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The Substitute Bride Doted by My billionaire Husband

Chapter 136
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Chapter 136 It’s You, It’s All You

“Elvis, you’re the eldest son of the Augustine family, and you’re married to a lady who only graduated

from high school?” Bounty shook her head unbelievably.

“***, if your father finds out, he would definitely be angry. And your father was already searching for a

bride for you. The lady your father had in mind was the daughter of one of his rich friends…”

Before Bounty could complete her sentence, Elvis had already stood up. He interrupted Bounty


“My father has never cared about me. And as expected, I don’t need him to handle my marriage. I alone

make the decision.”

“Aunt, Marvin, I’ll go ahead.” Elvis touched his pocket to confirm his car keys. Once he was certain that

his car keys were indeed In his pocket, he walked out from the door and left the villa.

Bounty quickly turned to look at her mother.

“****, you really don’t care about this issue, do you? The Augustine family is a wealthy family. How could

Elvis marry a nobody?”

The old let out a laugh and replied.

“I approved of this marriage, Bounty. If my son isn’t satisfied with it, he can come directly to me.”

Bounty suddenly went mute. She knew better arguing with her mother.

After Elvis had left, Marvin didn’t want to stay for dinner. On their way out of the villa, Bounty whispered

to Marvin,

“Marvin, your brother and grandmother really are unbelievable. How can they marry a regular girl for

Elvis?. And I also feel like they’re hiding something. They’re quite mysterious, as though they’re hiding

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some sort of treasure. It’s really funny though.”

Bounty was the principal of Holy Nile academy, and the daughter of the Augustine family. She only

mingled with wealthy and influential people.

Marvin lowered his handsome eyelids and didn’t utter a word.

Bounty held Marvin’s hand and said,

“Marvin, the standard of marrying from a rich family will never be used on you. You can marry whosoever

you like, as long as she has a clean background, and she’s also talented. Oh, I forgot to add, and the

woman isn’t ***. Then she’s a perfect match for you.”

Bounty sighed as she remembered something.

“Marvin, your fiance doesn’t know that she’ll be your fiance. She is Joyce Brown’s daughter. Joyce Brown

is a legendary woman. Probably no one knows that Joyce is the actual founder of Holy Nile. But after she

was successful in establishing the school, she handed it to me and disappeared with her daughter.

Joyce’s daughter really doesn’t know what the future holds for her. You and Joyce’s daughter will be a

perfect match. That I’m certain off.”

Marvin wasn’t very interested in topics like this. He withdrew his arm and muttered,

“Aunt, I’ll go ahead.”

Looking at Marvin’s cold and handsome figure, Bounty quickly reminded.

“Marvin, don’t forget about the dinner tomorrow.”

Before Monica could complete her speech, Marvin had already disappeared from her sight.

Bounty smiled as she thought about Olive. She really did like Olive.

Elvis was driving along the road. His phone rang out and it was a call from the old lady Samantha. Elvis

swiped the screen and answered the call.

“Hello, grandma.”

“Elvis, don’t take your aunt’s words to heart, okay?” The old lady’s soothing voice passed over.

Elvis looked at the traffic behind him through the rearview mirror, then he turned the steering wheel.

“Grandma. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

The old lady sighed,

“I’m sorry for all what you’ve been through my child. ”

Elvis’s face was indifferent,

“Grandma, I grew up quite early. I no longer need my parents.’

Mrs. Samantha let out a sigh and hung up. Elvis kept the phone in the passenger’s seat and continued

driving. Soon. he had arrived at the Ivory Council.

Elvis got out of the car and didn’t go in. Instead, he leaned against his luxurious car lazily. He took out his

phone and sent a message to his wife. Once he was done, he threw the phone into his pocket.

Elvis took out a cigarette and lit it with a lighter. As he awaited Olive.

In the pharmacy of the Ivory Council, Olive received a message from Elvis, informing her that he had

arrived. Olive quickly ran out and walked out of the institute’s gate. At a glance, she spotted Elvis who

was leaning against his car.

Elvis was clothed in a black suit, but the buttons of the suit were opened, revealing the white shirt

underneath. The shirt was tied by an expensive black belt around his trousers. Elvis was smoking a

cigarette with one hand, and the other hand was in his pocket.

Olive slowly tiptoed behind him and covered his eyes with her hands.

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“Guess who I am.”

Elvis stopped smoking. Olive’s soft voice sounded directly into his ears. He pursed his lips and


“My Mrs. Augustine.”

Olive let go of his eyes and Elvis turned to face her. Olive’s palm-sized face was resting on his stiff


Elvis’s heart suddenly softened.

Olive looked at him and muttered playfully,

“Mr. Augustine, you didn’t even notice me. Which vixen are you thinking of?”

Elvis reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. His thin lips

fell on her long hair as he kissed her.

“You, Olive. It’s you that I think about.”

Olive reached out and hugged his fine waist.

“Mr. Augustine, what’s wrong with you? Why are you unhappy? Didn’t you just return from the Red Villa?

Did you do something bad and grandma scolded you?”

Elvis narrowed his handsome eyes and questioned,

“Who said that I’m unhappy?”

“Then if you’re happy, smile, don’t be cold.” Olive pinched his handsome cheeks with her hands.

Elvis looked down and a smile appeared on his face.

“That’s good.” Olive commended and pressed her face against his strong chest to show her

happiness.“Hello, grandma.”