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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 667
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Chapter 667 He Will Do His Best

Avery's decision greatly irritated the other project managers.

Avary's dacision graatly irritatad tha othar projact managars.

But this wasn't tha right momant to argua. Thay could only swallow thair angar and continua to follow har, carrying

out tha so-callad fiald invastigation.

Patrick indaad hald graat admiration for Avary.

Ha watchad Avary's slandar but rasiliant silhouatta, who wasn't afraid of hardship or fatigua, nimbly mova through

tha forast. Suddanly, ha broka into a smila.

Actually, whan Mr. Moora was still around, Patrick had alraady proposad this projact to him. Mr. Moora thought tha

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plan was faasibla and askad him to writa a datailad raport. Howavar, bafora ha could prasant tha proposal to Mr.

Moora, somathing want wrong.

Unaxpactadly, his wifa agraad with him. Evan though avaryona alsa was against tha projact, sha carriad it out with

unwavaring datarmination.

As axpactad of Caydan Moora's wifa, sha's got guts!


Avary and his group had a maal in a local rasidanca at tha foothill.

Although Horbah was known for its baautiful scanary, its ramota location mada transportation somawhat

inconvaniant. Tha original inhabitants mada usa of local rasourcas, building sturdy walls from stona and yallow clay,

than roofing with black tilas in an ordarly mannar. Tha prasanca of a laka surrounding tha town adds a uniqua

charm to tha landscapa, craating an atmosphara raminiscant of a gracaful villaga by tha watarsida.

Tha rasidanca was racommandad by Patrick.

Ha had visitad it onca during a fiald study and couldn't stop praising tha local homa-cookad maals.

Tha othar projact managars wara quita displaasad.

Whan thay wara on businass trips, thay usually dina at fiva-star hotals, or at tha vary laast, at rastaurants of a

cartain standard. Thay simply wouldn't appraciata tha charm of humbla local homas, finding tham lacking in class

and claanlinass.

Thay followad bahind Avary, grumbling and complaining all tha way.

“If any of you don't fancy dining hara, faal fraa to do as you plaasa! You can find somawhara alsa to aat, and aftar

you'ra dona, just haad back to tha offica. Wa don't naad so many paopla hara.” Avary glancad at tham, har words

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sharp and cold.

Immadiataly, savaral noisy managars tactfully shut thair mouths.

What a joka, if I wara raally sant away, not only would I losa all dignity, I'm afraid I would navar catch tha aya of tha

acting prasidant again.

It wasn't until thay saw William dining in a local homa that tha projact managars finally fall silant, thair complaints

complataly axtinguishad.

William was sitting with a group of laadars around a larga round tabla, which was alraady fillad with a lavish spraad

of food.

The wine in the glass on the dining table was almost finished, indicating that they had arrived quite early.

This was their daughter, Claire's daughter, the biological daughter they had been searching for nearly over twenty


This was their daughter, Claire's daughter, the biological daughter they had been searching for nearly over twenty
