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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 120
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120 Griffin

Even if this was just a run, where we would keep our eyes, ears, and noses open for clues.

It was not the same as a patrol or a mission. Still, we agreed to go on a run in a few

smaller groups. This way we could cover more ground. Running alone would be unwise,

both for safety concerns. And because we might find a clue we needed to secure, the

leader of the group could stay with the clue. As the others would help the rest of the army

to find us. Eventually, we would always find each other, but here on unknown terrain, it

could take us a little longer. Time was a luxury we could not afford ourselves.

We divided the army into five groups, Dillion, Colin, Gerald, Jessa and I all leading one

group. As soon as I shifted I let Conan take over, there was a bigger chance he would find

something. We agreed he would give back control the second my human form was

needed. I told my team Conan would be in control and of course, they all agreed. As the

Crown Prince, I have had to lead and train the pack in both forms. So letting Conan lead

them was nothing new for the pack.

Even now, when my entire world is crumbling down around me, I enjoy the feeling of being

along for the ride. Experiencing the speed at which we were running, the scents and

sounds around us when I was not in control was different. I was along for the ride, and it

felt like it. I also noticed Conan seemed unwavering about the direction where to run to.

Hoping he had noticed something I could not, I was feeling good about the decision to go

on this late-night run.

And then it hit me, the overwhelming scent of blood, and not just any blood. I could smell

it was Ayla’s. If I had been in my human form, I would have probably crashed to the floor.

My legs would have given out from under me. Now I heard Conan mindlink everyone they

needed to hurry in/our direction.

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“It’s her blood, you all smell it right,” Nikita, Nicky’s wolf asked. through the mindlink.

We all knew it was, and normally a question that redundant had pis sed me off, and it

would have pis sed Conan off even more. He must have heard the fear and sadness in her

voice too. Nikita wasn’t stating the obvious, she seemed distraught about the fact that her

future Luna and Queen had lost blood here in the woods. I had noticed how loyal the pack

was to Ayla already. I knew she made an impression during the BBQ, but I never knew

Nicky, and her wolf seemed to adore her.

In fact, Nicky had been one of the very first to ask if she could join me. on this mission to

get Ayla back. She had become a guard just to be able to. While she had always been a

very skilled fighter, Nicky had seemed a little flaky about what she was going to do.

Almost like she was scared to make a decision that would change her life.

“Griffin, I am sorry, but I am going to have to give you control back” Conan’s voice pulled

me from my thoughts.

My brain had drifted somewhere else as Conan had been getting closer and closer to the

source of the blood. It was like my mind had tried to protect me for as long as it could.

Now it was my time to see what we had found. To stay as calm as I could, so as to not

make matters worse. My stomach clenched together and that weird feeling in your throat

that makes you feel like you are about to vomit was back.

“It’s a picture, but we need our human form to read the back,” Conan told me before

giving back control.

Our wolves cannot read at all, it’s nothing something an animal can do. When our human

spirits are in control of our wolf body, we can still read. But holding a picture in your hand

is far easier than holding one in your paw. I told the rest to stay in their wolf forms to give

me cover if needed. I send two of them out to walk ahead and hopefully guide the rest of

the pack towards us.

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The picture was of me and Ayla during the BBQ, where I introduced her to the rest of the

pack. I had to blink a few times to see clearly again as my vision blurred with my unshed

tears. There was so much love in this picture, it hurt me to know it had been weeks since I

had been able to make her feel that love. With no time to be sad about that, I turned the

picture around to find a message written in Ayla’s blood.

“Luv u”

It wasn’t a lot, but she must have written it in a hurry. The letters were shaky, wriggly

lines. It was a smart move on Ayla’s part, I was sure she was in this forest somewhere now.

The blood had made it so much easier for Conan to find the picture. The message let me

know that she left it on purpose. I told myself that if she was able to do all of that and

think about it like she had. It had to also meant she wasn’t in any critical danger.

Gerald was the first one to reach our group, the others soon followed after.

“She told me about that picture, she must have had it on her body when she was

kidnapped” Jessa confirmed what I was thinking.

“So what is next Griff” Colin asked me refraining from using my titles. Rather, addressing

me like the friends we are.

It kept me grounded, reminding me of the fact I was still here with my friends. Close to

Ayla’s family, my family.

“Let’s go back to the BloodMoon pack house. Alpha Jay, and the rest of his family, will

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want to see this too. Princess Ayla left us a clue, so we owe it to her to come up with a

plan on how to get her out. As much as I want to find her tonight. Going on a wild,

unprepared goose chase in the middle of the night isn’t going to help her.” I addressed

everyone through the mindlink, seeing as most of them were still in their wolf forms. They

could hear me regardless of mindlink in both


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forms. But when in wolf form, we could only communicate through the mindlink. And they

did because my mind soon flooded with shouts. of agreement and loyalty to both me and


To keep up with the rest of the pack, I shifted back again. After carefully placing the

picture between my teeth. Making sure I wasn’t damaging the picture, and I was not losing

it either. We all took off running back towards the pack house.

When we arrived it seemed as though the lack of wolves, and the lack of a strong, big

army, was solved by other forms of security. Because again before we arrived Jay, Tessie

and now even Dan and Krystel were walking up to us, worry etched on their faces. Not

that I could blame them, even I wasn’t sure of how much good news this was.

“I made sure the homes for the warriors are done. They just need to decide who to bunk

with, we can comfortably fit six wolves inside a home. I have 15 empty homes, so I figured

maybe you and the others can stay at the pack house with us.” Jay told me. His hint was

clear, I dismissed my warriors and followed him to the meeting room. Hoping one of them

would be able to make more sense of the clue I had found.

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The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!