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The Return of the Disguised Princess

Chapter 63
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The Return of the Disguised Princess Chapter 63

Chapter 63 Amelie Declines Rohan

“Rex, when did you learn to make coffee?”

Amelie looked at him teasingly, picked up the coffee, and took a sip.

Unexpectedly, the rich aroma of coffee filled her mouth. The sweetness was just right, and she did not feel sour or

bitter. Even if Amelie drank a lot of coffee, she still felt this cup of coffee was amazing.

“It tastes good, Rex. Who did you learn this from?”

Seeing that she praised Rex’s skills, the other people came over to have a taste.

“It’s good!” Tyler nodded to Rex and drank the coffee in one gulp.

Aaron, who was originally focused on reading the newspaper, was also attracted by the sound and came over.

“What good stuff? Get me a cup too.”

Amelie trotted all the way and handed him a cup of coffee.

Unexpectedly, Aaron had just taken a sip when his eyes suddenly became strange.

“What’s wrong? It doesn’t taste good?” Amelie looked at his reaction.

“No.” Aaron looked at Rex with a faint smile. “Rex, tell me, did you learn how to make coffee from Belen?”


Amelie instantly understood what Aaron meant and immediately looked at Rex with curiosity.

“Rex, I didn’t expect that love sparks between the two of you. You just met once, right?”

Tyler and Daron couldn’t wait to hear the gossip and kept asking, “What’s going on?”

Rex, who was caught by the crowd, had an unnatural expression. “Aaron! How did you know?”

“Tsk. Tsk. Why? Are you angry that you have been discovered?” Aaron put down his cup. “I arranged for Belen to be

by Amelie’s side to take care of her. How can I not drink the coffee she made? I didn’t expect you to find such a

good lady.”

Rex still wanted to argue, but Aaron waved his hand with an “I understand” expression on his face to stop him from

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speaking any further.

“Alright! Rex, I ordered you to send me to and from work today. I want to see if there are any secrets between you

and Belen!” Amelie keenly sensed something unusual and hurriedly went back to the bedroom to change her


Soon, the remaining three men left the restaurant with meaningful smiles on their faces, leaving Rex alone


Amelie and Rex soon arrived at Starry Sea Entertainment. Amelie looked at Rex in the driver’s seat and teased,

“Let’s go and meet Belen?”

“Amelie! You are even joking with me. There is really nothing between Belen and me!” Rex stared at the cowhide

steering wheel and had no intention of getting out of the car at all.

“Hurry up. If you delay any longer, I will call Belen to pick you up downstairs.”

Unable to withstand Amelie’s pestering, Rex got out of the car with a bitter face.

When the employees of Starry Sea Entertainment saw that Amelie had returned, their lifeless faces immediately

lightened up.

Chapter 63 Xmelie Declines Rohan


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“Ms. Mullen! You are back!”

“Ms. Mullen!”

Amelie nodded slightly and walked forward steadily on her high heels.

Seeing that Amelie, who had recovered, had a different aura than before, Rex was happy for her from the bottom

of his


They came to Belen’s office and knocked on the door, but no one came to answer the door.

“Amelie?” Rohan’s uncertain voice came from behind them.

“Rohan!” Amelie’s eyes lit up.

“Belen went out today and is not in the company.” Rohan also noticed the change in Amelie.

“Oh.” Amelie nodded regretfully. She turned around and patted Rex on the shoulder. “What a coincidence. Rex, you

can go back first, and you will come back to pick me up at night.”

Rex seemed to have caught a life–saving straw and heaved a sigh of relief. Then he quickly left.

“I have rested at home for so many days. Have you practiced with Sylvia?” Amelie asked Rohan as she opened the

office door. However, when both of them entered the room, she realized that Rohan had not answered her.

For some reason, she felt that the atmosphere in the room was a little stagnant.


She turned around and found that Rohan was still looking at her with a hesitant expression.


“What’s wrong with you? Are you under great pressure recently? You’re absent–minded.”

“Amelie.” Rohan grabbed her hand, but the next moment, he felt something was wrong and let “You…”

1. go.

“If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t hesitate.” Amelie was also shocked by his actions, but her

expression quickly returned to normal.

After hesitating for a long time, Rohan finally made up his mind. “I… When I went to the hospital to see you, I

accidentally heard the doctor say that you had a miscarriage. I…”

“Is that all?”

Amelie breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since she had thought it through, she felt that there was nothing to hide about

the fact that she had been pregnant before. It was better to say that out.

“To tell you the truth, Rohan, I was married and had a child before, but now I’m divorced, and the child is gone. Is

there any other problem?”

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Amelie made no secret of her past, which shocked Rohan.

“Are you serious?”

Amelie shrugged indifferently. She returned to her chair and sat down. Then she turned on her computer and


with Rohan.

“Everyone will have times when they are stupid. I just made my mistakes when there was still time. I am very


now because my suffering has come to an end. This can keep me in a more sober state in life.”


lip Declinas Rohan


Rohan listened silently. Amelie was more rational than before, but she was more fascinating.

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“So, Rohan.” Amelie looked at him seriously. “I want to give you a piece of advice. We are from different places. Try

your best and work hard are the most important things for you right now, OK?”

Rohan still had a calm expression on her face, but he was excited in his heart.

This was the first time Amelie had responded to his feelings. Although it was very tragic, it was indeed realistic.

Rohan was just a famous singer, and Amelie was the daughter of the richest man in the world. There was a huge

gap between them.

“Alright, go back and think about it. There is still more than a month before the public performance. Don’t

disappoint me then.”

Amelie watched Rohan leave the office out of the corner of her eye before she collapsed on the back of the chair,

It was too difficult for her to say such cruel words. She didn’t even dare to look at the harmless face of such a

gentleman just now.

She should focus on the public performance in a month.

Amelie suddenly thought about the discussion she had with Lamont a few days before the car accident. She

wondered how he was thinking about it now.