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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 240
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“My phone is ringing,” I told Luke who still had a hold of me, while my phone continued to

vibrate in the car.

“I’m not letting go of you.” He smirked.

“Don’t act stupid now.”

“You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”

“Are you going to let go of me or not?” I wore a serious face.

Luke chuckled and took his eyes im the direction of my phone, to where the sound was

coming from. He took it from my purse, looking at the screen.

“Who’s calling?” I asked in curiosity.

“Why should I tell you?”

“Because that’s my phone, duhh.”

“So what? I have a hold of it now.”

“Are you going to quit this nonsense?”

“What nonsense?”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “We have to find Janice right now, so can you please act serious,

for crying out loud? And please hand me my phone!” I stretched my other hand over to


“Maybe if you were a little bit nice, I’ll hand it over.”

“Maybe if you could act a little bit mature, I’ll be nice.” I retorted, giving him at fake smile.

His expression turned serious. “Why are you mocking me?”

“You know the reason why. You brought shit upon yourself.”

Luke sighed and looked away. My phone started ringing for the second time. The both of

us eyed each other and my gaze went straight to my phone which was on

his hand.

He didn’t take his eyes off me one bit, but fuck that anyway. I snatched my phone. from

his hand and answered the phone call.

“Ariel, why haven’t you been answering your calls?” Lisa quizzed me that very

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“I’m sorry, I’ve just been….busy.” I ended that sentence, frowning at Luke.

“Well, be busy all you want. I’m just calling to inform you that your beloved daughter is

right here with me at the spa.”

“Janice? Janice is with you at the spa.”

“Yes, she came in some minutes ago, and I’ve been calling you but your number’s not


“Thank goodness you found her.”

“Wait, you were looking for her? Like, you lost her?”

“Long story short, but it’s great she’s with you. Please text me the address.”

“Okay, but you owe me big time for this. Where are you anyway? It’s been a year and I

haven’t seen you or

your daughter? I’m surprised I still had your number.”

“I’m surprised myself.”

“Say what now?”

“Nevermind. Just text me the address.” I ended the call after that.

That was quite surprising. Lisa still had my number the whole time. Okay, hold on

a minute, silly me. I didn’t change that shit. But honestly, I thought I changed it..

“Who’s that?” Luke asked.

“You saw the name, didn’t you?”

“Then why were you looking so surprised.”

“Look sir. I don’t have time for this nonsense. I just got the address so you can start

driving now.”

“Hold on a minute, you didn’t change your number?” Luke raised an eyebrow.

I looked through the window. “That’s none of your business.”

“But I tried calling that number several times but it was not reachable.”

“Maybe God didn’t want you talking to me.” I gave him a plastic smile.

“If that’s the case, the what are you doing in my car, right next to me?”

I laughed. “If you don’t want to drive, you can go to the backseat.”

‘And let you drive? No, I don’t want to die yet.”

“Are you being for real right now.”

“Yeah. Who knows? Maybe that’s why Janice ran from you. She probably realized that your

driving skills are terrible.”

I gave him a cold stare for a moment, but I shook my head anyway. “Idiot.”

Stepping out of the car, I looked up at the elegant façade of Nirvana Spa. The building was

made of smooth, white stone accented with cascading greenery, giving it a serene and

welcoming appearance. A sign adorned with graceful cursive lettering proclaimed the

name of the establishment, hinting at the luxury and relaxation that awaited inside.

The entrance was framed by tall, slender columns entwined with delicate climbing vines,

their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. The muted sound of a bubbling fountain

greeted me as I approached, its crystalline waters shimmering in the sunlight, casting

playful reflections on the polished stone pathway leading to the front door.

Pushing open the heavy glass door, I was enveloped in a wave of warmth and tranquility.

The interior of the spa was a symphony of soft, earthy tones and gentle lighting, designed

to soothe the senses and calm the mind. The air was scented with a delicate blend of

lavender and eucalyptus, creating a peaceful oasis away from the bustle of the outside


My eyes swept over the reception area, taking in the plush velvet armchairs, their rich

burgundy hue complemented by gleaming mahogany side tables adorned with fresh

flowers. A sparkling crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow

over the room and bathing everything in a soft, ethereal light. The walls were adorned

with elegant oil paintings depicting serene landscapes. and tranquil seascapes, their

colors muted and soothing to the eye. A large, ornate mirror hung opposite the entrance,

reflecting the beauty of the space and multiplying its sense of spaciousness.

As I made my way further into the spa, I passed through a corridor lined with flickering

candles set in alcoves carved into the walls, their dancing flames casting playful shadows

that seemed to beckon me forward. Soft, instrumental music floated through the air, its

gentle melodies weaving a tapestry of relaxation and tranquility.

Entering the main treatment area, I was struck by the sight of a stunning indoor garden

bathed in natural light streaming in through a skylight overhead. Lush greenery cascaded

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from ornate planters, their leaves shimmering with droplets of water from a nearby


The treatment rooms themselves were havens of peace and serenity, each one

softly lit and elegantly appointed with plush massage tables draped in soft, white linens.

The sound of trickling water added to the ambiance, creating a sense of harmony and

balance that could envelope one like a warm embrace.

“Uhmm excuse miss, are you looking for someone?” A lady approached me. She must

have probably noticed how I was just looking around, scanning the building.

“Yeah, I’m came here to see someone. I wonder where she is now,” I answered, looking


“Who is that, if I may ask?”

I set my eyes on the lady. “You might not know her, but her name’s Lisa.”

“Lisa Jones?”

“Exactly!” I snapped my fingers immediately. “Well, that was quite easy.”

“She was here some minutes ago, but I think she left after she had gotten her treatment


“She left?”

“Something like that. Anything wrong? Is there a problem or…”

“No, no, no, it’s all fine,” I cut her off.

She gave me a skeptical look. “Are you sure about that? If there’s a problem, me me know.

Maybe I can help.”

“I really love that fact that you’re this caring.”

“Well, not really. I have something to take care of, so I just want to get things done with

you as soon as possible.”

I looked at her for a moment. “Okay, still caring.”

“If you say that,” she whispered. “But seriously, is there a problem?”

My eyes went in a different direction. “Well, I’m just looking for my…”

I paused immediately.

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