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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter by Cooper

Chapter 54
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Chapter 0054

“Do | know who Cara Nelson is? Yes, | absolutely do. Did | know that YOU were Cara Nelson? Not until one week

ago. Not until | saw you at school and something inside ofdrewto you.”

| stared at him speechless. “All this time.” | whisper, shaking my head softly. “All this time, | thought you had no

idea who | was or what my family had done. When you cup toall arrogant and cocky at school” | smiled

a little as | said it, well, it just confirmed forthat you had no idea who or what | was, and have no respect for

my family’s sacrifice for yours.” ”

His arm tightened aroundmore, leaving nothing but our clothes between us. His warmth seeping into my

skin, his words warmingdeep into my heart and soul. He leaned his forehead down to touch mine. “That

couldn’t be any further from the truth. And | meant what | said. | want you to know who | am. | want us to get to

know each other. | want you to feel pride at being my Guardian, not feel that it's a burden to you and Artemis.”

We danced like that for a few steps, when | finally heard the song that was playing. “Perfect, really? How did you

get stuck dancing this song with me, Alpha?” 1

He lifts his head and cocks an eyebrow at me. “I chose it.”

| jerk my head back in response. “You chose it?” He nods atsmiling “Yep. There were several others that

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were in the running, but | chose this one.

“What other songs were in contention?” | asked, interested in how he made his choice.

“All ofwhich was a close second, Lover, but it seemed too soon for that one.” | scoffed.

A devilish grin spread on his face. “There was that song from the '50 Shades of Grey‘ movie and if you're into

that kind of kink, I'm sure | can help you out with that.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

| couldn’t help the laugh that escapedas | blushed to the tips of my ears and decided to divert the

conversation to safer topics. “So, why this one?”

“Well, none of them fit exactly, but this one was the best, especially since you wore the dress and jewelry | got

for you.”

| nearly stopped dancing. He covered for my missed steps until | could recover and continue dancing.


“You?” | whisper. “You are my mystery man?”


Artemis pushed forward again, wanting to clearly see the man and wolf that had honored her. | watched as Kai

cforward and Rik’s glacial blue eyes darkened to sapphires. ‘I...Thank you.” Artemis’s voice layered over

mine when | thanked him, making it deeper.

He smiled at me. It was a tender smile, gentle and sweet and full of promise. “You are most welcome.” His voice

was also deeper with Kai's voice added to his own.

“Is it true about the jewelry? That you had it made forbecause it is what my eyes look like when Artemis is

shining in them?”

“Yes.” He replied and looked a bit uncomfortable. “Would it sound creepy if | told you I've dreamt of those eyes

several times this week?".

I smirk at him. “Well, | guess that depends on what it is that | was doing in your dreams while you were looking

at my...eyes.” | licked my lips as | said it, if his dreams had been anything like mine, they are about as far as you

could get from platonic.

His eyes tracked to my lips and he looked sheepish. “Hmmm, you're just starting to sound willing to spend some

tgetting to know me. Perhaps we can save the dream discussions until our second date?”

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“Our second date? Are you counting this as a date, Alpha?” | ask coyly.

“Rik. Please, callRik. And no. When | take you on a date, you'll know it.”

The song slowly comes to an end, and he sings the final line to me, “You look. perfect tonight.”

We stand there, staring at each other, lost in each other, forgetting that we were in a room filled with other


He opened his mouth to say something, when all hell breaks loose.

Cooper Author

And now Cara knows! Not only does Rik know who she is, but he’s her mystery man



Chapter 0055