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The Protector Novel

Chater 3153
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The Return of the God of War Chapter 3153

Let Me Refresh Your Memory

None of us expected this! He just goes around killing whenever he wants!

Even Dr. Erebus was stunned.

I knew that Levi was going to act, I just didn’t know when! It was so sudden. I had

expected him to act later rather than sooner.

Initially frozen with fear at the grotesque spectacle before them, the spray of fresh, hot

blood upon their faces started them out of their reverie.

Levi has stabbed Agent 3 with the withered branch! How is that possible?

However, the hot liquid rolling down their faces and the metallic stench served as

irrefutable proof against their denial.

Blood sprayed and frothed from Agent 3’s wound as Levi extracted the branch from his

victim’s body, who gazed at the latter with stunned disbelief.

The look of shock on his face indicated that he did not expect Levi to act.

The dull thud of Agent 3’s lifeless body falling onto the ground shook many within the

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crowd out of their horrified reverie.

Every eye in the crowd swiveled toward Levi.

They were not alone in their disbelief. Even the other six decision-makers grew terrified at

the sight of their fallen comrade.

We have more questions than answers at this point!

Some even looked dazed as if the spectacle before them was so gruesome that they could

not comprehend the horrors they had witnessed.

The sensation of fresh blood upon their faces completely unhinged them.

For a long time, they could not respond.

“I have refreshed your memory!” said Levi with cold sarcasm. “Do you remember now?”

Agent 1 was the first to regain his composure.


Just as the first word was out of his mouth, Levi made a lunge for Agent 2 who stood

beside his comrade and forced the withered branch he held in his right hand through the

latter’s throat amidst a fresh spray of blood.

He slays Agent 2 like one would a chicken for slaughter!

Agent 2’s eyes were frozen in shock.

With a supreme effort to summon the remnants of his instincts, he attempted to struggle

but found to his horror that his body had become completely immobile.

As the light faded from his fearful eyes, his body fell with a thump and moved no more.

That was an unprecedented turn of events! First Agent 3, now Agent 2. Levi had outdone

himself again!

Agent 2 and Agent 3 were Deities, the most powerful group within their organization.

The seven decision-makers have achieved the power they possessed by abusing their

position to save the best resources for themselves before passing them on.

Though the seven were the most powerful fighters in their organization, they were no

more powerful than pheasants in Levi’s hands.

Maybe he got lucky with a sneak attack on Agent 3, but Agent 2 was assaulted in the plain

sight of everybody!

It was a testament to Levi’s abilities to be able to subdue them as easily as he did.

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With another dull thud, Agent 2’s body fell alongside his comrade.

The crowd began perspiring. That’s two in a row.

They saw what was coming.

It doesn’t look like Levi is here to deliver resources. I think he’s here for revenge!

That thought dawned upon many in the crowd.

Levi pulled the withered branch out of his latest victim.

Before he could say anything, Agent 1 took the initiative in an attempt to put an end to

the massacre. “You must have been mistaken, Mr. Garrison. Why would you do such a

thing? You’ve killed two of my brothers for no apparent reason. You wouldn’t even explain


The rest chimed in as they regained their wits. “You must have been mistaken, Mr.

Garrison. Why would you kill your allies?”

“They’re like your family! Why would you kill your own family members?”

“We don’t understand what you’re referring to, Mr. Garrison! That has nothing to do with
