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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chatper 1965
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Gasps rippled through the crowd.

Seth’s eyes narrowed in an instant. He stood still, his back arching under Cicely’s teasing

grip, immobilized, momentarily without action.

Cicely lingered on his lips for a while, then began to press and rub on them, their lips

touching softly, devoid of any real passion.

The kiss was so clumsy that even Cicely thought it was embarrassingly inept. Looking up

at Seth’s nearly unresponsive expression, she bit his lip in frustration.

It wasn’t until she saw his brow furrow that she let go. Her ears were burning red. Yet, she

held her head high, her expression arrogant. “Get it now?”

Seth slowly straightened up, studying her feigned composure. His well-defined fingers

gently touched the spot where Cicely had bitten. There was a clear pain, a faint


Noticing the trace of red on his fingertip, he smiled. “I did promise you a wish. If that’s

what you want, I can oblige.”

Cicely smirked.

“But Cicely…” Seth continued, “Do you really believe in a man’s promises? Especially

those lifelong commitments? How many of those grand declarations made in the name of

true love remain unswayed? Besides, I may not love you, and you may not always like me.

Don’t be so sure of yourself. Always leave yourself a way out.”

Seth indeed spoke quite a bit. However, Cicely only took that “I may not love you” quite

seriously. She paused briefly, her breathing halted for a moment, her heart aching from

lack of oxygen. His blunt honesty was infuriating.

She had forced him into a public commitment, leaving him no easy way out, and he

spared her no dignity in return.

Taking a deep breath, she finally smiled faintly, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right.

Maybe my interest in you is just a fleeting affair. So be it, be my boyfriend, and when I’ve

had enough, we’ll talk.”

Seth looked at her with a hint of displeasure in his expression.

Cicely then flashed another carefree smile, “Don’t feel wronged. Even though you’re

fulfilling your promise, I’m genuinely sincere about this relationship from the start. Don’t

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act like I’m forcing you. Apart from me deciding when to break up, in every other aspect,

you’re not the one at a disadvantage, right?”

Seth found her smile somewhat blinding.

There was almost no sound around them. He pressed his lips together, suppressing the

irritation inside, and slightly lifted his eyes towards the two figures still standing on the

stair landing.

Creighton looked at him and gently shook his head.

Looking back at Cicely, Seth’s jaw clenched tightly. After a while, he forced a smile, “Fine.”

Cicely beamed, linking her arm with Seth’s, “This is the best adult birthday present I’ve

ever received. Come on, I’ll take you out for a bite.”

Ah, the best adult birthday present, Creighton’s years of building Cicely’s Mansion couldn’t

compare to a romance that might not even involve love. Erik was genuinely upset, “Is that

boy too out of line? He doesn’t even like my precious granddaughter. Who else could he

possibly like? To embarrass Cicely in front of so many people…”

“Dad,” Creighton interrupted Erik calmly, “Let the kids handle their own affairs. We can’t

interfere too much. Forcing things won’t necessarily lead to good results. It’s better to be

honest than to lie. Besides…”

He paused, looking at the retreating figures, slowly adding, “Seth might not be as

indifferent to Cicely as he claims.”

Erik fell silent for a while, then exhaled deeply, “I just worry she’ll end up like you, willing

to turn her back on her family for someone, to the point of obsession.”

Creighton smiled, “It’s a million times better than living with regret.”

Erik said no more.

Cicely ordered several dishes from the kitchen, all tailored to Seth’s taste.

Despite everything Seth had said in the living room, Cicely acted like she didn’t care. She

sat down with Seth, her joy apparent. She didn’t seem to be pretending.

Her nonchalance made Seth feel like he was reading too much into her behavior, but he

knew Cicely wasn’t foolish. She saw things clearer than anyone.

Seth didn’t eat much, Cicely’s eyes never leaving him from across the table. Putting down

his utensils, he met her gaze, “Are you planning to get sick of me as quickly as possible so

you can make a clean break?”

Cicely blinked, “I haven’t gotten sick of you in over two years. Maybe you’re under some

misconception about yourself?”

Seth wiped his mouth with a napkin, let it fall, and smirked, “If you haven’t gotten sick of

me in over two years, maybe the problem is with you?”

“Well, maybe it’s because I like you too much.”

Seth stood up, “I’m leaving.”

Cicely caught up, “Are you not eating anymore?”

“Don’t forget, you’re the star today.”

The two made their way through the veranda and entered the living room through a side


Cicely, arm in arm with Seth, reemerged before the crowd, her radiant smile betraying her


Seth’s mention of the star of the show became clear as Cicely made her second

appearance. Creighton was surrounded by a few older gentlemen. Spotting Cicely, he

beckoned her over.

“Cicely, this is Mr. Quinn. He’s been a reliable pillar for our family for over thirty years.

Don’t be as casual as usual and forget your manners, you hear?”

“Got it. Nice to meet you, Mr. Quinn.” Cicely was in high spirits, docile to a fault alongside


Her patience was limited to the company’s shareholders and partners, and soon enough,

she was dragging Seth away.

Creighton’s calls went unheard, and he could only turn his attention to Seth, “Seth, keep a

close eye on her.”

Seth nodded in acknowledgment.

Cicely thought she had finally escaped from such superficial socializing, but instead, Seth,

now taking her along, navigated through the crowd.

“That’s Mr. Grant from the Grant Corporation. The Ellis family is collaborating with them on

the Extreme Amusement Park project. You should go say hello.”

Cicely frowned, “Today’s my coming-of-age celebration, not a networking event.”

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“Being an adult means embracing the responsibilities that come with it. Do you still want

to live carefree, frolicking and feasting like a child?”

Cicely blinked, her bright, beautiful eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of shyness,

“Embrace adult responsibilities?”

Her eyes, alive with thrill yet tinged with bashfulness, caught Seth’s attention. He pursed

his lips, reached out to grasp her waist, and gently pulled her toward Mr. Grant from the

Grant Corporation, his voice steady and calm. “Mr. Grant, this is Cicely.

Cicely immediately put on a bright smile, “Hello, Mr. Grant.”

“Ah, lovely, lovely,” Mr. Grant beamed with joy. “Happy 18th birthday, Ms. Cicely.”

“Thank you.”

After a brief exchange, Seth guided her to greet other guests. Even with Seth, Cicely’s

expression was turning sour. “I don’t want to go anymore. I’m tired.”

Seth looked down at her.

Indeed, Cicely’s complexion was pale, and there was a sheen of sweat on her forehead

and nose.

His brow furrowed slightly as he dropped his gaze to her feet. Before him were a pair of

silver, diamond-studded high heels, her feet nestled within, the slender curve of her ankle

meeting her calf in an elegant arc. Now, only one foot bore weight, the other side of her

body leaning heavily against him.

Perhaps realizing that Seth had noticed her discomfort, Cicely turned and buried her face

in his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck with a muffled voice thick with grievance.

“Seth, my foot hurts.”

Danielle, arm in arm with Patty, had just appeared at the entrance when she saw Cicely

clinging to Seth near the doorway, her forehead rubbing against his shirt, boldly intimate.

Seth seemed unfazed.

Danielle’s steps slowed, and she stood rooted, her gaze fixed on the pair as if glued to


She couldn’t believe that in front of so many people, Seth would allow Cicely to be so

close to him without a care, but as she watched, hoping for what felt like an eternity that

Seth would push Cicely away, what she saw instead was him stepping back, bending

down, and sweeping Cicely into his arms.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!