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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chapter 258
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033 Ayla Lying in Griffin's bed reading while he is gaming is so calming-all the stress of the past months lifted from my shoulders. Somewhere along the lines, | let my head rest on his shoulder. It feels like home, Griffin just smiles atevery t| put my head back on his shoulder. | tend to jump up, talk, and gasp when | am reading. | know it annoys speople but he doesn’t seem to mind. We skip on getting lunch since we munched so much on the gummy bears and marshmallows. And it is blissful just hauled up here together. Today is the first t| am a little anxious to leave him for a few hours. The first t| realized just how much | was going to miss him.

Confirming what Jessa told me, especially after his idea to sell my Porsche and donate the bulk of the money to a good cause. One that | felt connected to.

I'm not entirely sure | am ready to accept him as my mate yet. The idea still scaresto my very core. What | can do is stop overthinking it. To just enjoy our ttogether, that is why I finally accepted his card in the morning. | still dislike the idea of having Griffin pay for my stuff. With my family, | do realize that my jeans and knit sweaters won't cut it when | am seen as the future Queen. He likes givingthings, and he benefits from my gift. And he doesn’t know | am planning to get him a little gift too. One | need his mother’s help with. So | feel a little nervous, it will mean everyone in the castle will know what Griffin and | are.

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ork 000% 12:12 033 Ayla 288 Vouchers After having spent another hour reading with my head on his shoulder. Griffin kisses the top of my head again. | wonder if he just likes kissingon the top of my head or if he felt like it was the only safe option to showsaffection. | will ask him later though. Because he is right we need to get dressed quickly. His mother told| didn’t have to dress up to go shopping with her. Still, | doubt if a pair of sweats would be appreciated. My sweater dress, tights, and my cowboy boots it is. Griffin holds back from touchingagain, he doesn’t hide the way his eyes roam over my body though. After the way he liftedup in the car- shop, just with one arm | was pretty convinced he liked my body, size, and all. But his gaze now is filled with admiration and thathappy. He swapped his sweatpants for a pair of jeans. He kept his hoodie on, which made sense seeing as he didn’t have to go anywhere.

it He toldhe was just going to hang out with his Dad, blushing as he did. Most wolves and humans would probably think it was silly that a 21-year-old would go visit his father when his partner was out. To me, showed we had even more in common, | still go book shopping with my mother all the time. I still like firing up the BBQ with Dad. Family love) is a quality | always wanted to find in my mate. Griffin ticks a whole lot of those boxes, that’s what reassures| made the right decision. Once we are dressed and | put on a little make-up we make our way to the castle’s main entrance where the queen will wait for us. He started offering his arm again, only to stop himself and pull his arm back. This tbefore he could | had slipped my hand in the crook of his arm. He is shocked but so happy he beams, and walking down the hallways he has a little bit of a pep in his step and it makeshappy.

Queen Isabella is already waiting for us, she is wearing a simple but elegant look dress and a pair of flats. Even like this, she looks like a 19.45% 12:12 m 033 Ayla 288 Vouchers queen, proper royalty. Looking down at my outfit | get a little nervous and | am about to ask Griffin to turn around so | can change my clothes again.

“We won't you look beautiful, and | am proud to have my mate seen like that.” Griffin urgesforward towards his mother.

Like he read my mind. Tellingwhat | needed to hear as an answer to a question | never said out loud. Queen Isabella givesa big hug when | get within her reach. She complimented my dress, and she sounded so genuine that | believed her against my better judgment. | was in way too deep, if this all turned out to be a mistake | would already be heartbroken. Ignoring the risks | am taking with my heart again, | say nothing and chuckle along with Queen Isabell who existed | call her mom or at the very least Bella. As she shoos Griffin off.

“No wait before you girls go, | need to do something.” Griffin stuttered His cheeks were so red, they were glowing as he held up a leather jacket. He suggested | would wear it. His intentions were very clear, he wantedto be surrounded by his scent. It was common for Alpha’s to want to claim their mate from the start even before the mating process. was completed. He is trying to stammer an excuse, but | just smile at him and slip into his jacket. This tit wasn’t only Griffin beaming at me, now Isabella was too. | was not ready to tell him yet but it felt good, relaxing to have his scent flood my senses.

Griffin huggedtight and whispered a thank you. Before leaving us alone, Isabella almost draggedto the car, one with a driver and bodyguard of course. We were going to a huge mall a few miles away from the packground. We were 45.02% 12:12 m D 033 Ayla 288 Vouchers: unlikely to run into any other wolves that were not from Griffin's pack. All the precautions felt a little over the top but I tried to not let it get toand just enjoy my afternoon with Isabella. We chatted a bit during the drive there but I still had to ask her to helpwith the surprise.

“Isabella, do you know what suit Griffin is wearing, or does he maybe have a favorite suit?” | ask her rubbing my neck.

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“He has a wonderful forest green suit, he is probably nervous about you meeting the family. So | would bet money on the fact that he is going to wear that why do you ask” She asksbut she smiles softly at me.

Makingfeel safe enough to tell her all about my plan.

“I want to buy a dress that fits his suit, he insisted | use his card. But | want to spend my own money to buy him a matching tie” I laid it all on the table for her.

Isabella got excited right away, and she didn’t bat an eyelid at the fact that | had Griffin's card with me. | settled on a beautiful dress with a silver satin bodice, grey tule sleeves, and a grey tule midiskirt, flowers. embroidered all over the dress. | bought Griffin a silver satin tie. | loved. them both, the dress was elegant but still flowy enough to make it feel comfortable. The thins strapped silver high-heeled sandals | bought to go with the dress not so much. They would be bearable for one night. though. And Isabella loved everything | got. She got a new dress for tonight a stunning sparkling wine red dress. We get a second lunch, or the first one forbut | was not about to tell her Griffin and | spent 66.83% 12:12D 033 Ayla 288 Vouchers most of the day scoffing on candy in bed. Even if Isabella toldshe craved a juicy burger and greasy fries. All the members of the royal family | have met so far seemed so laid back. Makingfeel more at home.

ork Griffin was waiting forin his lounge when | got back. He was typing away at his laptop probably doing swork. It took him a while to notice me. But when he did he rushed over to me. Wanting to know if | had a nice time. If he needed to change his suit so as not to clash with my dress. Smiling | pulled the dress from my bag, he was wearing a green suit.

“Your mom toldyou would be wearing a green suit, she did not tellhow handsyou would look in it though.” | smirk at a stunned Griffin.

“Oh and don’t worry, you paid for my dress. But | paid for your tie so we can match.” | tell him before | kiss him on the lips.

Nervous about his reaction | flee into the bathroom to get dressed locking the door behind me.