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The Protector Novel

Chapter 3961
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Chapter 3961 Knowing When To Pick A Fight

Levi forged many ultimate weapons in the core area of Dragon’s Grave Valley within a

month, but the most outstanding ones were ten premium ultimate weapons.

The best ultimate weapons required optimal conditions. In retrospect, the other forty

ultimate weapons paled in comparison.

Of course, no matter how meticulous the blacksmith was, they couldn’t guarantee every

ultimate weapon that was forged would meet the standards.

Forging ultimate weapons under such circumstances would consume various natural

forces continuously. Therefore, the resources and forces would slowly deplete.

However, these premium ultimate weapons were no different and belonged to the first tier

of ultimate weapons.

Besides, there were a plethora of other ultimate weapons.

“You two, pick a weapon you like.” Levi smiled.

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Knowing when to pick a fight is the best tactic, he thought to himself.

Excitement filled Larissa and Cheriette, and they shot him a grateful look.

They took their time surveying the arsenal of weapons but couldn’t decide as they were all

of excellent quality and tactfully steered away from fifty of the premium ultimate


It wasn’t that they didn’t want any premium ultimate weapon, but they believed they were

not capable of owning one.

For example, Thunder Slaughterer and Dragon’s Grave, if given those weapons, the ladies

would inflict more harm on themselves than the enemies as they would be unable to fully

exercise their potential.

“I choose this weapon!”

“I’ll take this, then!”

Both of them chose an ultimate weapon made out of Subdivine Bones that had caught

their attention.

Larissa stared at the sword in her hand with fascination. Although those were only

ultimate weapons, Eclipse lacked such a weapon class.

Cheriette was admiring her sword like a treasure. She wasn’t knowledgeable like Larissa

and wouldn’t dare dream of having an ultimate weapon in her life if it weren’t for Levi.

They could almost imagine the glory and pomp of walking out of Dragon’s Grave Valley

with those weapons in hand.

Besides that, many sects would try to get their hands on these two weapons.

“Choose a pair of Boots of Hermes for each of yourselves. You’ll need it in future battles,”

Levi offered generously, wanting to nurture both of them and knowing that he wouldn’t be

able to accomplish everything alone.

They were thrilled. Boots of Hermes were a divine tool that could boost their speed,

especially when their swordsmanship was fluid and versatile.

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It would also complement and increase their combat power.

Levi picked up the finished battle suit and brought it to Thunder Qilin.

Waiting for Levi to forge ultimate weapons had almost bored Thunder Qilin to death, so it

went to Sea of Heavenly Thunder to play.

However, Levi harvested the most fearsome Heavenly Thunder in Dragon’s Grave Valley’s

core area to forge ultimate weapons.

Being blasted by the normal Heavenly Thunder was like a tickle, so it curled up to sleep by

the side and was occasionally awoken by the forging process.

Thunder Qilin made a sound of greeting at approach, which sounded more like an annoyed


In its opinion, conceding when faced with a stronger opponent was also an art, balancing

between not losing one’s dignity and humiliating oneself and not angering the stronger

opponent, lest incurring their wrath.

“Come, lie down, and I’ll put on the battle suit for you,” Levi said smilingly.

It shook its enormous head and slowly lay down.

However, it was curious about the battle suit Levi had made for it. After Levi was done

helping it with the suit, the electricity and flaming powers on Thunder Qilin’s body were

completely covered.