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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 196
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Chapter 196

“Is it important who your backer 10” Haylan asked, hit tone cold and unwavering

“Of course, it’s important. If I were to reveal the identity of my backer. ight frighten you. And if you even

think about laying a finger on me, the consequences will be uvere. The man backing me will ensure

that you suffer Suranne said, her tone revolute and unwavering

As Haylan’s cold gaze bore down on her, Suranne’s hair stood on end. Her voice trembled as she

spoke. “Listen carefully. My backer is Hugh Croydon one of Lightdom City’s Four Kings. And if you

even think about laying a hand on me, Mr.

Croydon ensure you regret it”

Before Suranne could finish her we mouth. She crumpled to the ground

Haylan had struck her across the face, causing blood to gush from her nose and a pitiful state

Suranne was stunned by the blow and could hardly believe what had just happened. She covered her

face and looked up at Haylan in disbelief. You you dare to hit me?” she said, her voice quivering with

anger and shock

She had already mentioned the name of the Four Kings, so was difficul to understand how Hayian

could still have the courage to strike her.

“You speak with hinking, so you deserve to be slapped. This slap is to teach you a lesson. If you dare

to gossip again. 1

Haylan warned.

Lke sure you regret

His cold gaze remained fixed on Surrane as he spoke. “Apologize to my classmate immediately!”

Havlan had been curious about even more tunous!

juranne’s backer was. To his surprise, it turned out to be Hugh Croydon, which made

Hugh had not only allowed his nephew to bully Noah and Perry, but now even his mistress had come to

mock Mia. This wi an unwelcome development for Haylan, and Su had to face the consequences of her


“Alright, alright, alright How dare you hit me? You just made the biggest mistake of your life 1 will inform

Mr. Croydon of this immediately and I guarantee that you will regret this Suranne roared her fear

dissipating as anger took over.

Without hesitation, she grabbed her mobile phone and dialled Hugh’s number. Sobbing, she pleaded

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pitifully. “Mr. Croydon Ive been slapped. You have to come and save me, please.”

Then the shared her address with hi

“Bastard, who dares to be so arrogant? Have you not mention my name?” Hugh’s voice boomed

through the phone.

Mr. Croydon, he doesn’t care about you at all.” Suranne wailed tears flowing freely “He even called you

a piece of dogshit. and said he d sap you if you were here Her words were like gasoline on a flame,

fueling the fire of her anger toward Haylan and painting hur as an arrogant and wiew man.

“He are he about me like that, you bastard He is playing with fire!” Hugh spat out the words with a

hateful tone.

“My darling just wait. I’ll have someone teach him a lesson right away” Hugh’s voice seethed with

anger. He continued to roar before abruptly hanging up the phone.

After the call, Suranne seethed as she turned to Haylan, her anger palpable. “What’s your name, kid?”

she demanded. “As I aid before, you’re as good as dead.

“Mr Croydon will have someone slice you into pieces.

“Be sensible and kneel before me along with that bitch. Mia. Apologize, and I will consider sparing your


Haylan interrupted Suranne’s threats, launching a vicious kick that left her unrecognizable on the

ground, completely unconscious.

“Hugh Croydon. right” Haylan spoke with a cold detachment. Tll be waiting for him.”

Haylan had sent a chilling message to Hugh, using the corpses of Timmy and his peers as a macabre

declaration of war.

Despite that. Hugh had yet to take action. Now that he had met Hugh’s mistress. Haylan eagerly

awaited Hugh’s arrival and could not wait to confront him.

With Suranne taken care of Haylan returned to his seat and turned to Mia. “I apologize, but that woman

was too stubborn.” he said, has voice tinged with regret. “At least I could help you vent your anger this


Mia’s eyes widened in shock as she surveyed the scene, taking in Trevor and Suranne, along with the

others who lay on the ground, unconscious. She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed and

silently gasped, “Is Haylan this formidable”

However, her expression changed drastically She grasped Haylan’s hand and implored. “Haylan, we

must get out of here. You’re in big trouble. If we don’t leave now, it ll be too late when Hugh arrive

Although she was a celebrity who had been away from Lightdom City for a long time. Mia had recently

returned to the cary to tim

However. Mia knew of Lightlon City’s infamous “Four Kings”, and the mere thought of them sent shivers

down her spine. Among them was a particularly fearsome figure known for his ruthless and cruel ways.

He was a Duke with ambitions that extended far beyond has territory

Haylan’s slapping Suramme’s lace was tantamount to slapping Hugh’s face.

The thought of High’s miminent arrival filled Mia with dread. The mere idea of facing him was


“Mami, no need to be so nervous. We’re just waiting for Hugh Haylan said calmly.

Tub” Mi said, stummed

“There will definitely be a battle between me and Hugh Croydon.” Haylan said.

“Why? How did you provoke Hugh Mia asked in a panic.

Haylan’s previous feud with Maxwell was enough to cause trouble, and now Haylan had crossed paths

with Hugh. However, at didn’t matter who the enemy was, as the consequences were bound to be

severe for Haylan.

Mia knew that if it was Maxwell whom Haylan had offended, she could have arranged a banquet to

smooth things over. With her connections and charm, she believed she could convince Maxwell to

forgive Haylan and avoid further confrontation.

However, with Haylan offending Hugh, Mia had no solution.

Because of me and Noali sand

“Because Hugh has done something that I camont forgive. He has to pay the price. Haylan said coldly,

interrupting Noah.

Haylan Jaber’s voice was laced with a chilling aura, which filled the air with an overwhelming sense of

menace, causing the temperature in the surrounding area to drop sinddenly His entire body emanated

a terrifying killing intent as he spoke, and The murderous aura swept arross the whole place like an


The boss of the barbecue stall, who was about to approach Haylan to settle scores, was frozen in the

spot by the overwhelming murderous aura emanating from Haylan. It was as if he had stepped into an

icehouse, causing him to tremble m fear and eyes to widen in

The intense pressure emanating from Haylan’s killing intent was tangible, causing the hairs on the back

of everyone’s neck. to stand on end and a sharp, almost physical pain to shoot through their skin like a

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At this moment, everyone in the barbecue stall looked at Haylan with fear and panic.

Mia, like everyone else, gazed at Haylan with a mixture of surprise and admiration. She could not help

but notice how much he had grown since she met him right years ago. His firm jawline and icy, self-

assured gaze exuded an irresistible charm, causing her heart to r.

Haylan retracted his overwhelming aura and said. “There’s no need to be afrail. As long as I’m here,

Hugh won’t be able to cause any trouble. Just continue eating your barbecue and wait for his arrival”

The patrons of the grill house finally breathed a collective sigh of relief. Beads of sweat were visible on

many foreheads, and some were even panting from the intensity of the moment.

The owner of the barbecue stall nervously wiped the sweat from his forehead and approached Haylan.

In a trembling voice, he begged, “Boss, 1 beg of you. Please leave quickly Our small shop cannot

withstand your presence

Suppose it would have been fine if it was just a normal fight. But, the thought of facing a powerful figure

like Hugh was an entirely different matter

If the latter happened, the stall owner knew he would not have the means to recover from the loss.

Morrover, Haylan Jaber was no ordinary man. Despite his plains attire, his exceptional strength and

skill allowed him to defeat a horde of experts in mere seconds. Clearly, he did not consider Hugh a

threat at all

If Hugh and Haylan were to clash at the barbecue stall, there was no doubt that the stall would be

utterly destroyed.

“Boss, 1 understand your fears and desire to drive me away for peace. But have you considered what

he would do to you if 1 am not here when his associates came over Haylan calmly replied.

As the owner of the barbecue stall heard Haylan Jaber’s words, his expression contorted into an ugly

grimace. Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead, indicating his mounting anxiety.

He thought. “If Hugh came over and saw that Haylan had left, wouldn’t he unleash his anger on my grill


Haylan maintained a calm expression as he casually picked up a rotisserie chicken from the table and

took a bite. He followed it with a sip of beer, exuding confidence as he assured the owner, “Boss,

there’s no need to worry. I’ll take full responsibility for any losses incurred today.

“Just focus on running your business. Keep the music playing and the dancing going. Just make sure

to serve me plenty of wine and barbecue, Haylan Jaber said with a hint of authority. they won’t be able

to stir up any trouble.”