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The Imposter Bride by Sallie Woods

Chapter 266
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Chapter 266

Without seeing Lexi, Natalia’s spirits were notably dampened.

A car suddenly pulled her over Natalia lifted her head in irritation, expecting Addison to be causing

trouble again. However, she was mistaken this time. The man who had stopped her was Magnus, who

had received a text from Jonas and was in a hurry to get back.

He had been in a meeting when he received Jonas‘ message. Without a second thought, he left his

colleagues behind in the office and sped off to find Natalia, fearing that something terrible had

happened to her.

“Nat, are you okay? Is there any trouble? What happened to the person who was following you?”

Magnus asked anxiously

Seeing Magnus worned expression, Natalia couldn’t help but smile. This man was usually so ruthless

and cold–hearted. How was it that he could get so flustered?

It was kind of heartwarming though

“Oh, we just ran into Addison, but she’s gone now. Everything’s okay” Natalia reassured Magnus.

However, Magnus didn’t seem convinced “Addison? Why would she be following you? Honey, did she

hurt you in any way? Let me check.”

With that, Magnus took hold of Natalia and began to thoroughly examine her from head to toe Honey,

are there any injuries that I can’t see? Please tell me, I’m worried sick

Natalia burst into laughter, but before she could say anything, Jonas gave Magnus a glaring eye roll

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‘Daddy it seems there’s also a certain someone’s son here who hasn’t received any consolation

Magnus waved his hand dismissively “Out of the way, of course, my wife is the most important.”

A disgruntled Jonas sulked off to doodle in the dust.

Seeing Magnus hand inching lower, and about to slip under her shirt, Natalia quickly caught his hand.

Tm really fine. You’re the one who’s harassing me

“Harassing? How can this be considered harassment? I’m simply worried for you” Magnus retorted with

a hurt expression, clinging to Natalia, unwilling to let go. “Honey, as long as you weren’t hurt by that

detestable Addison, I can rest easy”

Knowing she couldn’t out–talk Magnus, Natalia relented, gently saying. I really am not hurt. Addisen

only had an argument with me, then she left”

Magnus hand reluctantly left Natalia’s soft skin, his voice filled with affection, “Sweety, did she have an

argument with you? That despicable woman!”

Natalia nodded “Yes, it seemed to be about Kendra. She said Kendra is in a bad condition.”

“She deserves it. She brought it upon herself, Magnus admitted callously “Yes, my men kidnapped her

and sold her to an underground gambling ring. Since she likes to steal other women’s men, I’ll give her

a taste of different men.”

Magnus looked nonchalant, but his words were chilling Natalia felt a cold shiver run down her spine.

“Magnus, if I upset you one day, would you do the same to me?”

Magnus was taken aback, and quickly covered her mouth. “Don’t say such things. How could I possibly

do that to you? Honey you’re my life. Without you, there’s no reason for me to live I won’t allow you to

say such things.”

Natalia slapped away Magnus hand “Go away with your sweet talk. I don’t know how you manage to

lead your employees with that slippery tongue of yours.”

“Hehe, honey I don’t need to lead them. They naturally follow my orders. But, it’s kind of you to worry

about me and understand my hardships Magnus smiled, his eyes curved in delight

Natalia rolled her eyes. “Oh, you’re so hardworking. You only go to the office once in a while.”

“Of course, mental labor is always harder than physical labor! Magnus boasted shamelessly,

completely disregarding Natalia and Jonas‘ contemptuous expressions.

“Fine, you’re right. You’re the hardest working person in the world, you know? But, Natalia hesitated,

then sighed, “But aren’t you being a bit too harsh on Kendra? She’s still a young girl, after all

“Hehe, shes the most devious girl I’ve ever met,” Magnus said dismissively. “If there are any issues,

they can come to me. If she dares to harm my family again, I will make them disappear from this


Seeing Magnus ruthless demeanor, Natalia knew better than to continue the argument. She decided to

change the subject. “By the way could you help me find out what happened to Lex when you have the


“Lex? What’s wrong with her? Magnus seemed confused

Natalia hit Magnus lightly. “Lexi went to England with me last time and then disappeared after leaving a

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note I went to her house to find her today, but her mother said she went on a trip abroad and hasn’t

returned. I’m a bit worried.”

After thinking for a moment, Magnus asked, ‘Oh? Is she missing?”

Natalia frowned. “I’m not sure I didn’t tell Lexi’s mother the details, fearing she would worry I thought it

would be best to let you send someone to investigate first”

Magnus was thrilled Having Natalia ask him for help meant that she trusted him completely. Nothing

could make him happier

*Sure, I’ll do whatever you ask. Ill send someone to England to investigate right away, Magnus

promised He sent a message to his men in England, asking them to check Lexi’s immigration records

“Honey, don’t worry They’re very efficient. They’ll reply soon‘

Natalia nodded “Okay, I hope she’s alright.”

“Alright, it’s almost noon. Let’s go have a feast Consider it a treat to calm your nerves. How does that

sound?” Magnus didn’t take the matter to heart. He abandoned his car by the roadside, squeezed into

Natalia’s car, and took them out for lunch

Natalia’s mood wasn’t improving. She was distracted throughout dinner. Her mind was far away in

England, where Magnus had sent people to investigate. But what could they possibly find?

Seeing Natalia’s furrowed brow, Magnus couldn’t help but pinch her cheek. “Come on, don’t worry. Lexi

seems sharp, she should be fine”

“At this point, that’s all we can hope for Natalia conceded, nodding reluctantly. She decided to put the

matter aside for now and await the news from England.

In an English castle.