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The God of War by Useless scholar

Chapter 335
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The God of War Chapter 335

Pierre and his wife also came together with Melina.

The couple was cautious and timid while carrying bags of vegetables and greeting Albert’s family members one

after another. Then they smiled shyly and said, “We could only bring you some fresh vegetables as a paltry gift…”

“Uncle! Aunt! Come in! I’ll take it!” Roselyn said.

Full of enthusiasm, Roselyn quickly stepped forward, took all the vegetables, and said, “Why bother? You are being

too polite! Melina, how about your internship in the group? I have been busy with Fair Skin these days, so I didn’t

have the chance to ask you.”

The last time when Melina was drugged, Jorge rescued her in time. After that, she stayed in the New-Easton Group

as an intern. In less than two months, Melina had become the deputy director of the Quality Control Department.

The quality of the product was the top priority of the company. Jorge believed Melina was one of his own, so it was

best to put Melina in that position! Melina said with a snort, “Roselyn, you should ask me earlier!”

Melina pouted and continued, “Mr. Tanner told me some good news. When our branch office gets established in

Middle River City, the present director of the Quality Control Department will be its general manager, and I will

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replace him.”

“What did you say?” Zoey asked, shocked.

Not far away, Zoey’s eyes suddenly widened. She looked at Melina first, and then she turned to look at Albert.

Suddenly, she shouted, “Why? Since this little girl can be the director, why can’t Arturo be a vice president?”

Worried, Zoey said to Albert, “Even if he can’t be a vice president, at least he can be the director of the Security

Department. Albert! Why don’t you let Arturo replace him? Jorge is your matrilocal son-in-law, after all. Besides,

Arturo is much better than him!”

“Shut up!” Albert shouted.

Albert looked happier after seeing Pierre and his wife come over. However, when Zoey began to humiliate Jorge

again, he immediately put on a long face and said furiously, “I warned you to respect Jorge! In my eyes, Arturo is

considerably inferior to Jorge!”

“You…” Zoey muttered.

Zoey was so angry that her whole body trembled. She suddenly turned around and ran to Trumpchi. She cried to

Grace inside of the car, “Mom! Did you hear what Albert said? What’s wrong with my son? How could Albert say

that my son is much inferior to Jorge? I think Albert would beat me if I didn’t run fast.”

Grace walked shakily out of the car with a cane in her hand. She then waved at Albert and uttered a sigh. “Albert,

calm down! We are a family! Aleena is your wife, and Zoey is your wife’s sister. Don’t be mad at her!” Grace said.

Albert didn’t dare to offend Grace. He went forward to support Grace, trying to play nice with her. After thinking for

a while, Albert said, “Grace! I got what you mean. I’ll call the HR department later to give xo.com fast

updateArturo an interview, but it will depend on Arturo’s ability to pass it or not. What do you think?”

“Albert!” Zoey shouted angrily.

Zoey hit the ceiling with her face almost distorted. “What do you mean? Are you looking down upon my son? How

could you let this little girl become a director while asking Arturo to go for an interview? It’s unfair!” Zoey said.

Zoey then stepped forward, shook Grace’s arm, and wailed. “Mom, Arturo is your grandson! You tell Albert that

Arturo will only accept to be a vice president!” Zoey added.

Grace looked helpless. Just as she was about to say something, her turbid eyes suddenly lit up. She then waved at

the mountain passes in the distance and yelled, “Aleena! Finally, you are here!”

Grace said, “Be quick! Come over here! Zoey and Albert are arguing.”

Aleena was preparing the meal in the kitchen with the maids! She waited for the guests for a long time, but no one

showed up, so she became so worried that she rushed over by sightseeing car with Olivia. As she was approaching,

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her heart skipped a beat after hearing the quarrel from afar.

Aleena thought, ‘Are they fighting with each other?’

“Mom!” Aleena cried.

In a panic, Aleena got out of the car and gave Olivia to Roselyn. Then, she supported Grace with Albert and asked,

“What’s going on? Today is a happy day, isn’t it?”

Zoey said, “Your husband started it!”

Zoey’s face turned red with anger. She gritted her teeth in hatred and said, “Aleena! As you know, we helped you a

lot when you were in dire straits. Now, you are so rich and successful, and I only ask Albert to offer a job for Arturo.

But, look what he did! How could he treat my son like that? I’m ashamed for him!”

Next to Zoey, Olivia was shivering in Roselyn’s arms. Olivia was only five years old. What she was most afraid of

was quarreling and fighting. Zoey’s face was so ferocious that Olivia got frightened by it! Seeing that, Jorge

immediately said, “Liv, come here!”

Jorge stepped forward and took the little girl into his arms. As he stroked Olivia’s head, his eyes fell on Zoey’s face


Jorge only heard a part of what had happened in the past, but his eyes became clouded when he thought of it.

When Roselyn and her parents were scratching out a living in those hard times, Zoey ignored and even mocked

them. At that time, Zoey called Albert “a cripple” when his leg had not recovered yet, bringing great humiliation to


Jorge secretly thought, ‘Such a malicious woman only cares about money and benefits. What a heartless jerk!