve troubled and embarrassed

you so much because of this incident.”

“Silly child. I’m your father, no? No matter what lies ahead, I’ll help you solve all the problems. Don’t be

scared, okay? I’m here. As long as I’m still alive, I won’t let you get hurt.”

The sadness in Jennifer’s heart intensified. She was filled with guilt when she saw the gray hairs

dotting Vincent’s sideburns. At the same time, her hatred for Oscar deepened as well. If it weren’t for

him, the Larsons wouldn’t be in such trouble today.

“Dad, I’ll go to the office with you tomorrow. I have to take responsibility for what happened. Besides, I

didn’t even do anything wrong. All I did was have sex with a man, and it just so happens that someone

had taken photos and videos of us and leaked them on the internet. It’s not that big of a deal.” Jennifer

twitched her lips into a weak smile and acted casual.

Despite what she said, she was extremely nervous within. After the blunder she had caused, she was

afraid that other people would talk about her behind her back.

She was also afraid that they would give her judgmental stares. In fact, that was something she never

wanted to go through again.

“That’s not necessary. You should keep your mom company and rest at home for a few more days.

Come to the office to help once everything has subsided.”

“Dad, I’ve already decided to follow you to the office tomorrow. Since it’s something I caused, I can’t let

you go through it on your own.”

“Be good now.”

Jennifer was determined to go to work the next day because she had never been one to back down in

the face of difficulties. Instead, she would rather face them head-on.

Indeed, she was a tough girl.

Vincent couldn’t convince her otherwise, so he agreed to it in the end.

The next day in the office, everyone there was looking at her with judgmental looks in their eyes. Some

of the men were even checking her body out pervertedly. However, they would quickly look away when

Jennifer turned toward them.

Although Jennifer was annoyed by those stares, she kept herself busy with work the entire morning.

She knew she would attract unwanted attention if she were to have lunch at the company cafeteria.

Hence, she decided to just grab a bite nearby the office. To her surprise, she saw an army of reporters

the moment she arrived in the office lobby. She was horrified when she noticed how many of them

were waiting outside the building.

I’m not a celebrity, and I’ve always kept a low profile, so I’m not usually the sort of person they go after,

right? Yet, why are they all here?

Clenching her fists, she slowly retreated. This must be Oscar’s doing. Not only does he want to

humiliate me, but it seems like he’s also eager to get rid of me for good.

She thought she could make her way upstairs, but it was too late. It was as if the reporters had

binoculars with them because they spotted her right away. When they saw her, they quickly stormed

into the building. Not even the security guards could stop them.

“Ms. Larson, are you in a serious relationship with the heir of the Adertons? Are you guys a couple?

When are you two planning to get married? What do you have to say about the videos on the internet?”

“Ms. Larson, you looked like you were enjoying yourself in the video. How long have you two been

together? Will you shed some light on your relationship?”

“Ms. Larson, is it true that the heir of the Adertons is engaged to the daughter of the Yard family? Since

you know Ms. Yard, doesn’t that mean you’ve betrayed her and snatched her fiancé away?”

The questions went on and on.

In fact, the reporters didn’t hold back with their blunt and insensitive questions.

Faced with countless microphones pointing at her, Jennifer uttered calmly, “Thank you for your

concern, but I’m at work now. Hence, I won’t comment on anything. I hope you all will leave the

premises and not disturb the other employees here. In the meantime, I’ll find out who’s behind all this

and press charges. As for you guys, I’ll sue all of you for trespassing.”

To her surprise, the reporters were unfazed.

“Ms. Larson, are you growing angry because you’re embarrassed? Does that mean you really are

having an affair with June?”

At that point, the questions were getting more and more insulting.

Fortunately for her, the guards had finally reacted and rushed forward.

“Shut the doors and call the police now. I would like to see who’s interested in going to jail!” Jennifer

yelled after the guards surrounded her to protect her from the reporters.

At that, the reporters went silent.

After exchanging glances with each other, they all ran away as fast as they could. In an instant, the

lobby was silent once more.

Jennifer felt her knees going weak, and she almost fell to the ground as a result. The receptionist got to

her in time and held her. “Are you okay, Ms. Larson?”

Jennifer shook her head in response.

Vincent rushed to the lobby when he heard about what had happened. “Are you okay, Jennifer?” he

asked worriedly.

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Jennifer shook her head. She was still recovering from the shock when she asked, “What are you doing

down here, Dad?”

“I was worried about you. Let’s go. I’ll send you back home.”

“There’s no need for that. I’ll just rest in the office. I’m fine, and I can still work. I want to show everyone

that none of the criticisms and rumors are going to bring me down.”

In the end, Vincent had no choice but to compromise.

Jennifer went upstairs and stayed in her office until everyone had left. When Vincent went to find her,

she followed him out obediently.

Once they reached the ground floor, she forced a smile and said, “Dad, you head home first, okay? I

would like to take a stroll on my own. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay on your own?”

“Dad, I’m not that weak. What I’m going through now is nothing. I bet no one’s going to remember me

after everything dies down in a few days. After all, it’s not like I’m a celebrity or something.”

You’re a girl from a respected family, though. Who in their right mind would want to marry you after

seeing those videos online? Vincent heaved a sigh. With his slightly hunched back, he looked like he

had aged tremendously.

Seeing that, Jennifer was heartbroken. Dad used to stand proud and tall, but he looks like he has aged

so much all of a sudden because of Mom and me. This is all my fault. I’ve been a horrible daughter.

“Don’t worry about me, Dad. One day, I’ll take revenge for the pain and suffering inflicted on me.”

Vincent gazed at her intently before saying, “Don’t stay on the streets for too long. Come home soon,


Jennifer nodded.

After Vincent left, she raised her head and looked up into the clear night sky. That night, all she could

see were clouds and a crescent moon.

She then walked down the streets with a smile on her face.

After taking just a few steps, a group of girls walked past her before turning around and catching up to


“Miss, you’re the woman in the viral sex video, right? You’re so open-minded, and you have a stunning

figure. Did you have a director to tell you what to do when you guys were filming?” Perhaps the girls

were too young, so they didn’t realize how insensitive they sounded.

Jennifer clenched her fists so tight that bloody and deep nail marks started appearing. With a smile,

she answered, “Miss, what sex video? I would like to see if that woman who looks like me is really that


Since she was so straightforward, the girls immediately thought they had gotten the wrong person.

They left after babbling a response.

Jennifer’s expression instantly turned grim.

“Jennifer!” a man called out from behind her.

Jennifer froze for a second before running off in her high heels. However, that man ran through the

traffic and chased after her.

“Jennifer!” The man caught up to her and grabbed her wrist. He sounded like he was pleading for her to

stop running.

Jennifer refused to turn around. Instead, both of them just stood there awkwardly for a moment.