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The More the Merrier

Chapter 1000
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Chapter 1000

Benjamin bent over to reach for the earrings and clasped them on her earlobes. “They're

just ninety million.”

Arissa's jaw dropped at the astronomical price. “Just ninety million?” she repeated with


She swallowed the lump in her throat to calm her shock. I accept he's filthy rich, but I still

think this close to one hundred million worth of jewelry is too expensive. What should I do

if I lose it outside? How many tens of thousands will I lose if I lost it?

Benjamin swept his gaze across the shock on her face. With a smile, he assured her, “It's

fine if you lose it. I'll find it.”

Arissa looked at him with confusion. “How are you going to find it?” she questioned.

Benjamin explained, “There's a GPS tracker in the pendant.”

Arissa couldn't believe it as she lowered her gaze to the pendant. She didn't see anything

unusual about it after perusing it for a while. “There's a GPS tracker in this?”


Benjamin was having some difficulty in helping her put on her earrings.

“Let me do it.”

Arissa took them over as she slightly turned her body to the side to look into the mirror.

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“I know the necklace can be found if it's lost, but what about these?”

I'm sure these earrings won't be easy to find. After all, if someone found them, they could

just pocket them.

Seeing her being careful with her every movement, Benjamin uttered as he helped her

with her hair, “Don't fret. I'll find them if you lose them.”

The corner of Arissa's lip twitched at his unconcerned look. She figured she would lock

them away after wearing them that night.

I have to keep them in a safe place. They are so expensive, but they look pretty. She

checked herself in the mirror.

“Stop moving around.”

Benjamin held and steadied her moving head.

Arissa flashed a smile at him and saw there was a bracelet in the box too. She took it out

and examined it. The colorful ammolite was beautiful.

She put it on her wrist excitedly.

Benjamin's smile widened when he caught her fondness over the bracelet.

“I'll be heartbroken if I lose them. I'll just wear them tonight and lock them away once I

return,” Arissa muttered.

“Be more careful then if you're worried about losing them.” Benjamin chuckled. I already

told her not to worry, but she's still anxious. I shouldn't have told her the price. She's such

a worrywart.

Arissa looked up and met his intense gaze. Her cheeks blushed at his straightforward


Benjamin inched closer to her. With his hands on her shoulders, he landed his burning

gaze on her while looking at the mirror.

His husky voice sounded close to her ear, tugging her heartstrings.

“You're gorgeous, Honey.”

Arissa's heart skipped a beat before racing madly, pounding against her chest fiercely.

Her blush darkened, adding to her beauty.

Benjamin's eyes darkened. He pulled her face close and met her lips halfway.

“My lipstick...” The rest of her words couldn't be discerned.

Arissa tried to withdraw, but he deepened the kiss.

Benjamin swooped her up into his arms and sat her on his lap. He couldn't stop after

having a taste of her.

His passion was dragging her into a haze of lust. Her mind was completely blank other

than the need to share his fiery feelings.

If it wasn't for the ringing of Benjamin's phone, they might continue dwelling in the

passionate moment.

It was a call from Darius.

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Benjamin let go of Arissa and reached for his phone.


Benjamin connected the call with a frown, displeased at being interrupted.

“Have you departed?”

Darius' voice rang out from the other end of the line.

Arissa was trying to slow her breathing as she rested her head against Benjamin's chest.

With her being so close to the phone, she heard Darius' question, and embarrassment

flooded her.

“We're leaving now,” Benjamin replied.

“It's already past eight. Come over as soon as you can. You can have breakfast here if you

haven't had any. Remember to get here as fast as you can. Don't dilly-dally.”

After a round of urging from Darius, Benjamin finally ended the call. It sounded crowded at

the other end.

As he kept his phone, a glint flashed across Benjamin's eyes. His gaze was fixed on the

woman in his arms with a flushed face and red, swollen lips. The intensity burning in his

gaze went up a notch.

Arissa averted her gaze.

Checking her makeup in the mirror, she noticed her lipstick was all gone, so she hurriedly

retouched her lipstick.

“This is all your fault! Look, all my lipstick is gone!”