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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 4
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“I know Dan, and I want her to find her soulmate, so I am happy that she did”

Before Daniel can tell me more we hear the front door opening, as Mom calls out for us. And I can

smell my parents, Kate and another wolf. Meaning her mate joined her. Now is my chance to show my

family I am genuinely happy for my sister meeting her mate. Show them that the fact I got rejected

does not stop me from being happy for my little sister.

I rush down the stairs excitedly but I almost skid to a halt when I see who Kate’s mate is. It’s Tim

Hannah’s cousin. I know because he used to visit the pack often. It has been a few years since he

came over though.

“Hi, Tim so I take it your Kate’s mate?” I ask him.

He is a few years older I think his 23 or 24. And I wonder if he knew Kate was his mate before he

stopped visiting. Dad suggests we all sit down, and while I am still happy for Kate she found her mate. I

get why my family was a bit hesitant to tell me about it. Even with them not knowing the full extent of

what Hannah has been doing to me. Everyone in this pack knows she is always giving me c*ap. Or that

she is wanting to take my rightful place as the Luna of the Bloodmoon pack.

Being the Sweetheart she is Kate helps Mom make everyone tea and coffee and puts out some baked

treats she made. All while Tim is looking at her with that smitten smile I hoped to one day get from my

mate. There is a small painful stab in my chest knowing that I will never get that. But the feeling of

happiness for my sweet sister drowns



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it out quickly.

“Please Ayla, let me explain because Kate told me what my cousin does to you” Tim starts.

So she told him all about my rejection, and Hannah’s response to that. Mates share everything I know

they do. Still, I don’t know how to feel about the fact Kate never asked me if I was okay with her telling

him everything about me. Determined to be happy for her and giving this guy a chance I just nod as I

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

keep listening to him.

“You must have noticed my parents and I stopped coming over right? My aunt wasn’t like she is now

but my Uncle and cousins they changed her. My didn’t use to care about ranks at all but being the

Beta’s wife messed with her I suppose.”

From what I remember he was right his brother, Hannah’s maternal uncle was a kind soft-spoken guy.

So was Mila Hannah’s mother when we were children. I remember her playing with us kids in the

playground, wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Since a few years, she was dressing ready to go to the office

all day. When she had no job and was a homemaker, she helped our Luna out with planning every

once in a while.

“It hurt my father deeply but he went no contact with his sister, after getting in an argument with her

mate. Hannah’s father. My brother and I were free to still visit them but we never felt the need to. We

didn’t agree with what they were doing. That’s the reason I stopped for lunch at the mall and not with

my family” He uses quotation marks as he says the word family.


suppose having lunch at your aunt and uncle’s would make a lot more sense if you were still on

speaking terms. Now it just made sense he stopped at the mall since he knew of good places to get

lunch in the small town next to ours. I remember them all going to the mall when


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they were visiting here.

Even if he still would have been in contact with his family I would not. have judged him for it. As long as

he isn’t like Hannah or her parents for that matter and makes my sister happy that would be enough for

me. He doesn’t let me finish telling him so.

“No please Ayla, let me finish because your sister has not accepted me as her mate yet. She was

about to reject me thinking I knew what Hannah was doing to you. She told me that without your

blessing she isn’t accepting me. As much as the idea hurts me I get it though. And I love the fact that

my mate is loyal to her family.” He tells me and now I finally understand everything.

It was never about Kate being scared I wouldn’t be happy for her. It was not about my parents being

scared I still was too fragile to handle knowing my sister found her mate.

“Kate, I love you but you’re stu*id sometimes, of course, you have my blessing. He couldn’t have

known what Hannah is doing, if he still came to her often he would have known you were his mate

years ago”

Kate rushed up to me hugging me tears in my eyes. She was there for me when I was trying to put

myself back together again. From an early age, she looked up to me, and I know she still does. To her,

it didn’t make sense at all for anyone to reject me. I just never knew she suffered from it so much she

would reject her fated mate for being related to the she-wolf trying to move in on the mate who never

wanted me.

“Go accept your mate and put him out of his misery, please. And you know dad wants to have a family

BBQ now” I whisper in her ear quietly enough so that no one else can overhear us not even with their

heightened hearing.

“I Kate Hemming accept you Tim Davies as my mate,” Kate tells Tim




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beaming, he wastes no time in accepting her too.

“This calls for a family BBQ” Dad calls out causing me and Kate to burst out in a fit of laughter.

We all help set everything up and an hour later we are all sitting in our spa ** ous backyard chatting

and eating. Turns out Tim is a warrior not a lead warrior like Dad is but it would still be bad for his pack

if he were to move here. He was traveling with the Luna to keep her safe. Kate doesn’t have a rank yet,

she has been training with Dad, and she wants to be a warrior too. Unfortunately, Alpha Phill*p is a little

old school in his ways, saying women can not be warriors. Mom and Dad always told he she should still

train because she might have to shift packs after meeting her mate. Proving to me once again that the

Moon Goddess usually knows what she is doing. She just messed up with me.

Not only is Tim a warrior too, but there has been some internal conflict in his previous pack and part of

the pack split off to form the Cresent Moon pack. Meaning they were short on warriors too. The pack is

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led by a female Alpha and her Luna so gender should not be an issue for Kate in training to become a

warrior. All in all, it makes the most sense for Kate to move to the Cresent Moon pack.

“Ayla, since you know Alpha Phill*pe doesn’t like it very much if your mother and I both leave the pack

for too long. I was hoping you could be the family member bringing Kate to the Cresent Moon pack.

She will need a family member there to break the pack bond. Their pack is on the way to the royal ball.

You will have to spend a few days in the White Oak pack.” He swallows as if he is unable to find the



Mom is looking sad too, and I know it is hard on them. Even with them still believing I will stand a

chance to become the Prince’s chosen mate. They know I will never return to our pack. Not for

anything other than a short family visit. Both their daughters moving out from the pack will be hard on

them. Especially knowing that the Moon



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Goddess planned for me to keep living here. I love them for not holding me back for selfish reasons

and of course, I agree to be the family member escorting Kate to her new pack.

With the emotional stuff out of the way and knowing we need to visit Alpha Phill*p tomorrow to discuss

two pack members leaving his pack. We make sure to keep the rest of the night light and happy. It’s

one AM when I feel like I can excuse myself without being a party pooper. No matter how happy I am

for Kate, being surrounded by loving couples always hurts a bit. Tonight on top of that I had to deal with

the fact that I couldn’t be happy without hurting my parents. And having to go to a ball where I will no

doubt get proven once again that the very thing I am so proud of makes me not good enough to be a


Ayla S

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