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The Love From Vengeance

Chapter 207
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I looked at Laura, shocked by her idea of taking someone’s life. “I know I made a promise

to my son,

but I don’t know if I c

actually go through with it. Ending someone’s life is not something I can do


“Ariel, you can’t let your emotions get in the way of your revenge. Luke deserves to pay

for what he did. He doesn’t deserve to live after taking away your son’s life.”

I took a deep breath. “I know, but I don’t want to become a murderer like him. I want to

make sure he suffers, just like my son did.”

Laura placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “I understand your hesitation, but you

can’t let your conscience hold you back. Luke doesn’t have a conscience, so he did what

he did. You need to let Vengeance take over.”



“You’re right. You’re right about that. I can’t let my emotions hold me back. I will do

whatever it takes to make sure Luke pays for his sins.”

“That’s the spirit,” Laura said with a grin. “I will help you with whatever you need. We’ll

make sure he regrets ever crossing you.

“Thank you, Laura. I couldn’t do this without your support.”

“Anytime, Ariel.” She wrapped her arm around my neck, grinning. “Now, let’s get

ourselves some good dishes.‘

“Cool, but where’s Bernardo? He came with you, right?”

“Yes. He’s probably in the shower right now.”

“And your brother?”

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Laura smirked at me right away. “Why are you asking?”

I raised my brows immediately, knowing, “No, no, it’s definitely not what you’re thinking.”

“You like Mike, don’t you?” She teased.

“What? No!”

“Yes, you do,” she playfully poked at me.

“Nah, let’s just go get some food, alright?”

“Okay, cool.” She wrapped her hand around my neck, and we both made our way to the


And I knew life was about to get tougher. I may have lost my son, but I would not lose my

sense of justice. I’d make sure Luke met his end, but I was going to do it in a way that

would make him suffer. And with Laura by my side, I knew I had the strength and support

to see this through to the end.





I made my way through the crowd to find a seat at the public business meeting. Yes, it was

a meeting where there would be many discussions, and many people were anticipating it.

So, adjusting my tie, listened to the gentle murmur of conversation around me, the scent

of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass filling the air.

Taking a seat on one of the white folding chairs facing the stage, I felt a sense of

anticipation building within me. This gathering was a chance for the community to unite

and discuss how to make our society a better place for all. And trust me, it was what I

wanted for these people. I could see things. getting worse day by day.

The speaker, a distinguished gentleman with silver hair, stepped up to the podium, his

commanding presence capturing the attention of everyone present. His words about

creating a more inclusive and prosperous society struck a chord deep within me.

“We must address the inequalities in our community,” the speaker declared, emphasizing

the need for equal opportunities for all. I nodded in agreement, wanting to contribute to

this cause. Why? Because that’s what billionaires do? Businessmen actually.

The speaker continued, emphasizing the importance of sustainability and environmental

consciousness. It inspired me to do my part in protecting our planet for future generations.

Damn, I just sounded like one of those DC superheroes.

The applause that followed his speech reverberated through the garden, filling almost

everyone with hope. When the speaker invited attendees to share their thoughts, I didn’t

hesitate to raise my hand. In fact, I stood up.

“I believe that through community and collaboration, we can overcome any challenge,” I

said, my voice steady and resolute. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause; a sense

of unity was very clear

in the air.

“That’s the billionaire right there!” Someone shouted from the crowd.

“Luke Reynold! Luke Reynold!” They all began to shout my name, and I wondered why. I

loved it, though. After all, I was famous.

“Taking from your grandfather’s footsteps. Thank you, Luke Reynold. What is this city

without you?”

I laughed silently. “Please don’t flatter me.”

The crowd continued to bring out their clamorous voices, and when I turned around, I

spotted her from afar, with her arms crossed. She looked just like Ariel. I shook my head,

closing my eyes before opening them again. I saw no one at that spot.

Now, I was just seeing things. Ariel was still lingering in my head, and my eyes were now

starting to lie to me. I looked in that direction again and saw no one. Yup, it was all just in

my head.


I stood in front of the grave, my heart heavy with grief, as I clutched a bouquet of fresh

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flowers. Tears streamed down my face as I was just staring at the tombstone. My dear

Lakel, my precious boy, was lying beneath the ground, a victim of a senseless act of


Ilanceled down, placing the flowers gently on the grave as if they were a symbol of my

undying love for my son. “Hey, Lake,” I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion. “It’s

Mom. I miss you so much, baby, I wish you were here with me.”

I closed my eyes, letting the memories of our time together flood my mind. I remembered

how he used to laugh so easily, his infectious smile lighting up my world. He had been

such a happy child, always full of life and adventure. We had shared so many good times

together, just the two of us, ever since his father walked out on us when Lukel was just a


“Do you remember our camping trips, Lukel? You used to love exploring the woods,

pretending to be a brave adventurer. And our movie nights, when we would cuddle up on

the couch and watch our favorite animated movies. You always wanted to be the hero, just

like the characters on the screen.”

I wiped away my tears. “I promise you, Lakel, I will make the person who did this to you

pay. No one can take away my son and get away with it.”

“You were my everything, Lukel, you and your sister, Janice. And I will never let anyone

forget that. You will always be my son, my little hero.”

I stood up, placing a hand on the tombstone. “I have to go now, Luke. But I will come back

soon. I promise.” With one last look at his grave, I turned and walked away, my heart

heavy but my resolve stronger than ever.

I walked to Laura, who was standing far from me when I was still close to Luke’s


“I could tell your son was a nice kid.”

“Yes, he was,” I told her, and she burst into tears.

She hugged me after that. “It’s okay, Ariel. This is just part of life. And we need to live up

to every


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