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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 91
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Chapter 91 Are You Trying to Tell Me How to Do My Job?

Seizing the opportunity, Elias tentatively asked, “How long did you stay that night? Why

didn’t I see you when I woke up?”

He simply wanted an explanation for why he found Grace by his side instead of Amanda

upon awakening.

Impatiently, Amanda replied, “I received a phone call about my critically ill mother, so I

had to leave early.”

“So, you left while I was still unconscious?” Elias memory started piecing together the

puzzle. A few days after the celebration banquet. Amanda’s mother passed away and she

asked for his assistance in organizing the funeral.

Suddenly, it all clicked into place.

That was the reason.

At that very moment, Amanda’s phone rang. It was a call from Aiden.

She glanced at it but didn’t dare to answer in front of Elias, so she ended the call.

“I don’t have time to discuss this with you. I have things to take care of. I’m heading

back.” Amanda glanced at the time, realizing she needed to hurry home to check on the

little brat, or he would pester her relentlessly on the phone.

With that, she made her way back to her car and drove off toward Galaxy Bay

Elias stood alone beneath the streetlights, deep in thought. Can it be that Grace had been

deceiving me?

Honk, honk!

Amanda pressed the car horn twice and directed her words to the man standing outside

the car window. “Get back to the hospital quickly! If you don’t, I won’t answer your calls

ever again, and you can forget about me unblocking you!”

With those words, she drove off, leaving the man behind.

Elias chuckled softly. Despite Amanda’s stern words, he understood her underlying


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It was evident that she still cared for him.

As Amanda arrived back at the villa, she was immediately greeted by a whirlwind of joy as

she stepped into the living room.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

“Aiden, are you trying to knock me over? Why have you become so heavy lately?”

Amanda’s body stumbled backward from the impact, but she managed to catch the little

bundle in her arms flawlessly.

“Well, I’m a man, Mommy. It’s only natural that I keep getting heavier.”


Chapter 91 Are You Trying to Tell Me How to Do My Job?

She couldn’t help but burst into laughter. What a delightfully innocent perspective!

“Mommy! Mommy, let me tell you how amazing Miss Selina is. She knows Taekwondo! I

want to learn it too, so I can protect you!” Aiden’s chubby hands formed a circle around

her ear as he leaned in and whispered excitedly.

“What do you mean you can protect me? I’m strong too, you know. Do you like the new

nanny?” Amanda’s mood brightened as well. This little brat seemed to be getting along

well with the new caregiver.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice interrupted their conversation. “Hello, I’m Selina Yaleman,” the

woman introduced herself and Amanda looked up, frozen in place.

Selina was equally stunned after seeing Amanda’s face.

“Selina? What a coincidence that it’s you!”

At that moment, memories flooded back to Amanda, taking her back to her childhood

when her father hadn’t yet kicked her and her mother out of the house. They used to live

in a vibrant alleyway, filled with laughter and the lingering scent of smoke.

Every day, she would play hopscotch with her best friend, Selina. However, after her

father kicked them out, Amanda never saw Selina again.

Selina was also overwhelmed with astonishment. “Oh, my goodness, Amanda! I never

expected to see you here. I thought I would never lay eyes on you again in this lifetime.”

To Amanda’s surprise, the caregiver assigned to her by the domestic service center turned

out to be her long-lost childhood friend.

This brought her great relief. She could now confidently leave Aiden in the care of her

childhood friend, knowing that he was in good hands.

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh from the bottom of her heart. “Me too!”

“Amanda, you’ve blossomed into such a beauty and you’re living in such a luxurious

house. Did you marry a rich guy? And look at this adorable baby of yours. You’re definitely

winning at life! Selina commented, her eyes filled with a mixture of admiration and envy.

They used to be childhood playmates, but she never anticipated such divergent paths in

their lives.

Amanda’s expression turned slightly awkward. “It’s a long story. I’ll fill you in gradually. It’s

not exactly what you imagine.”

The following day, Elias’ car came to a gentle halt outside the cemetery as the rain

drizzled incessantly.

Yacob held a black umbrella and opened the car door. Elias, with his tall figure, stepped

out and made his way toward the cemetery.

His gait was slow and somewhat feeble, clearly indicating that his wounds hadn’t fully

healed. The gloomy weather further exacerbated his discomfort.

With the umbrella in hand, Yacob walked behind him and said, “Mr. Winters, let’s return to

the hospital in the afternoon. If Old Mr. Winters finds out you left without permission, he’ll

surely start lecturing again.”


Chapter 91 Are You Trying to Tell Me How to Do My Job?

Howard remained oblivious to Elias unsanctioned departure from the hospital. If he were

to discover it. his temper would surely reach its boiling point.

“Are you trying to tell me how to do my job?” Elias shot him a cold glance.

Yacob bowed his head in resignation. “No”

As they gradually approached Yelan’s tombstone, they noticed Grace standing in front of it

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from a dozen

meters away

Both of them stopped in their tracks and didn’t move forward.

Standing before the tombstone was Grace with a black umbrella in her hand. Tears

cascaded down her face as she fixed her gaze upon her brother’s photo engraved on the

stone. She continuously brushed away the tears, unable to contain her sorrow

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Elias figure, which made her cry

even harder. Placing the bouquet of flowers she held before the tombstone, she gently

touched her brother’s photo. “Yelan. I’ve come to visit you. I’ve been so occupied lately

and haven’t been here for a while. You won’t hold it against me, will you?”

Ever since Grace entered the entertainment industry, her first lesson was acting. She

didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Elias, who had provided her with opportunities

in film and television.

Although she possessed a talent for acting, her popularity struggled to soar despite being

recognized for her exceptional acting skills.

“Yelan, Elias had a car accident. It happened on his birthday. Are you punishing him for

me? I beg you, Yelan, please don’t hurt him. My hurting myself had nothing to do with him.

I truly love him. If anything happens to him. I won’t be able to go on. I beg you. Yelan.

Even if he doesn’t believe me, doesn’t like me. or wants to abandon me. I don’t want to

see him get hurt because I really like him.”

Grace put on a convincing display of sincerity that could deceive anyone.

The raindrops gradually grew larger, splattering into droplets on the ground.

Standing behind Elias, Yacob was deeply moved as he listened to Grace’s heartfelt words.

Elias stared at her figure with an emotionless expression for a long while. Eventually, he

didn’t approach her but turned away and left the cemetery.

Yacob was momentarily stunned and almost couldn’t keep up with Elias footsteps, causing

the latter to get drenched in the rain.

Meanwhile, as Grace remained kneeling before the tombstone, she watched Elias’

retreating figure. A faint smile appeared on her lips, while tears continued to flow down

her cheeks, giving her a somewhat eerie feeling

She raised the umbrella slightly and watched the tall and handsome figure of Elias. Under

her breath, she whispered, “I don’t believe that you have a heart of st