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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 290
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Chapter 290

“No, it can’t be Paul, are you sure? How could Magnus ever do such a thing?” He couldn’t be using


Paul wanted to say more, but the hospital director walked over with a grim face handing a test report to

Natalia “Mrs Andersen, this is Mr. Andersen’s blood test report His blood contains a large amount of


The director’s words struck Natata like lightning her hands trembling as she took the report She

refused to believe it. Oh God Magnus could not possibly be using drugs. This must have been a



“Madam, what should we do now Should we inform Mr Morgan?” Paul asked Natalia

“No!” Natalia immediately stopped Paul She walked slowly into the room looking at Magnus hands tied

to the bed, and felt a sharp pain in her heart

Dont tell him Morgan, like everyone else would never accept that the CFD of Andersen Corporation

was a drug addict

“I’ll call James now, tell Dr. Frankie to come to Melfort as soon as possible. We need to keep this under

wraps We can’t let any news leak out “Natalia, despite being in shock, quickly made a decision No

matter what, she could not let the news of Magnus drug use leak out!

After saying this Natalia dialed James number asking him to come over as soon as possible

Three hours later, James and Dr Frankie arrived by helicopter in Melfort They quickly rushed over,

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along with Carter

After a brief discussion Dr. Frankie decided to first determine the type of drug in Magnus system and

then see if an antidote could be formulated Dr Frankie and his medical team immediately started their


Meanwhile James stayed with Natalia, standing by the bed and watching over Magnus “Natalia, don’t

worry too much. I believe Magnus will pull through” James comforted Natalia, feeling helpless himself

Natalia sighed softly “I know He’s so outstanding he can’t be using drugs. Someone must be scheming

against him behind his back.”

James thought for a moment, “Could it be Lucius?”

“No.” Natalia shook her head confidently “Lucius wouldn’t dare to do this. He wouldn’t torture him in this

way The person who poisoned him must hate Magnus to the bone”

“Alright I send someone to investigate who’s behind this, James said, instructing his men to probe into

the cause of Magnus poisoning

Natalia nodded “Yeah it’s best to start with the company. These days, Magnus spends most of his time

either at home with me and the kids or at the office”

As she said this, a face flashed through Natalia’s mind Belle. For some reason, she had never had a

good impression of Belle Even though she was sure she had met Belle only once she felt a distinct

dislike from the look in Belle’s eves.

That dislike was cold and suffocating as if she was seeing an arch–enemy.

“James, I want your men to pay special attention to a girl named Belle” Natalia reminded James,

unable to put her worries to rest.

“Belle” James was taken aback, “Who is she?

“Belle used to be Magnus assistant and had a history of drugging him I suspect that she’s behind this

as well,” Natalia’s suspicion towards Belle grew stronger

But why would Belle want to poison Magnus?

Magnus had mentioned once that Belle had a crush on him and drugged him out of her infatuation

Could it be that love had turned to hate?

Natalia couldn’t figure it out and decided to stop pondering over it. She believed that as long as James‘

men conducted a thorough investigation, they would uncover the truth She trusted their capabilities

inside the special care unit, Magnus slowly opened his eyes. Natalia, who had been watching intensely

from the glass window, was overjoyed and rushed into the room, but tears started streaming down her

face when she reached Magnus‘ bed

Magnus was shouting at her. “Who are you? Get me some tea! I need teal Give it to me! Now!”

Natalia was scared by his crazed voice, she stepped back, tears flowing “It’s me, Natalia. Look

carefully, I’m your wife”

“Wife” Magnus bloodshot eyes paused for a moment, a hint of clarity flashed in his eyes But soon, he

fell back into madness “Get out! I need tea, only teal Give me tea?” James grabbed Natalia’s arm

“Magnus, do you recognize me?”

Magnus threw a punch at James “Get out” His eyes were burning red He jumped off the bed and

grabbed James by the throat

James tried to pry his hand free, but it was as firm as iron Watching James eyes roll back, Natalia

rushed over, crying out loud, “Magnus, let go! Let go! He’s Jai

At that moment. Carter walked in and saw everything. He quickly moved over and struck a blow at the

back of Magnus neck Magnus slowly loosened his grip and fell bac Carter caught him and laid him

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back on the bed

Natalias voice was hoarse from crying She held onto Magnus hand lightly, crying her heart out

“He’s not in his right mind right now He doesn’t know who you are.” Carter said pulling the almost

suffocated James out of the mom

“Can we just watch him like this? Natalia was also pulled out of the room She leaned against the glass

window and ched uncontrollably. “Why has he suddenly become like this?”

“Natalia, don’t take it too hard, Dr Frankie will for him” James gasped, trying to comfort Natalia. His

heart was

As they talked. Dr Frankie approached them, clad in his white coal

Kunding from his near

penence with Magnus.

“Dr Frankie, have you developed an antidote yet?” Natalia asked, hope flashing in her eyes it had been

two days, and she was desperate for a positive answer

Dr Frankie looked at Natalia, his expression grave “We’ve only identified the poison. The antidote we

haven’t managed to create it yet

Natalias hope quickly turned into disappointment What poison did Magnus get hit with she blurted out

without thinking

“What kind of poison can turn a man into this? James chimed in curiosity mingling with his concern

Handing over the lab report to James, Dr Frankie explained. Our overnight research indicates that it is

a new kind of poison, called Sky Scorcher It’s hard to come by on the black market, and once it takes

effect, it becomes more potent with each passing moment First, it blues ones consciousness Gradually,

the entire body begins to decay until death ensues