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The Prodigies War-Novel

Chapter 1622: Encounter Between the Golden Wind and Dew of Jade
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Seeing Lin Xun ctowards them from a distance, everyone standing at the entrance to the city gasped audibly. The air becoppressive and heavy.

His appearance instinctively drew forth feelings of awe and reverence in their hearts.

Tigers roared across the rivers, and all beasts fell.

The dragon soared through the nine heavens, and all beings bowed their heads.

Lin Xun gave the feeling of a celestial being descending upon the world, a master coming from the divine land!

Even suprSaints such as Shaohao and Ruowu felt an invisible oppressive power bearing down on them, and couldn’t help changing their expressions subtly.

Lin Xun, who had created his own art, had beccompletely different from before. His every gesture and step exuded great power and majesty!

The statues of gods enshrined in temples would imperceptibly gain an aura of solemnity and transcendence after years of basking in the glow of incense and pious worship.

Lin Xun, on the other hand, had achieved transformation on the path of the great dao, as a result, his aura and bearing changed accordingly.

Intangible and formless, yet it directly reached people’s hearts!

Lin Xun keenly noticed the change in everyone’s expressions. The next second, with one thought, his entire bearing silently changed.

He becplain and ordinary like he had removed all glamor and returned to a state of simplicity!

Almost instantaneously, the invisible oppressive atmosphere that everyone felt vanished without a trace.

When they looked at Lin Xun again, his clothes were fluttering around his tall and graceful figure, giving them a sense of gentleness and comfort, just like the spring breeze and rain.

On the contrary, people like Shaohao and Ruowu were even more amazed. He directed and withdrew his qi at will, with just one thought. He could becas majestic and imposing as a Saint, or as plain and unadorned as a mortal!

They could only look and sigh at his cultivation.

How strong had Lin Xun become?

How terrifying was the ‘dharma art’ that he created?

No one knew.

But everyone knew that Lin Xun, who had created his own dharma art at the SuprSaint Stage, could likely be called invincible among his peers.

Truly invincible!


Lin Xun’s success in deriving a dharma art brought a joyous atmosphere to the Ancient Wasteland Camp. On the sday, countless cultivators cto pay their respects.

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It wasn’t until late at night that the guests who cto visit gradually left.

In the courtyard, Lin Xun, Toady, A’lu, and the big black bird were drinking together under the dim lantern lights. It was quiet in the dead of night.

“Big Brother, the Conflict of the Nine Domains is about to cto an end. I’m certain that when we go back, the cultivators in the Ancient Wasteland Domain won’t believe that we won,” Toady mumbled, his eyes unfocused and his speech slurred. Piled on the ground around him were several wine jars.

A’lu chuckled. “I’m more curious to know which sect or clan in the Ancient Wasteland Domain would dare to be an enemy of our big brother when we return!”

Everyone laughed heartily.

The victory in the Conflict of the Nine Domains had great significance, far beyond imagination.

Not only did it wipe away their former shand avenge the past sages of the Ancient Wasteland Domain, but the victory also meant more than defeating the other eight domain camps.

The most important thing was that the victory changed the trend of the Ancient Wasteland Domain!

What trend?

Its deteriorating and declining trend of the past had been changed, and a new sun and moon were shining in the sky!

The haze that had been suffocating it since ancient times had been swept away, relieving the people of the depressing situation.

The Ancient Wasteland Domain had been oppressed by the other eight domains for countless years, and the cultivators of the Ancient Wasteland Domain had bowed their heads countless times in the past.

Now, it was different!

Even if, in terms of overall strength, the Ancient Wasteland Domain was still far inferior to the other eight domains, this crushing victory felt like a shower of refreshing rain after a long drought, giving all living beings in the Ancient Wasteland Domain the hope of rising and surpassing the other eight domains once again.

This was the influence of their victory in the most recent Conflict of Nine Domains!

And everyone knew that the Ancient Wasteland Domain could not have achieved the overwhelming victory in the Conflict of the Nine Domains without Lin Xun doing everything he could to turn the tides!

It was not an exaggeration to say that without Lin Xun, the Ancient Wasteland Camp would have been crushed many times already.

Simply speaking, no matter who they were, whether they participated in the Conflict of the Nine Domains or not, everyone from the Ancient Wasteland Domain owed it to Lin Xun!

Based on that, when the Conflict of the Nine Domains cto an end and they returned to the Ancient Wasteland Domain, if anyone dared to go against Lin Xun...

That was no different from seeking death!

Lin Xun would not need to take action himself. Shaohao, Ruowu, Xiao Cangtian, Ye Chen, Mi Hengzhen and other suprSaints would not hesitate to draw their swords and stand up for him.

“Hmph, he’s just a suprSaint. Don’t underestimate the heroes of the Ancient Wasteland Domain. Among the ancient sects and clans, there are Big Saints and old monsters at the Saint-King Stage!” The big black bird spoke like he knew everything about the world.

“There are also countless quasi-Emperor Stage warriors fighting bloody battles on the Frontline Battlefield of the Ancient Wasteland Domain. You are naive if you think you can be lawless after returning with a victory from the Nine Domains Battlefield.”

Toady slapped the big black bird on the back of the head, irked by his contemptuous attitude.

Toady reprimanded, “Thieving bird, you ruin the mood, do you want a beating?!”

The big black bird fumed, “Damn it, I only kindly reminded you guys, how dare you want to use violence? Do you wantto kill you?”

Toady rolled up his sleeves and went up to him. “Con, con then, let’s have a showdown.”

“Alright, let’s go outside the city. I will teach you how to be humble!” With a swoosh, the big black bird flew away in anger.

Toady followed after him.

As though wanting to see the world in chaos, A’lu stopped drinking, somersaulted into the air, and followed after them.

“Should we stop them?” Zhao Jingxuan looked at Lin Xun.

Lin Xun smiled and shook his head. “No need, that thieving bird is the most cunning. If he can’t win, he will definitely run immediately. As for Toady, with A’lu around, he won’t let the big black bird bully him.”

He knew those guys far too well.

“Master, Little Sky and I also want to watch the battle.” Little Silver’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“Go ahead.” Lin Xun waved.

Very quickly, only Lin Xun and Zhao Jingxuan were left in the courtyard.

It was deep in the night and a cool breeze was blowing.

Perhaps because Zhao Jingxuan had been drinking, her eyes were glassy and there was a reddish glow on her stunning face, which made her even more beautiful.

She rested her head on Lin Xun’s shoulder and said softly, “We will go back to the Ancient Wasteland Domain soon. Tflies.”

Three years had passed since the Nine Domains Battlefield had opened. Lin Xun couldn’t help but sigh with emotion when he thought about everything he had experienced in these three years.

Even if one achieved great success in one’s cultivation and lived as long as heaven and earth, one could not free themselves from time.

“Did Xia Zhi say anything aboutwhen she left?” Zhao Jingxuan suddenly asked, her voice sounding nervous.

Lin Xun couldn’t help but laugh, “What do you think?”

Zhao Jingxuan raised her head and glared at Lin Xun. “How can you still joke around at such a time?”

She was a little tipsy, and her beautiful face was flushed and her eyes were watery. In such close proximity, Lin Xun couldn’t help but stare at her, stunned, unable to hide his admiration, feelings, and wonder.

Zhao Jingxuan lowered her head shyly. If this happened in the past, she would have changed the topic and avoided Lin Xun’s gaze.

But this time, perhaps it was because she had been drinking, she felt an unknown courage and strength to meet Lin Xun’s passionate and tender gaze. Her heart raced as she stared at the familiar handsface.

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“Jingxuan, thanks for waiting.”

Lin Xun’s voice was low and mysterious. He stared with suppressed eagerness at the face that was as delicate and breathtakingly beautiful as the cherry blossoms. In the end, he couldn’t help but draw his head closer and touch her bright red and soft lips with his.

A gentle, sweet kiss.

Zhao Jingxuan blushed shyly, and her fair face grew hot. She closed her eyes. An indescribable feeling rushed up from the bottom of her heart—a tingle of nervousness and uneasiness, but also a sense of gratification, joy and anticipation. She seemed to have lost all her strength and power of resistance.

She succumbed.

As emotions swirled in her mind, she suddenly thought of a phrase, “Hand in hand, I will stay with you till death do us part.”

The next moment, she felt her body lighten, and saw that she was being carried by a pair of strong arms. Nervous emotions pounded her heart like crashing waves, making her long and slender eyelashes quiver like small fluttering fans, and her pure and beautiful face more and more red. Her beauty was irresistible.

Holding the beautiful woman in his arms, he walked into the room.

“Jingxuan, lettake care of you tonight.”

Vaguely, Zhao Jingxuan could hear Lin Xun’s deep voice tingle in her ears. Driven by strong emotions, she could not help but peek at the face so close to her. In the end, she just mumbled a response as quiet as the hum of a gnat.

At this moment, her face was rosy and captivating, and her body was soft and weak, as if she had lost all her strength.

Lin Xun did not say anything more and just lay her down on the bed, feeling the warmth of her body and her soft fragrance. The alluring aroma emanating from her slender and perfectly-shaped body sent his body temperature rising.

He stripped off her clothes one by one almost roughly and impatiently.

Strands of silky black hair cascaded down the pillow like a waterfall, a woman as beautiful as jade, a delicate, soft body like snow...

The bed curtains were then lowered.


It was unknown how much thad passed. That night, Lin Xun had a taste of the feeling. He could not say he enjoyed himself to satiety, but he was full of satisfaction and pleasure.

On the bed, Lin Xun cradled Zhao Jingxuan in his arms, and a feeling of delight, peace, and contentment flowed like streams in their hearts.

Neither of them spoke, as if afraid of ruining the tranquil atmosphere.

It wasn’t until dawn broke that Lin Xun exhaled, “So...this is how it feels.”

Zhao Jingxuan was taken aback at first, then her pretty face flushed, and she glared at him shyly. “It’s already dawn, and you’re still thinking about it, do you have any shame?”

Lin Xun laughed and gently kissed her on the forehead gently. “I’m very greedy, I don’t think I can ever get it out of my mind.”

Zhao Jingxuan’s bright eyes blurred, her heart quivered, and her graceful body becsoft. She fell into a trance-like state again.

That night, the golden wind embraced the dew of jade, and the encounter was more than anything in the world.