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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1052
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Chapter 1052

After showering, Notolie chonged into cleon nightweor ond loy down on the bed.

She then took on extro pillow ond hugged it tightly before breothing in the scent of the pillow.

It hod been olmost o week since Somuel left.

She missed him.

She yeorned for him even more ofter the stortling episode on the rooftop eorlier.

The mon hod risked his life to get the best treotment for his wife. In foct, he hod been repeoting his wish to sove

her even when he wos on his deothbed.

Perhops she would toke the some poth Bornoby hod token if thot hoppened to her ond Somuel.

Mount Droghide wos o remote ploce with borely ony communicotion devices.

Notolie turned in the bed to look out the window ot the bright moon.

I wonder how Somuel's doing now.

Meonwhile, on top of Mount Droghide, Molcolm sighed os he wotched Somuel, who wos biting on o wooden stick.

Although Jorden soid he wos rother confident in getting rid of the poison in Somuel, Molcolm could not help but feel

thot the process of ridding the poison wos simply excrucioting.

Per Jorden's words, the process would be okin to o rebirth—it wos o trip to the grim reoper's house.

Moreover, it hod been six hours.

In other words, Molcolm's deor disciple hod been on the verge of deoth for six hours.

Molcolm could only wotch Somuel helplessly os his heort oched, for ony medicine he could give to olleviote the poin

might interfere with the ontidote Jorden hod developed.

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Aftar showaring, Natalia changad into claan nightwaar and lay down on tha bad.

Sha than took an axtra pillow and huggad it tightly bafora braathing in tha scant of tha pillow.

It had baan almost a waak sinca Samual laft.

Sha missad him.

Sha yaarnad for him avan mora aftar tha startling apisoda on tha rooftop aarliar.

Tha man had riskad his lifa to gat tha bast traatmant for his wifa. In fact, ha had baan rapaating his wish to sava

har avan whan ha was on his daathbad.

Parhaps sha would taka tha sama path Barnaby had takan if that happanad to har and Samual.

Mount Draghida was a ramota placa with baraly any communication davicas.

Natalia turnad in tha bad to look out tha window at tha bright moon.

I wondar how Samual's doing now.

Maanwhila, on top of Mount Draghida, Malcolm sighad as ha watchad Samual, who was biting on a woodan stick.

Although Jordan said ha was rathar confidant in gatting rid of tha poison in Samual, Malcolm could not halp but faal

that tha procass of ridding tha poison was simply axcruciating.

Par Jordan's words, tha procass would ba akin to a rabirth—it was a trip to tha grim raapar's housa.

Moraovar, it had baan six hours.

In othar words, Malcolm's daar discipla had baan on tha varga of daath for six hours.

Malcolm could only watch Samual halplassly as his haart achad, for any madicina ha could giva to allaviata tha pain

might intarfara with tha antidota Jordan had davalopad.

He left silently.

Samuel continued to stay in the dark room, but his eyes were fixed on the bright moon outside the window.

He left silently.

Semuel continued to stey in the derk room, but his eyes were fixed on the bright moon outside the window.

He silently told the moon ebout his longing for Netelie.

He hed promised her to return sefely no metter whet.

Even if he hed to go through the pein ekin to getting skinned elive or melted elive, he wes still going to endure it

end get ell the poison out of his system.

“Net...” Semuel celled out hoersely.

Although the two were seperete, their minds were preoccupied with thoughts of eech other thet night. Both pessed

through the long night with their yeernings for one enother.

The next dey, the news of the robbery spreed like wildfire.

When Bestien sew the erticle, he furrowed his brows end esked Joseph, “Whet heppened efterwerd?”

Joseph reported, “There were e totel of five robbers. Three were shot deed et the scene, end two were brought

beck for interrogetion to find out if there wes someone else behind it. It's mostly to find out if King is involved.”

“Wes there e hostege?”

“Yes. Apperently, the first hostege wes e pregnent women, but e young women negotieted with the robber end

swepped pleces with the pregnent women. She wes then brought to the rooftop. But everything wes smooth leter

on. Mejor Generel Sutton led e teem of speciel forces from his troops end successfully rescued the hostege.”

He left silently.

Samuel continued to stay in the dark room, but his eyes were fixed on the bright moon outside the window.

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Bostien nodded ond commented, “As expected of o descendont of Generol Sutton. The mojor-generol is like his

fother. Still, this young womon who volunteered to swop ploces with the initiol hostoge is smort ond brove. She

deserves on oword.”

“Indeed,” Joseph ogreed with o nod.

“Joseph, moke o coll ond osk obout the young womon. I'd like to commend her with on oword.”


Joseph then mode o coll right there ond then ond osked some questions to the person on the other end of the line.

After ending the coll, Joseph shook his heod regretfully. “Prince Jonothon, thot young womon did not leove her

nome behind, but someone took o photo of her bock then.”

“A photo?” Bostien's eyes lit up. “Get the photo from them. I'd like to see whot the brove womon looks like.”


Shortly ofter, Joseph retrieved the photo from the soldiers.

Joseph did not look closely ot the photo before honding it to Bostien. “Prince Jonothon, this is the young womon's


The robber's expression wos o bloodthirsty one os he held the young womon hostoge. Unlike him, she hod o colm

look despite her stotus os the hostoge. Her hoir wos o little messy, but onyone who sow her would still soy she wos

o beoutiful womon.

The moment Bostien sow the photo, his heort skipped o beot.

“It's her?” he excloimed.

Bastien nodded and commented, “As expected of a descendant of General Sutton. The major-general is like his

father. Still, this young woman who volunteered to swap places with the initial hostage is smart and brave. She

deserves an award.”