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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2021-2030
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Charlie paused, then nodded. “Mr. Diaz, there’s a transatlantic meeting

tomorrow afternoon with the Ellis family. It’s regarding a joint venture for a luxury

hotel and a commercial boulevard with D country.”

“Got it.”

Seth was always busy. While his peers were out dating, living their best lives, he

not only took over the Diaz Corporation but took charge of all the Ellis family’s

key development projects and even established his very own company.

Everyone underestimated the ‘kid’, but he ended up eating their lunch.

That was probably Seth’s smartest move. No one expected someone so young

to play such a sophisticated game. Over the past six months, those who knew

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him were both surprised and wary of his tactics.

Despite his high-profile actions, he remained quite low-key personally.d2

People’s attitudes toward him had shifted from mocking ‘live-in son-in-law’ and

‘kid’ to a wary respect, no longer daring to speak ill of him behind his back.

However, there were other whispers within the company.

The term ‘live-in son-in-law’ might have been dropped, but rumors that he

wanted full control over the Ellis family were rampant. Some said he had no

affection for the Ellis family’s darling daughter, even bordering on dislike, and

that all his tolerance was solely for the sake of the Ellis family. Perhaps from the

start, the Ellis family’s heiress falling for him was part of his long game.

Who didn’t know what winning the Ellis family’s heiress meant? No fool would

pass up the chance to join the Ellis family.

Initially, shareholders scoffed at Seth, mocking the idea of a man trying to climb

the ranks through a woman as delusional, but in just a few years, he had

penetrated the upper echelons, wielding absolute power. If Seth ever left the

Ellis family, it was unthinkable what would become of them.

If he ever chose to go against the Ellis family, they wouldn’t stand a chance.


Cicely’s spirits didn’t seem to have dampened after the day’s earlier events.

Emiliana was worried at first, but it turned out Cicely genuinely didn’t mind.

During dinner with Seth that evening, Cicely casually mentioned the noon


“She’s been let go,” Seth said.

Cicely’s expression didn’t falter. “It seems that being a few years older does not

necessarily make you wiser.”

She paused, a sly smile forming, “But then again, some are decades older and

still willingly exploited.”

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly, but Cicely spoke as if she was discussing

something trivial, elegantly chewing her food.

“What kind of wedding do you want?” Seth changed the subject, catching Cicely

off guard.


Seth smirked, “Although I can arrange it, I can’t be sure of the specific style or

details you’d like. After all, it’s an important event, and it’s simpler to ask you

directly than to waste efforts on something you might not even like.”

Cicely slowly put down her fork, “Does this mean that we’re planning a


“How about the day after your birthday next year?”

Cicely looked dazed. “I think holding it on my birthday would be more


Seth took a sip of water, his demeanor calm and refined, “Are you sure? From

then on, you’d celebrate two anniversaries on the same day each year. That

would certainly save me some time…”

Before Seth could finish, Cicely caught on. “I’ve decided. The day after my

birthday it is.”

Seth smiled, “So, think about what kind of wedding you want and let me know.”

Cicely’s eyes sparkled like a sea of stars. “I’ll have to think about it.”

She couldn’t hide her excitement, “I’ve got plenty of time these days.”

Seth couldn’t empathize. They were already married on paper, living as husband

and wife. This wedding was just a formality. What difference would it really


But he knew women dreamed of a fairy-tale wedding. Cicely deserved one,

being the Ellis family heiress and the princess of P City. Her wedding was bound

to be unprecedented.


The next day, Cicely eagerly approached P City’s top wedding planning agency.

She spent the whole morning there.

The agency was always on the lookout for P City’s elite, keeping tabs on which

scions were of age and which heiresses were in love. After all, it was all about


Cicely’s visit had them overjoyed; she was probably the most anticipated client

in P City. Even after she left, the agency staff were still in awe. True to her Ellis

family status, her demands were top-notch.

“Look at her, born with a silver spoon, look at that poise, that skin, that figure –

all courtesy of wealth,” one staffer said.

“So it’s her and Seth’s wedding? I knew it, but it still feels surreal.”

“Yeah, they say Mr. Diaz is in it for the Ellis fortune. Otherwise, how could he put

up with Ms. Cicely’s temperament?”

“That’s none of our business. I’m more excited to see how lavish Ms. Cicely’s

wedding will be.”

“Can’t imagine it. We’ll just have to see it with our own eyes.”

The young women’s conversation came full circle back to the grandeur of the

upcoming wedding, each of them filled with longing. Every woman dreams of

her perfect wedding day.

Cicely had skipped lunch, her mind preoccupied with wedding dresses, as she

dragged Issac to the bridal boutique.

They’d visited three stores, and after Issac had gently nudged her several times,

an increasingly irritable Cicely finally decided it was time to grab a bite.

Issac, unfazed by her sour mood, cheerily suggested as he drove, “We’re

actually quite close to Lucky Spoon, Miss. You always rave about their soup.”

“Lucky Spoon?” Cicely paused before conceding, “Alright, let’s get takeout from

there. I’ll have lunch with him at the office.”

Issac fell silent for a few seconds before pointing out, “It’s past two, Mr. Diaz has

likely already had his lunch.”

“Then we’ll make it an afternoon tea. He seems to like Lucky Spoon’s soup too.”



By three o’clock, Seth was still in a meeting, and Cicely’s call came through to

Charlie’s phone.

“Where’s Seth?”

Charlie stepped outside the meeting room, speaking softly, “Mr. Diaz is in a

meeting at the Ellis Group. Is there something urgent? I can pass on a


“At the Ellis Group? Nothing major, just packed some food and wanted him to

join me. You don’t need to pass the message; I’ll be there shortly.”


The call ended, and not ten minutes later, Charlie was again holding Seth’s

buzzing phone. “Madam, Mr. Diaz is still in the meeting. Can I assist with

anything on his behalf?”

Patty’s voice, cool and detached, filled the line, “Where is he having the


“The Ellis Group.”


Patty acknowledged and abruptly disconnected. Charlie was left in a state of


Half an hour later, as the meeting wrapped up and Seth emerged, Charlie

relayed Cicely’s message.

Seth’s expression didn’t change. “Buy a sugar-free cake on the way back.”

Charlie nodded, understanding the subtext, and added, “Madam also called, but

she didn’t say anythi—”

Before he could finish, the woman he spoke of appeared at the front office door.Charlie

stopped mid-sentence and glanced at Seth.

Seth, lips pressed tightly together, made his way over.

Patty stepped aside with a frosty look as he opened the office door and followed

him in.

Charlie faintly heard Patty ask Seth, “Do you know why I came today?”

That question… He scratched his temple and shifted to the side.

Just then, the elevator dinged at their floor, making Charlie’s heart skip a beat.

He knew this was trouble. Before he could think of what to do, he saw Cicely

stepping out with two bags in her hands.d2

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He hurried forward, reaching to take the bags from her. “Ms. Cicely, you might

need to wait a bit longer. Mr. Diaz is still in a meeting.”

Cicely gave him an extra look, “Charlie, you feeling okay today?”

With a sheepish grin and a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, Charlie replied,

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

Cicely rarely invested her thoughts in others and didn’t take much notice of

Charlie’s odd behavior today. She headed straight for Seth’s office. “It’s fine. I

can wait for him in his office, I’m not in a hurry.”

Charlie tried several times to stand in her way, not keen on her nearing the

office, but each attempt faltered before action. Such an obvious refusal would

make the problem too apparent.

“Ms. Cicely…”


Cicely’s silhouette paused at the office door.

The former was Charlie’s final, helpless plea. The latter, a sharp rebuke, came

from Patty inside the office.

Charlie closed his eyes, especially embarrassed when Cicely silently glanced

his way.

“What are you trying to do? Warning Danielle to not talk too much in front of

me? If you don’t want to worry me, then why don’t you just agree to her? She’s

not without merit. Numerous talent agencies are vying for her. Now she wants to

sign with you, and you treat her like this? Rejected her several times? She can’t

even get an appointment with you? Is that reasonable?!”

“This is my company’s business. I can judge whether she’s qualified.”

“What kind of judgment do you have? Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to.

Is it because of Cicely again? How much more are you going to cater to her?”

“If you know I’m trying to please her, then stop bringing up Danielle’s issues and

causing me trouble.”

Cicely frowned from outside the door.

Pleasing? Talking about pleasing her in front of Patty? She narrowed her eyes

and tilted her head, subconsciously wanting to hear more.

“So, how much does Danielle have to suffer? If wasn’t Danielle’s identity, signing

her would be the obvious choice, right? You said Cicely is nice and

understanding. If you explain it to her, she shouldn’t object.”

“If everyone is so keen on Danielle, she’ll get better treatment elsewhere than

from signing with me. Are you sure you want me to bring up Danielle’s case in

front of Cicely, who has harbored resentment for her?”

Patty took a deep breath, “But Danielle joining your company is just a matter of


“Definitely not now.”

Seth’s tone finally broke through his restraint, showing a hint of impatience.

Cicely’s hands at her sides clenched tightly, her gaze shadowed by a faint


Silence fell in the office for a moment, and Patty’s next words were less heated.

“What about Danielle then? Seth, I’m warning you, Danielle is set on acting now.

When you weren’t the same circle, it’s all good, but now that you’re in the same

industry, you must look after her. Don’t use Cicely as a shield. If you really care,

you’ll manage it.”

Still hopeful, she added, “If you directly sign Danielle and look after her, that’s

only right. Even if Cicely finds out, she can’t complain.”

“If she truly encounters a problem, I’ll consider helping. But for now, when I say I

won’t sign her, I mean it.”

“Fine. I’ll talk to Danielle, but remember, by next year, after you’ve married her

and, as you said, secured the Ellis family’s influence and shares, you better sort

this out. I must be crazy to actually agree to let you marry her.”

Cicely’s heart skipped a beat, and suddenly her legs felt weak. She stepped

back, feeling lightheaded.

Charlie, who was too far from the office to hear the exchange, approached

Cicely with concern, “Ms. Cicely, are you alright?”

Cicely’s hands trembled slightly as she looked up at Charlie, her beautiful face

expressionless, her voice as calm as water. “I need to use the restroom.”

Not two minutes after she left, Patty emerged from the office.

Charlie entered next. He placed the two paper bags on the coffee table. Seth

was sitting in his chair, his face a mask of brooding darkness. “Mr. Diaz, Ms.

Cicely brought these from the Lucky Spoon.”

Seth’s gaze lifted slowly, the storm in his eyes yet to dissipate, his voice low and

strained, “Where is she?”

Startled by Seth’s demeanor, Charlie replied hesitantly, “She’s in the restroom.”

Seth’s attention finally shifted to the paper bags on the coffee table. “Did you get

the cake?”

“I just sent someone to pick it up; it should be back soon.”

“Alright.” Seth pinched the bridge of his nose and stood from his chair, moving

towards the door.

Charlie quickly stepped out, “I’ll check if the cake has arrived.”

Shortly after Charlie left, Cicely returned. Seth was now seated on the couch,

having laid out the soup and a few side dishes, the coffee table half-covered.

Seth caught Cicely’s entrance from the corner of his eye, his features indifferent

as he glanced her way. “Don’t tell me you skipped lunch.”

Cicely locked eyes with him for a couple of seconds, offering a half-hearted

smile before approaching. “I did, actually.”

Seth furrowed his brows. “What on earth were you doing that you missed


“I dropped by the wedding planner’s office, then window-shopped at a couple of

bridal boutiques.”

She settled beside Seth, her gaze fixed on his face as she approached,

searching for any hint of a reaction. But whether she was too naive or Seth was

too good at hiding his feelings, Cicely couldn’t read anything out of the ordinary.

His smile was measured, and when he spoke, smile tinged his voice. “Spot any

dresses that caught your eye?”

“Well, I only hit three shops. Saw some pretty ones, but I think there might be

something better out there.”

“Did you try any on?”

“Isn’t trying on dresses something you’re supposed to do with me?”

Seth cradled a bowl of porridge, spooning a taste and offering it to Cicely’s lips,

which she accepted with an open mouth.

“Yeah, maybe this weekend I’ll have some time.” He spoke only after seeing her

obediently swallow.

Cicely picked up a fork, spearing a bite of side salad and popping it into her

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mouth with a satisfied squint. “Sounds good.”

Seth fed her another spoonful. “Eat up, okay?”

Taking the spoon from him, Cicely responded, “You should look at tuxedos too.”

Seth just chuckled noncommittally, reaching for another bowl of soup.

As they neared the end of the meal, there was a knock at the office door. Setting

down his bowl, Seth called out, and Charlie came in bearing a cake.

“Ms. Cicely, this is a sugar-free cake Mr. Diaz specifically asked me to pick up

for you.”

“Thank you.”

Cicely turned towards Seth with a beaming smile. “So nice. What do you want

as a reward?”

“Any reward I want?”

She nodded. “Of course.”

Seth raised an eyebrow, looked at her and said, “How about you throw some of

your shares my way?”

“Sure.” Cicely pulled the cake closer without a hint of hesitation.

Seth gave her a longer look, his smile fading a touch. “A cake for a company?”

“What’s mine is yours, isn’t it? In the end, I’m up one cake, right?”

Seth fell silent, leaning back on the couch, watching as she casually forked cake

into her mouth. “Do you even know what owning even one percent of the Ellis

Group’s shares means?”

Cicely tilted her head in thought. “Lots and lots of money?”

Seth pursed his lips. “Not wrong. One percent of a huge sum could equal the

profits of a five-star hotel for at least a decade, not counting future appreciation.”

“Well, that’s the Ellis Group.”

Her expression wasn’t particularly surprised; she’d known the Ellis family was

wealthy since she was a child.

“But that’s my dad’s, and it will be yours in the future. If you’re counting on me, a

hundred five-star hotels wouldn’t be enough for my adventures.”

After saying this, Cicely looked at Seth with a smile. “So, I guess you’ll be taking

care of things, hubby?”

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly. “What did you call me?”

“Hubby? Isn’t that right?” Cicely’s face was the picture of innocence.

Seth eyed the cake in her hand. “Is the cake good?”


“You’ve had quite a bit. Aren’t you tired of it?”

“I’ll stop after this piece. If you didn’t want me to have so much, why buy a whole


“I wanted to make sure you had enough, not that you’d eat it all. The room’s got

toiletries if you need them.” He gestured towards the hidden lounge.

Cicely popped the last bite of cake into her mouth, then sighed contentedly,

patting her belly gently. “Looks like I might have to hit the gym later.”

Seth’s gaze flickered over her flat stomach, his lips tightening.

As Cicely opened the lounge door and stepped inside, a warm pressure

suddenly pressed against her from behind. She was nudged into the room,

instinctively turning her head in confusion. A force encircled her waist, and

before she could react, she found herself pinned against the wall. It was Seth. She could

smell his scent and see his silhouette. Trapped between

the wall and his chest, she questioned, “What are you doing?”

Seth bent over, his handsome face just inches away. The slender dark pupils

seemed to be filled with the lingering scent of aged wine, and even the warm

breath sprayed on her face appeared to carry a hint of alcohol. His lowered,

seductive voice was too easy to bewitch the heart. “I’m here for my reward, of


Cicely blinked, “You’re not expecting me to sign the transfer deed right now, are


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A firm squeeze on her waist answered her as Seth pressed his lips to hers in the

midst of her protest.

Cicely gasped, her hands instinctively rising, poised to push him away, but

instead, they found their way to his shoulders.

As the kiss deepened and showed no sign of stopping, Cicely began to struggle.

When there was a brief pause, she managed to say, “Don’t tell me your reward

involves even more.”d2

Seth’s lips brushed her cheek as he maneuvered her towards the bed, pinning

her beneath him with a bent knee. His free hand reached up, deftly undoing the

buttons of her blouse.

“Considering the company shares could be given away as a reward, doing a bit

more is well within my rights.” he mused.

Even after their many moments of bare honesty, Cicely still found herself easily

allured by any move this man made. As her blouse fell open, revealing her

porcelain skin, she bit her lip, falling silent.

Seth smirked, his fingers weaving through her hair, cradling her neck, drawing

her close, and then effortlessly captured her lips once more. She was swept into

the whirlpool he stirred, losing all coherent thought.

Forget Patty, forget Danielle, forget company shares, forget love or not. She

didn’t need to think about anything. Right now, she could simply indulge in what

she had.

It wasn’t too late. She retracted her earlier yearning for something called “love.”

Let it be as it started; he coveted what she had, and that was enough. She just

needed this man to belong to her entirely.

The curtains were drawn at some point, and as the evening sun blazed, the

room was enveloped in dimness.

Curled in the blankets, Cicely’s hair was strewn messily over the pillow and

bedding. Her eyes were half-closed, her long lashes fluttering occasionally.

Her arm lay casually across the mattress, her breathing slow and even. The

flush on her delicate face deepened as she saw her slightly curled fingers move

in the dim light, the ring on her finger catching a glint.

The finger moved again, and a warm presence pressed against her back,

interlocking fingers, and a warm kiss was planted behind her ear.

She stared at the hand that was holding her, while a patch of chill lightly hit her

skin from behind. She wasn’t sure whether to feel ironic or grateful. The ring was

on him, but he refused to put it on his finger.

Turning to face Seth, her gaze met his desire-laden handsome features. With

easier access, Seth buried his face into her neck.

“Seth, do you believe I love you?”

The one who falls first is destined to lose, and she never hid it. Perhaps it was

youthful ignorance or simply an innate honesty.

Could love ever be hidden?

Even now, she’d likely make the same choice. In the Ellis family, she was never

taught, nor did she learn, to be deceitful. Illusions always crumble, like overedited selfies

that can’t withstand the light of day.

Why pretend not to love? Why fear the truth being uncovered?

She never considered these questions, so she never thought about hiding.

The kiss at her neck seemed to cool slightly. “Mmm.” He knew, how could he

not? Everyone knew Cicely loved Seth. He was too clever.

With a lazy smile, she asked, “Do you love me?”

He didn’t answer directly. Men have a million ways to dodge or gloss over a

question when they wish to. “Have I ever done anything to make you feel


What a shrewd response. Was this a mere evasion, or did it imply that his love

for her was genuine?

“No, you’re wonderful. I guess every woman wants to hear those words.”

Seth chuckled softly, “Actions speak louder than words. Especially for men, that

phrase is quite cheap.”

So cheap that even saying it felt beneath them. Insincere to the point of


As expected, she didn’t get the answer she probably wanted. Cicely closed her

eyes and snuggled deeper into the pillow. “Let’s not. I’m tired.”

“Mmm, rest here. No need for the gym.”

Her brows twitched, eliciting a low laugh from Seth. Even the most seemingly

reserved men become wicked in these matters, it seemed.

Remembering their intimate moments and the raw words spoken in his deep,

husky voice, her cheeks flushed with heat.

Underneath his reserved exterior was a fierce passion, overwhelming in its


After the day’s exertions, the gym was indeed unnecessary.

Seth adjusted the room temperature and tucked the blankets around her. Then

there was movement from the bathroom, sounds of ease as if at home.

How long had it been since Seth felt this comfortable with the Ellis family?

Dismissing the foggy, useless thoughts from her mind, Cicely drew a long breath

and burrowed her face into the pillow.

When she awoke later, the room was dark. Groggily turning over, her hand

stretched out from under the covers and encountered warmth. The next second,

it was held.

She paused, turning her head to peer through the darkness. “Seth?”

“Sleeping until now. What are your plans for tonight, hmm?”

Cicely inhaled deeply, sighing long and hard. “What time is it?”



After sleeping the afternoon away, she certainly wouldn’t sleep early in the



So, after finishing dinner, the two of them returned home. After washing up,

Cicely hugged her laptop and searched online for wedding videos, wedding

styles, wedding venues, and even went as far as planning the honeymoon.

The two stayed in the study together, with Cicely wearing headphones. Except

for occasional faint sounds, there was hardly any noise.

Several times Seth looked up to see her utterly engrossed in the screen, her

expression one of intense focus.

Seth furrowed his brow in thought. Was this okay?

He knew what she was up to and could see her excitement about the wedding.

But given her personality, shouldn’t she be coming over to ask for his opinion

now and then? Yet, she was too quiet, as if her excitement was hers alone.

He waited for her to come over and share something—anything—but as the

clock ticked past eleven, there was no sign of her doing so.

“Getting late, we should go to sleep,” Seth said, his voice carrying a chill.

“Well, I’m not sleepy yet. You go ahead,” she replied, unfazed.

Seth stood up with a frosty expression and walked over to her. Towering above

Cicely, who was nestled on the couch, Seth didn’t wait for her to look up before

he removed her headphones, took the laptop away, and scooped her into his


Cicely opened her mouth to protest but ultimately, nothing came out. It wasn’t

until he laid her down on the bed that she finally voiced her discontent. “I feel

like there are still so many things I haven’t considered. I told you I wasn’t tired.”

“I am,” Seth replied curtly.

“If you’re tired, sleep. I’m not holding you back.”

“Sleep with me.”

She paused, a bit taken aback. “What, can’t sleep without me now?”

Seth didn’t answer, just pulled her close into his embrace. Cicely didn’t struggle.

She just cozied up within his arms.

“The wedding’s next year. No need to rush things now.”

“That’s not it. Just getting a head start, you know? My wedding has to be the

best-prepared event ever.”

“So, what have you figured out? What kind of wedding do you want? Have you


She sighed. “I can’t decide. I want a beach wedding, but then a church is

classic. Those traditional-themed weddings have their charm. But I can’t quite

picture you in anything but a suit. Maybe we should stick to a hotel wedding—it’s

timeless and foolproof.”

Her voice was filled with indecision, and even her final decision seemed driven

more by his preferences than her own wishes. She still hadn’t asked what he



Come the weekend, true to his word, Seth took Cicely to a bridal boutique to try

on wedding gowns.

Men trying on formal wear seems a simple affair. Clad in a tailored black suit,

Seth embodied an air of indifferent nobility, the crisp lines accentuating his tall

figure. His calm demeanor belied his youthful age.

Seth sat on a plush sofa reserved for grooms-to-be, casually flipping through a

bridal magazine, his long fingers idly turning the pages.

The staff, cheeks flushed, kept stealing glances in his direction, their gazes

periodically drawn to him.

After some time, the automatic doors before him glided open. There stood

Cicely, radiant in a white wedding gown under the spotlight, as an attendant

meticulously adjusted her train before stepping back with an approving smile

aimed at Seth. “The bride is ready.”

Seth’s gaze had already lifted to meet Cicely, adorned in a simple bridal

makeup. The mermaid-cut gown hugged her figure from chest to waist to hips to

just above the knees, showcasing her stunning silhouette. The off-shoulder

design revealed her graceful collarbones, dotted with faint pink marks.

The staff’s initial gasps of admiration quickly turned into blushing whispers as

they noticed the marks on Cicely’s skin. Their eyes darted back to Seth, their

minds undoubtedly concocting a vivid narrative of passionate intimacy behind

closed doors. Just by looking at the marks left on her, they could imagine the

fervor of their private encounters.Cicely was undeniably beautiful, a local belle known for

her stunning looks since

childhood. Her inherent pride was unmatched, and while some found her

personality challenging, many envied her grace and radiance.

Seth was convinced he had seen her at her most beautiful. Yet the moment he

looked up and saw her, his eyes involuntarily narrowed. Her beauty was elastic,

always managing to shatter previous notions of elegance and allure.

At the bridal boutique, the photographer cradled the camera, constantly shifting

angles to capture Cicely in this moment.

Cicely was slightly embarrassed by the revealing marks, and though she never

felt constrained by her wardrobe before, today she felt an unusual sense of

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nervousness. “How does it look?”

Seth’s gaze swept over her again, “Gorgeous, but maybe the next one will be

even better.”

Was that a diplomatic way of expressing dissatisfaction?d2

The attendant beside Cicely quickly added, “Ms. Cicely’s figure is perfect. This

gown highlights all of her best features.”

Seth’s gaze fixated on Cicely’s face, “Do you like it?”

A hint of disappointment flickered in Cicely’s eyes, “Of course, I’d hope you’d

like it too.”

Suddenly, Seth stood and walked towards her. She watched in confusion as he

lifted the trailing veil from behind her, wrapped it around her shoulders, then

around her waist, and finally tied a knot above her knee. After stepping back to

take another look, he nodded satisfactorily, “If it’s like this, then this one might

work after all.”

Cicely fell silent.

The attendants finally understood the situation. Aside from his handsome looks,

Seth seemed to carry an adorable possessiveness and a strong hint of jealousy.

“Then perhaps we shouldn’t bother with this one.” If the gown’s only advantage

was to be concealed, what was the point?

Seth couldn’t be happier. “Try on some others then.”

Cicely couldn’t even muster up anger, only to retreat back into the dressing


Seth smirked and settled back onto the couch.

Trying on wedding dresses took time, and most of the staff were gathered

around, watching Seth and anticipating Cicely’s next appearance.

An employee entered, calling the manager, “The actors from our partnered

production are here to try on dresses.”

“I’ll be right there.” The woman acknowledged as Manager greeted Seth and

hurried off.

Cicely chose a more conservative dress for her second fitting, a long-sleeve

lace gown with a small train and a V-neck. Unsurprisingly, Seth was pleased.

Cicely rolled her eyes. This man, despite his young age, had rather conservative


The photographer snapped a few more pictures, including some of Seth and

Cicely together.

After trying on two dresses, Cicely was exhausted. She couldn’t tell if Seth was

growing impatient, but she was ready to surrender.

They left the VIP dressing room, Seth went to get the car, and Cicely spoke to

the receptionist, “Please save a copy of the photos we took.”

“Sure, may I have your email?”

Cicely wrote down her address.

“This one for the beginning, this one for the grand finale.”

Cicely’s brow furrowed at the familiar voice, and as she turned to leave,

Danielle’s gaze fell upon her.

Danielle’s confusion turned to a dark realization upon seeing Cicely’s face.

Cicely had no intention of putting on a show for her. She walked away, but as

she passed by, Danielle suddenly grabbed her arm with a grip that made Cicely

frown. She turned to see a panicked Danielle, whose voice quivering, “What are

you doing here?”

Cicely glanced coldly at her gripped arm, “Let go.”

Danielle’s grip tightened, but upon seeing Cicely’s angry and impatient face, she

relented and asked again, “What are you doing here?”

“Is it any of your business?”

“Are you here to try on dresses with someone, or are you…”

“Do you think there’s anyone worth my time to accompany to a dress fitting?”

Danielle’s face paled, “You mean you…”

“What else?”

Cicely gave her a chilling look, “We’re both in P City, and I get the whole ‘hard to

avoid’ thing, but you’d better learn to take a detour when you see me. If that’s

too much, at least don’t come looking for me. I’m holding back now, not because

I can’t take action. Understand?”

Danielle stood pale as Cicely’s words echoed. They weren’t new, but they struck

hard. All Danielle could focus on was that Cicely was here trying on wedding

dresses, which meant she was getting married.

To whom? Who else but Seth could Cicely marry?

Rubbing her wrist, Cicely left the boutique with a cold expression, finding Seth’s

car waiting at the entrance.

Danielle belatedly followed, witnessing Cicely get into Seth’s car. If not for the

white pillar she clung to, she might have collapsed then and there.

“Danielle, are you okay?” Her fellow actor noticed Danielle’s distress and came

over. Danielle’s nails dug into the pillar, her eyes filled with panic.

How could Patty ever agree to their marriage? No, this can’t be.

As Danielle watched the car disappear through the glass doors, her gaze never

wavered. She bit her lip, staring blankly out the door, lost in thought.


On New Year’s Day, the Ellis family announced Seth and Cicely’s wedding date

was set for the following July 28th. Despite the preparations, the news caused

quite a stir in P City.

A few days later, Patty paid a visit to the Ellis home.

Cicely, spending the holiday with the Ellis family, descended the stairs to face an

unpleasant scene. Patty was there, looking as somber as ever, sitting next to


Danielle’s complexion was pallid, hardly any trace of a smile on her face.

Danielle always had that resting bitch face, so Cicely didn’t pay her much


“Patty, long time no see.”

Patty managed a thin smile, “Indeed, it’s been a while. You’ve been overly

generous with the holiday gifts. So many for New Year’s, you shouldn’t have.”

Cicely took a seat next to Creighton, “It’s the least I could do.”

“Though, I must say, you’ve become quite the stranger at our house. The gifts

always come through a third party. This ruby necklace, I’ve been coveting for

ages but could never find a place to buy it. I mentioned it to Seth a couple of

times, but to no avail. I had nearly given up hope, and then you surprised me

with it. I absolutely adore it, and Seth mentioned you went through quite some

trouble to get it. Very thoughtful of you.”

Cicely paused, her gaze fixing on the gleaming ruby necklace around Patty’s

neck, clearly of considerable value. She had no idea Patty wanted it, let alone

bought it or sent it to her. So Seth got it and passed it off as a gift from her to

curry favor with her mother-in-law?

Cicely forced a smile, “Seth really deserves most of the credit.”

Patty’s smile returned as she shifted her focus back to Creighton, “The thought

that our families are about to be united took me by surprise. Me and Tod’s son

with you and Millie’s daughter. Your friend and my friend. Sounds quite

charming, doesn’t it?”

The irony in Patty’s laughter was unmistakable. She said it sounded nice, but

her demeanor suggested it was more of a joke. There was a clear insinuation in

her words.

Creighton’s expression darkened slightly, “It’s all fate. Family ties doubling up,

always a joyous occasion.”

Patty sipped her tea, concealing her smirk, “Indeed.”

“Oh, by the way.” As if recalling something, Patty set down her cup, “Danielle is

doing quite well in the entertainment industry. And with Seth now involved in the

scene, he’ll surely look out for her. Don’t worry about Danielle. It seems Cicely’s

planning to step back from company matters. Seth might be busier, but that’s to

be expected. Still, we hope he’ll avoid unnecessary complications.”

Cicely’s smile grew wider and colder. Patty was implying that for Seth’s

convenience in taking care of Danielle, it only made sense for her contracts to

be with Seth’s company. Since Cicely wouldn’t be managing the company, she

should keep out of it and not cause Seth any trouble.

Cicely responded with a frosty politeness, “With Danielle’s career flourishing,

we’ve little to worry about. Should any issue arise, the Ellis family would

undoubtedly have her back. I am the one marrying Seth, not Danielle. She’s not

my responsibility, and Seth has no obligation to cater to her needs. As long as

she remains unmarried, it’s the Ellis family’s duty to take care of her, not

someone else’s.”

Patty’s smile faded ever so slightly, “Someone else?”

“To the Diaz family, isn’t she just that? I know you and her mother are close

friends, but as you just mentioned, my mother is your best friend as well. Why

haven’t you considered me like a daughter all these years?”

Patty looked at Cicely’s carefree, beautiful face, her anger turning into laughter.

“Well, I’ve never seen you as an outsider.”

“Then perhaps I’ve been ungrateful, feeling like an outsider all this time.

Fortunately, we’ll soon be family, and I trust you’ll treat us with kindness. For the

sake of my future with Seth and the Diaz family, let’s not let outsiders disrupt our

harmony. A stable home is the foundation of success, don’t you agree?”

The implication was clear: don’t let someone like Danielle create chaos at home,

causing Seth distress and impacting his work—that would be the “unnecessary


Patty’s gaze on Cicely grew icy. “The Ellis family will lean on Seth in the future.

Whether it’s the Ellis family or him looking after Danielle, it’s all the same.”

“That’s a concern for another day. There will always be many people the Ellis

family needs to look after.”

Cicely’s lips curled into a cold smirk, her eyes turning towards Danielle, who had

been silent throughout.

“Danielle will indeed need special attention. It seems Seth and I will have to find

you a suitable match to marry off. Right?”

Danielle’s already pale complexion turned even paler. Seth finding her a

husband? The thought was more torturous than death itself. Cicely knew just

how to twist the knife.

“My life is my own, and it doesn’t need managing by anyone else.”

“Such independence sounds commendable, but can you truly handle it on your

own? Danielle, no one denies you’re an Ellis. Have some self-awareness, and

don’t impose on others. If you’re facing trouble, seek your family, not outsiders.”

Danielle’s hands clenched tightly, her face a mix of anger and embarrassment.

“Seriously, when I finally marry into the Diaz family, you think you can still

squabble with me over scraps, just because Patty dotes on you? Sure, you

could try, but then you’d be the one putting Patty in a tight spot, not me. She

spoils you rotten, and you should be grateful for that, not wear out your


The issue with Danielle was the focal point of conflict between Cicely and Seth,

as well as between Cicely and the entire Diaz family. It was rare for them to

meet up, so while what Cicely said wasn’t exactly polite, today was the day to

lay all her cards on the table, even if it meant taking a hit to Danielle’s pride.

“But I really can’t figure out what difficult matter it is. You can’t solve it on your

own, and the Ellis family can’t solve it, but someone like Patty, who seems

unaware of worldly matters, can take care of it.”

Danielle couldn’t muster a reply. Even Patty herself, who was standing nearby,

began to reassess Danielle with new scrutiny after Cicely’s words.

Danielle had no comeback for Cicely. Every time, Cicely’s arguments seemed

the most convincing, sounding like the absolute truth. Every time, Danielle felt

exposed, her thoughts laid bare.

Cicely was all too familiar with Danielle’s silenced, frustrated demeanor, and she

gave a small, knowing smile. “If you decided on your own two feet, have a


Danielle was losing control, “You think you’re so perfect? What have you got to

be proud of? What right do you have to judge whether I have a backbone or


Her sharp tone made everyone in the living room turn to stare at her.

Cicely raised an eyebrow, leisurely took a sip of her water, and said slowly, “I

have the right as the lady from the Ellis family, and I have the chops to win over

Seth, to offer him everything that the Ellis family has to offer. Does that work for


Danielle’s hands clenched tighter, her face turning even paler. Cicely’s claim of

winning Seth left her utterly defeated.

Danielle’s discomfort was palpable to everyone, as Cicely nonchalantly picked

up her glass once more, her eyes warmly detached, betraying a serene smile as

if all was right in the world.

Patty pursed her lips, unable to counter Cicely’s words. Young as she was,

Cicely had a sharp tongue. Even Patty’s intervention hadn’t been enough to

secure Danielle’s contract, and she was left speechless by Cicely’s few pointed


Patty knew Seth truly found Danielle to be a nuisance. If his previous

confessions were sincere, then Danielle was indeed a problem.

The topic was dropped, and throughout the meal, Danielle kept glancing at

Patty, hoping she’d bring up her contract once more. But aside from a few brief

eye contacts with Cicely, the matter of her contract was never mentioned again.

Danielle bit her lip, her heart seething with resentment.

After lunch, Danielle left with Patty. The silence during their drive prompted Patty

to finally glance at her. “Think about it, if Cicely managed to keep Seth on a

leash, whatever the reason, that’s her skill. You two are both from the Ellis

family, starting from the same line, but Seth chose her in the end. Maybe you

should consider why. She used some tricks, but to get what one wants, a little

strategy is necessary. Why wait for it to be handed to you on a silver platter?”

“You don’t need to be so down. Even if Seth marries her, it won’t last. He’s just

after the Ellis family’s influence. Men always have some ambition.”

This was Seth’s reasoning, and at first, Patty was shocked. She had her doubts.

But so what?

A marriage followed by a harsh abandonment, wouldn’t the hurt be doubled?

Millie made Patty miserable for the rest of her life and even in death, Millie’s

daughter seduced her son.

This mother and daughter, whoever got punished, it would be a consolation for

Patty, a delicious revenge.

Why? Why could Millie have all the love?

The love she yearned for but couldn’t have was Millie’s. The love she settled for,

hoping to relish the feeling of being loved, turned out to be a lie centered around


What shouldn’t be Millie’s was all hers.

What Patty couldn’t have was a tragedy, and what she did have was a farce.

Her life had become a pathetic joke because of Millie. And now, even Millie’s

daughter was living a charmed life that others envied.

It was utterly detestable.

Now, it seemed like karma had come full circle.

Danielle’s eyes reddened, “So Seth doesn’t love Cicely? If he really gets the

Ellis family, will he really abandon her? Patty, is all of this true? Can he really do

it? There are many ways to get the Ellis family. I’ll have shares in it, too. Why

didn’t he choose me to help him instead of going to all this trouble with Cicely?”

Patty’s face darkened, “Creighton holds the reins of the Ellis family’s power. Do

you think he’ll choose you over her?”

Danielle paused, realizing it was a reasonable explanation. But then again, if

Creighton was out of the picture and Cicely wasn’t with Seth, with Seth’s current

reputation in the Ellis family, the power would still likely be his. Why bother

getting married with Cicely?

She fell silent, her anxiety growing. The more she thought about it, the more

desperate and hopeless the answers seemed.

Although Patty didn’t get a response from Danielle, Danielle’s words weighed

heavily on her heart. Because Danielle’s reasoning made sense.

Around New Year’s, the big award ceremonies began in earnest.

As expected, “Era of Elegance” swept up the major awards. Danielle was

nominated for Best Supporting Actress, and as a guest performer at the awards

show, she performed a dance that reignited her popularity. As the year drew to a close,

industries buzzed with annual reviews and

projections for the coming year. For celebrities like Danielle, it wasn’t just about

attending award shows and galas; it was also about locking in their schedules

for the new year.

Danielle’s popularity had surged, and she had been networking with producers

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

and directors at various events.

Offers poured in, including some from major productions. After much

deliberation, Danielle secured a lead role in a big-budget historical drama that

would be her focus for the upcoming year.

Seth, too, had a fair share of events to attend.

Enter title…

Given that they moved in the same circles, running into each other was pretty


It was the justifiable excuse Cicely had found for Seth in advance as she stood

in the hospital hallway, propped up against the wall.d2

When Cicely arrived at the hospital, Charlie was standing guard at the door of

the patient’s room. From Charlie’s expression, Cicely deduced that Seth’s

injuries weren’t too severe.

Her stiff body, which had strained to get there, instantly relaxed a bit as she

supported herself with her hands against the corridor wall. She patiently waited

for her legs, which had almost given way due to weakness, to slowly regain


Seth had been in a car accident, and Cicely couldn’t recall how she had

managed to get to the hospital. It was as if she had amnesia, unable to

remember how her heart had raced, as if it had stopped beating.

“Ms. Cicely,” Charlie began, “Mr. Diaz is okay, just a mild concussion, some

cuts, and bruises, and a few scrapes from shattered glass. Nothing too serious.

But Miss Danielle, she’s still in surgery.”

Cicely’s hand on the wall twitched slightly, her gaze flitting over the door of the

patient’s room and settling on Charlie’s face as his voice trailed off. “I’m going to

see him,” she said.

Charlie’s face stiffened for a moment, “Mr. Diaz is not in the room right now.”

Cicely blinked and nodded, her tone neutral, “Where’s Danielle’s operating


Charlie forced a smile, “Mr. Diaz asked me to wait here for you.”

Two seconds later, Cicely chuckled, “Charlie, there’s no need to be so cautious.

Danielle is my cousin, after all. I should check on her, whether or not she’s in

there because of Seth.”

Charlie considered this and realized she had a point, but since Mr. Diaz had

specifically instructed him to stay with Ms. Cicely, he must have had his


Sensing Charlie’s hesitance, Cicely just turned to go. She didn’t need to wait for

Charlie to guide her; if she was determined to find out, there were plenty of

ways to do so.

Charlie hurried after her, “Ms. Cicely. I’ll take you there.” It was something they

could have found out from the reception desk. Why hold back information and

risk getting on her bad side later?

Before they even reached the operating room, they saw Seth’s tall and lean

silhouette outside. Even in a hospital gown, he was instantly recognizable.

His head was bandaged, and his face and neck had patches of medical tape.

His arms and legs probably did too, hidden under the gown.

He stood motionless in front of the operating room. His expression was

characteristically stoic, but as Cicely drew closer, she saw the slight furrow of

his brow, a clear sign of his concern.

Upon seeing her, he glanced briefly at Charlie, who immediately lowered his


Cicely moved to stand beside him, facing the operating room door, “How long

has it been?”

Seth glanced at her overly calm face, his brow creasing slightly before he

looked up at the digital display above the operating room door, “Seventy-six


Cicely tugged at her lip, seventy-six minutes. So precise.

“I see,” she replied lightly, “Is it serious?”

“Mhm.” Seth kept his gaze on her, seemingly reluctant to discuss Danielle’s

condition. He then asked, “Anything else you want to know?”

Cicely smiled, turning to him, “You’re not a doctor, and neither am I. I wouldn’t

understand the jargon. I guess neither of us really knows how severe it is. What

else should I ask? Or maybe I should be asking something else?”

Her smile remained gentle, her voice soft and slow, devoid of any aggression. It

was as if nothing had happened at all. She also didn’t seem keen on putting on

a show of sisterly concern while Danielle was undergoing a critical surgery. Her

demeanor was too realistic and genuine.

Charlie watched from the side, suddenly thinking it might be better to be a bit

more pretentious in life. After all, it was two people who had been in the car

accident that night.

“Well,” Cicely suddenly said as if remembering something, “How did the

accident happen in the first place?”

Charlie closed his eyes briefly.

Seth’s eyes narrowed slightly, “It was intentional. We’re still investigating.”

Cicely nodded, “I see,” and turned back to the operating room door.

“Cicely,” Seth’s deep voice lingered on her name.

“Hm?” She turned to him, a puzzled look in her eyes.

“Aren’t you going to ask how I’m doing?”

Cicely finally gave him a once-over. Just one glance. Then her soft gaze

softened further with a smile, “Charlie told me you weren’t seriously hurt.”

“He says it’s not serious, and you don’t ask?”

“I’m not blind.” She looked up at the digital clock overhead, “You’ve been

standing out here for eighty minutes and seem fine. Do I really need to ask how

serious it is? If you want me to ask, I can. So, how badly are you hurt?”

Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. This was it. Mr. Diaz had fallen into his own trap.

If he said it was serious, standing outside Ms. Danielle’s operating room for so

long would seem like an act of profound concern and affection.

Seth stared at Cicely’s ever-gentle face and finally said, “Not serious.”

Cicely raised an eyebrow and, after standing for a moment, sat down on a

nearby chair.

Charlie took a call and left, apparently regarding the car accident investigation.

Twenty minutes later, with no change at the operating room door, Cicely stood

up, “I’m tired. If you’re not going back to your room, I’ll go home. I’ll come back

to see you tomorrow.”

Her relationship with Danielle didn’t warrant keeping vigil at the door of her

operating room.

It was past 1 a.m.

She hadn’t alarmed her father or grandfather with the news of Danielle’s

accident, not wanting to spook them in the dead of night.

Seth must’ve been concerned for Patty, hence aside from himself, Cicely, Issac

whom she called later, and Danielle’s assistant Allie who rushed over, there was

no one else.

The mood was somber, but what else could you expect? It was bedtime for

most, and energy was a scarce commodity.

Cicely’s voice seemed too distinct in the silent corridor. Allie glanced at her, then

at Seth, unsure what to say next.

Seth turned to look at Cicely, his eyes red with fatigue.

Seeing this, Cicely offered, “How about I go back to the room with you to rest?”

Seth was silent for a beat, “You can head home first.”

Issac’s expression turned a shade colder.

Cicely nodded, “Alright, I’ll leave then and come back tomorrow.”


With that single syllable response, Cicely turned and walked away, her figure

disappearing around the corridor’s bend while Seth watched until she was out of


Now it was just Seth and Allie in the hallway. Allie, feeling awkward, ventured,

“Mr. Diaz, there’s no need for us all to be here. You’re hurt too. Why don’t you

get some rest? I’ll stay on watch and let you know if anything comes up.”

Allie’s words hung unanswered in the air.

It was nearing 2 a.m. when Cicely saw Charlie still in the parking lot, clearly

worn out himself.

“Ms. Cicely.”

Charlie was surprised, “You’re heading home?”

“Yeah. You should get some rest too.”

Charlie was still a bit dazed, “And Mr. Diaz?”

“He’s at the OR. If you need him, go there.”

Charlie clamped his mouth shut.

Once in the car, Cicely leaned against the window, rubbing her temple. “Tell

grandpa and dad about Danielle’s accident tomorrow morning.”

Issac, who was driving, simply acknowledged.

After a silent ten-minute drive, Cicely, who seemed to have dozed off, suddenly

spoke up. “I heard Danielle’s crash was bad.”

Issac glanced at her through the rearview mirror. She was reclining against the

seat, her face partly hidden by hair, her expression unreadable.

“I checked with the paramedics. They said her life’s not in danger, so don’t worry

too much.”

Cicely, exhausted, snorted softly. “The way things are between us, I’d be the

happiest if she kicked the bucket. If I’m worried about anything, it’s that she’s

badly hurt but not quite dead.”

The words sounded spiteful, but Issac knew that no matter how much Cicely

detested someone, she’d never lift a finger to cause their demise.

“I’m beat. Just carry me upstairs when we get there.”



At the hospital, Charlie reported his findings to Seth. “It was Ray’s family. They

took a hit out.”

Seth’s expression didn’t change much. The news wasn’t a surprise.

Charlie added, “The police are involved now.” Which meant Seth didn’t need to

step in. Things were likely to proceed smoothly.

Seth merely grunted in response.

Charlie glanced at the OR door, hesitated, then said, “Mr. Diaz, you still need to

be on IV. I can stay here for you.”

Seth started to rub his temple but stopped midway, his arm stiff. Charlie stepped

closer, “Mr. Diaz, be careful with your injury. Maybe you should go back to your

room to rest. I’ll stay here.”

“It’s okay.”

He had no reason to leave before, even less now. But he did sit where Cicely

had sat earlier, his movements betraying a hint of discomfort that Charlie

noticed despite his smooth facade.

Charlie looked back at the sealed OR door, thinking of Cicely he’d seen earlier

that night, and pursed his lips.


Issac carried Cicely into her room, laying her on the bed and removing her

shoes with care. She was too tired to even open her eyes as she snuggled

under the covers. “Remember to close the bedroom door.”

“Will do.”

Issac watched her, now just a sliver of her face visible, the rest obscured by her

hair. To anyone else, she might’ve seemed just ordinarily peaceful, unaware of

the night’s drama involving Danielle and Seth’s accident.

Issac left, and Cicely remained motionless. She was indeed asleep.


Running on little sleep, she was up early the next day. When the maid entered

and saw Cicely already in the living room, she checked her watch in confusion.

“Ma’am, you’re up early today.”

Working here for so long, she’d never seen this little miss at this hour.

“Seth had an accident last night. Make three breakfasts. I’ll eat here and take

his with me to the hospital.”

“Oh my, an accident? Is he alright? That’s…”

“Not serious. They said a mild concussion, some scrapes, bruises, and cuts

from the glass.”

The maid paused. That didn’t sound ‘not serious’ at all. “Didn’t you stay with him

last night?”

Cicely remained silent.

Realizing she might have overstepped, the maid hurriedly excused herself to

prepare breakfast.

The internet was ablaze with news of the accident. It seemed there was no need

to tell grandpa and dad; they were likely already informed.

After pocketing her phone, Cicely got dressed and packed a couple of outfits for

Seth in a small suitcase. Issac was waiting in the living room and quickly took

the suitcase from her.

The suitcase wasn’t heavy, and it even had wheels, but Issac insisted on taking

it from her hands without a word the moment she arrived. It was simply second


That was Cicely for you, pampered from birth, never having to lift a finger for


Issac, suitcase in tow, was heading for the door when Cicely made a beeline for

the dining room, “I’ve prepared breakfast. Let’s eat together before we head to

the hospital.”

Setting the suitcase down, Issac watched Cicely’s retreating figure for a brief

second before following her into the dining room and taking a seat across from


The maid, packing up Seth’s breakfast to go, paused when she saw the man

sitting at the table with the young mistress. She hesitated, her gaze sweeping

over them, before slowly placing the food box on the table. “Mr. Diaz’s breakfast

is here.”

Cicely acknowledged with a nonchalant “Hmm.”


Upon their arrival at the hospital, Seth’s room was empty. Issac placed the

suitcase and food box down, his expression turning sour.

It was then that Cicely’s phone rang; it was Creighton. She stepped out of the

room, expressionless, and answered the call, “Dad…” but before she could

continue, Creighton’s voice came through, “Did you know Danielle was in a car

accident last night?”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

There was a brief silence on Creighton’s end, “Where is she now?”

Cicely stopped a passing nurse with a hand gesture, “Could you check where

Danielle, the woman who was in an accident last night, is?”

The nurse checked her phone, probably accessing the hospital’s internal

system, “She’s in V66.”

“Thank you.” Cicely headed towards the VIP elevator, “You got that?”

There was an audible “Hmm” from Creighton, and Cicely hung up.

When Cicely reached Danielle’s room, Patty stood at the bedside, looking down

at the still-unconscious Danielle with an expression of pain and concern. Then

her gaze shifted to the man standing beside her, his face emotionless.

“Danielle would give up her life for you, and yet, what about Cicely? She leaves

you alone in the hospital to go home and sleep? Can you see clearly now who

you should love and who you should not?” Seth’s expression was far from sunny.

He was hurt, sleepless from the night before, and his dark eyes, though lacking

in deliberate coldness, held a certain dry chill.


Footsteps shuffled outside the door, and Creighton’s familiar voice called out for

Cicely, laced with conf