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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 229
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The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn Chapter 229

Book 3 Chapter 65


She’s going to f*****g kill me. I know it. Willow was out for my throat. If this was the way to go, so be it. I

felt trapped under her seductive gaze.

How did she have so much f*****g power over me without even trying?

I didn’t know how much longer I could deny her. I was using every single last bit of self-control to say

no to her. She may not know just how close I was to losing this inner battle. If she only knew the

thoughts in my mind, she wouldn’t be asking for this.

Why was she insisting on having her way? Why did she want me even though I told her multiple times

that I couldn’t love her?

Why doesn’t she understand that she deserves so much more than this? What more can I do to make

her see that this wasn’t the best thing for her?

I was only trying to protect Willow. I wish she could see things the way that I did.

What if I gave her what she wanted, and then she hated me for the rest of her life because I couldn’t

give her more than that?

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I was only seconds away from f*****g her hard against the bathroom tiles just a few minutes ago.

Luckily, she’d listened and left in time. But now she was back to taunting me with her body and her

words. She was very good at taunting me.

I could feel my d**k stir beneath her p***y. The thin lingerie did nothing to stop me from seeing and

feeling every part of her. All I had to do was move my pants out of the way, and I could sink into her


f**k. I knew I would drown in the pleasure of finally being inside Willow.

Why was she suddenly behaving so recklessly? What had caused this change in her?

I didn’t know what to do with this side of her. I didn’t want to control her or demand that she listen to


But f**k, how the hell am I supposed to have a sane mind around her when she’s acting thixo.com

fast updates way?

I resisted the urge to growl when she rubbed her lower body against mine.

“Am I doing this right?” she whispers. Her eyes were half closed, and she looked drugged even though

I knew she wasn’t.

I grab her waist to stop her from moving. If she kept that up, I would do the one thing I knew she would

eventually hate me for.

Her eyes widen as she watches me, “what are you doing, Willow?”

“I’m rubbing my pussy—”

“Shhh,” I warn her. “Don’t finish that f*****g sentence.”

“You were the one that asked.” She teases me.

I gently cup her cheek in my hand, “Willow,” I whisper, “I know that you think you’re in love with me, and

maybe that’s why you’re pushing for something to happen between us. You may think this is what you

want but believe me. It isn’t. This will only cause more problems for both of us.”

“I know what I want, Dante.” She assures me. “You cannot know more than me. My feelings are my

own; you don’t know what I feel. Why can’t you do this for me when I know you want it also?”

“Because it’s wrong,” I answer her. “It’s totally wrong. If I let myself give into my selfish needs, I will only

hurt you. I know that you may think everything I do is because of Anya, but I can promise you that I’m

holding back for your sake. I’m not giving in to my desires because I want to protect your heart.”

Her eyes looked sad as she gazed down at me, “you’re truly convinced that you can never love me,

aren’t you?”

My jaw clenches at her question. I didn’t have an answer for her. Not yet. I didn’t know how long it

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would take for me to have an answer for her.

“I can’t answer you,” I confess. “I need time.”

My words, for some reason, seem to fuel the determination in her eyes. Did I somehow give her hope?

f**k. I didn’t want to hurt her.

I stiffen when she drops her body on top of mine and wraps her arms around me tightly.

What was she doing?


“Can I just stay like this for tonight?” She whispers. “You don’t have to do anything. All I’m asking is for

you to hold me for the entire night. Please.”

I’m shocked to my core. I didn’t know how to say no to her.

But if I said yes, the rest of tonight would be hell for me. Her scent was already surrounding me. If she

stayed on top of me, I would also feel every curve of hers pressed all up against me.

That didn’t sound like such a good idea.

“Willow,” I whisper. “I don’t think that’s a good idea either. It’s just as bad as me doing things to your


When she whimpered at my response, I knew there was no f*****g possible way that I could refuse her.
