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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 210
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I sat

In my car, the words from Ariel echoing in my mind. “You killed him.” The pain in her voice

was almost unbearable. But I couldn’t blame her. I knew she was hurting and looking for

someone to blame for our son’s death. And unfortunately, that blame fell on me. I didn’t

even know why she had to put it on me. She wasn’t even there when the whole thing


I started the car and drove away from the cemetery. There were some flowers on the

passenger seat beside me, and all I could do was just look at them. I had no idea about

the things Lukel relished. I didn’t know his favorite color, his favorite song, his favorite

food, or so many other things. I didn’t get the chance to walk in the park with him. I didn’t

know him, but it still brought pain, and I couldn’t believe he was gone.

But what hurt the most was the fact that Ariel believed I was responsible for his death. I

couldn’t understand how she could think that I would harm such a little child. Like, who

the hell even gave her such information? Did it just pop up in her head, or what? I loved

little children, heart and soul, and I would never do anything to harm anyone. Little kids?

Hell no.

Driving through the quiet streets, my mind was filled with memories of Ariel and our time

together. From our first marriage, when I was treating her miserably, until now, when she

is giving me payback. Everything fell apart. I remembered the day I had slept with her and

told her to take abortion pills, but she refused. That was also the day we divorced. It was

quite remarkable; the date might still be stuck in my head.

I drove further and stopped my car, looking at some little children as they were having fun

together. Watching the children play, I couldn’t help but smile. Their faces were so

innocent, and their tiny voices were simply wonderful. I wondered what Lukel would have

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

been like at this age. Would he be as carefree and innocent as these children, or would he

have been more crazy like his mother? Just kidding, but honestly, Ariel could be really

crazy sometimes.

I sighed and shook my head, trying to push away the painful thoughts. I knew I couldn’t

change the past, but I couldn’t help but feel guilty for not being able to protect the little

one. Yes, I did try my best to get him out of the fire, but if I had just aggrandized the

passion, maybe he would still be alive.

“Hey, mister, come and play with us!” one of the children called out, snapping me out of

my thoughts.

I smiled at them and shook my head. “Sorry, I have some things to take care of.”

The children didn’t give up that easily and continued to pester me until I finally gave in. I

took them in my car and drove to the nearest ice cream shop. As we sat outside, enjoying

our ice cream, the children chattered away about their favorite toys and what they wanted

to be when they grew up.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace and happiness wash over me as I watched these

children. They reminded me of the simple joys in life and how precious every moment is. I

came to the realization that I had lost sight of the present because I had been so

preoccupied with my own suffering and guilt.


These children finished their ice cream and said their goodbyes. I thanked them for


drive. light into my day. I got back into my car with a smile on my face and continued my


I knew that Ariel’s pain and anger towards me were justified, but I also knew that I

couldn’t continue to blame myself for something that was out of my control. Something I

didn’t execute. No doubt, I had really lamaged Ariel. I couldn’t change the past, but I could

make a conscious effort to be present in the present and appreciate the small moments in

life, doing the best I could to make things could see how my mistakes were affecting me

currently. I’m not really happy about that.

better. I

I drove to Sidney’s apartment to tell her what had happened. I had seen her daughter

paying a visit to her son’s and our son’s grave.

I knocked on the door softly, but she didn’t come out. Perhaps she didn’t hear me. I even

rang the doorbell and waited for some time, but she didn’t come out. I had to put my ear

closer to the door, and I was hearing the moans of a woman, almost like her voice. I could

see she was having a good time. So what was I going to do? I turned around, and as I was

about to reach my car, I heard my name.

I turned around to see her standing at the door, adjusting her dress.

“You came to see me?” She asked loudly since we were kind of far from each other. But

that was a silly question, wasn’t it?

I didn’t say a word, but I walked back to her.

“I’m sorry, I was busy,” she apologized.

“Yeah, I know that.” I nodded. “Anyways, I came to tell you that I saw your daughter today.

She’s alive; thank God for that.”

“Wow, really?”

I “Yes. You can go back to what you were doing because it’s clear that you’re not done.

Goodbye.” 1 walked away after those words, got into my car, and drove off. I wasn’t going

to start sticking my nose in her business.

The moment I arrived at my mansion, I saw this woman standing there. She was beautiful,

no doubt. But I could tell she was older than me. It should be about forty or something.

She had makeup all over her face and a nice figure, too, looking quite desirable. But I

wasn’t going to get myself interested. That would be really messed up if I decided to go on

with such a thought.

“Afternoon,” she said the moment I approached her. But there was no smile on her face. I


care less anyway.

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“Afternoon, miss,” 1 greeted back.

“The name’s Laura, actually.”

“I see. So, can I please know why you’ve come here? Have you shown up to discuss


She chuckled. “I haven’t come to talk about that.” Her cold tone had me kind of



“Okay, then why are you here?”

“I just have two words for you, Luke Reynold. Be prepared.”

I gave her a confused face. “Be prepared?”

She raised her brows in response, and 1 shook my head, still dumbfounded. “I don’t get it.

Be prepared for what?”

“Ariel,” she answered.

My eyes widened at that very moment. “Ariel? You know Ariel?”

“Why not? I’m the one who took care of her after she got damaged, broken, and wrecked

by you.”

“And when did that happen?”

“When you killed her son, I found her in the water, almost dead. I saved her and took her

as family.

“Wait, you saw her almost dead in a river. Did she tell you that I’m the one responsible for


“Nope, but she did tell me that you killed her son. So be prepared for what’s coming for

you. Have a nice day.”

She walked away from me after that. A car drove in her direction, and she entered. I stood

still, watching the car move away, and this woman’s words were revolving around in my


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