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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21 Out of Jealousy

If admitting that will make Grandpa stop what he so doing no 1 gladly do it. At the thought

of that, Amanda took a deep breath and replied. “Yes, that’s right. I’m in love with

sceneone else?

When Howard heard Amanda’s words, his face was filled with dubeled. At the same time

he was stunned and unable to react. Meanwhile, Elias only stared at Arunda without

blinking, seemindy trying to see through her soul. Deep down, he was overwhelmed by a

stab of pain that he couldest explain why

While the two men fell silent in a preoccupied manner. Amanda seemed a little shocked by

their reactions, wondering what was going on. This creepy. Say something fellas. Stop

staring at me in eerse silence.

Feeling uncomfortable, she probingly said. “As you can see, Grandpa, there’s no way we’re

going to remarry each other. Thus, I’d like you to stop wasting your time.”

Suddenly, Howard slammed the table with his palm and grunted. “Unless you show me

the man you’ve fallen in love with. I won’t believe you. I want to see how he managed to

replace Elas in your heart. Don’t tell me the feelings you had for Elias were all fake. How

did you move on so easily!! I don’t buy your story!”

Amanda was speechless at Howard’s stubbornness, wondering where she could find a

man to play along with her. “I. He is a busy man, Grandpa. He’s now somewhere abroad,

and it’s probably going to take him a while until he comes back.” She came up with an

excuse to convince Howard.

“No problem. I’ll wait for him to come back. I will only believe you when I see him in

person. Otherwise. I’m convinced you’re lying right now,” Howard answered.

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On the other hand. Elias squinted before grabbing his teacup to take a sip of tea, wanting

to question Amanda like he was interrogating a criminal. He asked. “What’s his name and

job? How much do you know about his family background? How old is he? Is he a

disciplined man who doesn’t mess around with women?”

Amanda became annoyed with Elias interference. What are you doing!! Are you out of you

something? It’s bad enough that Grandpa doesn’t buy my story, yet you’re trying to make

things more dificul than they already are.

“That’s none of your business! Who do you think you are? A police officer interrogating a

suspect? What does it concern you?” Amanda wished she could just tape the man’s mouth

and shut him

Elias grunted in response. “You’re in love with a man whom you barely know anything

about. Where is your brain? Do you still think you’re an 18-year-old or something?”


“What’s wrong?”

“Shut your mouth up!”

The man sniggered. “Your mom would probably die twice if she knew about this,”

What’s with the abusive words?! Is it necessary to bark at me like a crazy dog. Elias?! All I

did was just say that I’m in love with someone else. It’s not like I messed with you or

something. Fine, I’ll just stay away from you, knowing I can’t mess with you.

Amanda left the lounge angrily without even saying goodbye to Howard. Not long after

that, Elias rose from his seat and grabbed his vest, whereupon he headed toward the door.

“Where are you going?” Howard, who witnessed the duo’s reaction, asked.

“I have a dinner appointment to attend, so help yourself to the food. The guards will take

you home when you’re done.” Elias left the lounge as soon as he finished speaking.

Howard was the only person left in the lounge, but after seeing Amanda and Elias arguing,

he chuckled happily, believing it wouldn’t end so easily for the duo. After all, Howard knew

his grandson so well that he could tell Elias was insulting Amanda out of jealousy.

Amanda was still furious when she walked out of the restaurant, but even so, she had

nowhere to release her frustration, especially when she couldn’t flag down a cab.

Suddenly, a white sedan pulled up right in front of her, whereupon the car window was

rolled down. Then, Elias’ annoying face came into view. “Get in.”

Nonetheless, Amanda ignored the man and continued to walk forward. Elias followed

behind her in his car with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the window,

propping his face. “If you’re not afraid of holding up traffic, carry on with what you’re

doing.” As soon as he finished his words, loud honks began echoing throughout the street

from behind.

When Amanda turned around, she began to realize why traffic was holding up. Elias

cruised. slowly on the narrow street, worsening the traffic even more. As the cars behind

him continued to honk, she was quickly overwhelmed by the noise pollution. Then, she

shifted her gaze to the man sitting inside the car through the window, noticing his

shamelessness as though he had no qualms about creating the traffic jam.

Fine, I’ll put up with it! It’s not worth my time fighting with him. I have better things to do,

after all. With that, Amanda took a deep breath and suppressed her anger, opening the

car door before she sat in the passenger seat.

Seeing Amanda’s annoyed look somehow put a smile on Elias’ face. He then curled his lips

and accelerated, leaving the narrow street. “Where are you going?”

“Paradise Night Club!” Amanda answered in frustration.

Elias furrowed his eyebrows as surprise flashed across his face. What a coincidence!

That’s where I’m heading as well.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I’m going there too. Why don’t I give you a ride?”

Amanda glared at the man coldly without saying a single word. Deep down, she was

reluctant to accept Elias’ ride, thinking she would resign from her job and disappear with

her son as soon as Simon returned from overseas. I mustn’t let the Winters discover

Aiden’s existence, or they will take him away from me.

Upon arriving at Paradise Night Club, Amanda immediately unfastened her seatbelt and

opened the car door, walking off without looking back as Elias watched speechlessly.

“Mr. Winters, I didn’t expect you to be so punctual. How rare!” Aiden ran into his friend,

Lazarus, who greeted Aiden sarcastically the moment he stepped out of his vehicle. Then,

Lazarus walked up to Aiden and smiled cunningly, his eyes fixated on Amanda’s back.

“It looks like you have a new target, Mr. Winters, but I would give up on her if I was in your

place. After all, she is promiscuous, and who knows if she’s carrying any sort of disease?”

Elias knitted his eyebrows and gazed at Lazarus, baffled. “What are you talking about?! Do

you want me to rip your mouth apart?” Although Amanda was his ex-wife, he didn’t allow

anyone to degrade her like that. He had kept it a secret when he married Amanda back

then, so not many people were aware of their marriage.

Nevertheless, Lazarus didn’t seem surprised. Instead, he acted as if he knew Elias’ secret.

Then, he said in a hushed voice. “This lady may be a beauty, but a few years ago. I saw

her at the hospital. Back then, it seemed like she was preparing for an abortion. Can you

imagine how messed up her personal life must be? We’re all people who have great things

to inherit, so women like her are not worth it…”

Elias squinted in shock and asked, “Wait, did you just say abortion? Are you sure she was

the one

you saw?”

An abortion? Amanda? A few years ago? His mind was overwhelmed with confusion as his

old memories came back to haunt him. At that, he had a flashback to when Amanda

presented him. with a positive pregnancy test the moment he asked for a divorce.