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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18 Do You Really Like Christian That Much?

“Sorry for disturbing your rest.” Victoria bowed differentially but with indifference in her eyes.

Daisy hated how Victoria always acted lofty the most. Who does she think she is to act lofty when she’s

just a murderer?!

“What’s with that attitude?! What? Do you feel aggrieved apologizing to me? Do you want to bet if I can

make you jobless if you piss me off?”

“Don’t cross the line, Daisy!” Gabrielle snapped.

However, Daisy continued to stare at Victoria like she hadn’t heard Gabrielle. “Hey, I’m talking to you.

Say something!”

“I’m sorry for disturbing your rest,” said Victoria with indifference as she bowed deferentially once more,

causing her short hair to conceal her gaze.

Daisy’s little stunts were nothing compared to the ones she suffered from those back in the penitentiary.

Daisy had wanted to see Victoria get upset. But seeing how the woman didn’t even resist a bit, she felt

that her attacks had been nullified.

With that, she glared daggers at Victoria and turned around, focusing her attention back on her phone.

Meanwhile, Victoria lay down after taking her medicine. However, because her gastric issues had

caused her severe pain, she only fell asleep nearing dawn. Thus, her face looked awfully pallid when

she woke up.

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Gabrielle had offered to help her apply for sick leave, but Victoria turned her down. With Christian’s

order still valid, Cameron wouldn’t approve of her leave.

After taking her gastric medication, she groggily went to Cameron’s and clocked in.

“You’re one whole minute late!” Cameron’s finger was so close that it was nearly poking her face. “You

can forget about your salary for the month now!”

“I’m sorry. I’m feeling somewhat unwell today. It won’t happen again,” Victoria apologized deferentially.

The large uniform made her look petite.

In actuality, she was five-foot-five and not petite at all. It was just that she was so skinny that she



Meanwhile, a few cleaners showed up, but they weren’t surprised to see Victoria being scolded again.

chatting away as they clocked in.

“Again? You still want to do it again?!” Cameron turned a blind eye to the cleaners who were late.

“I’m sorry.” Victoria lowered her head.

“Don’t apologize to me. If every apology can change the situation, why would the world need cops for?”

Cameron pointed at her, so worked up that his spit flew everywhere. “I don’t care who you used to be,

but you’re now a cleaner here, so you have to listen to me!”

Do You Really Like Christian That Much?

“Yes, sir,” said Victoria as she wiped the spit off her face.

“You’re late for one minute today, so you’ll have to clean another floor. The fourth and fifth floors are

yours. I will inspect them,” said Cameron.

There were about sixteen private rooms on each floor at Delta Club. The floor of the corridor and

private rooms, the walls, and the washrooms all had to be cleaned, and it was normally a job for two.

Victoria was already at her limit when she had to clean the entire floor herself lately. To make things

worse, she was now assigned another floor.

She bit down her lip while her jaw and back muscles clenched tightly. The raging fury within

hxo.com fast updateer surged wildly like it would burst out of her the next second.

“What? Do you have a problem with it?” Cameron raised his voice.

Victoria’s hands were hidden beneath her sleeves, clenched into fists, but her voice was as calm as still

water. “No.”

“You’d better not. It’s useless even if you do.” At that, Cameron checked the time. “What are you still

standing here for? Get to work! Are you expecting me to bring the trolley over to you?!”

Meanwhile, a few staff sniggered as they passed by.

Victoria lowered her head, grabbed the cleaning supplies from the janitor’s room, and went to her floor



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“Tori.” Two older cleaning ladies came up to her, and one of them asked with hesitation. “Is the fifth

floor also yours to clean now?”

Victoria nodded in affirmation.

“Both the fourth and fifth floor… are yours?” asked the other older cleaning lady.

“Yeah.” Victoria smiled faintly. “You guys can go ahead and rest. Just leave it to me.”

To that, the two older cleaning ladies exchanged a glance before one of them sighed. “But you’ll

exhaust yourself out before you even finish cleaning two floors! If you have some issues with Cameron,

you should just find work somewhere else. You’re so young and beautiful. You’ll definitely be able to

find a job somewhere.”

Victoria shook her head in response. I’d long be gone if I could leave.

“You child. As one of the older cleaning ladies sighed, the other dragged her away.

After that, Victoria grabbed the mop and continued cleaning the floor when a pair of leather shoes

appeared within her vision suddenly. “I’m sorry, but if possible, please move your feet. Thank you.”

However, the person didn’t budge, causing her to look up. Subsequently, she met Lucas’ amber eyes

“Welcome to the club. Please mind the wet floor.” Victoria moved aside with the mop and didn’t even

spare him a glance.

Despite Lucas’ burning gaze on her, she never spared him another glance and moved elsewhere


Do You Really Like Christian That Much?

continuing to mop the floor.