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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16 Amanda and Elias Got Locked In (2)

Elias didn’t think much about it at first-he simply walked into the room. However, he then

noticed that Amanda seemed to have fallen asleep on the bed. Did she really fall asleep

here? No wonder she’s been gone for so long. Elias walked over to glance at the sleeping

woman, and he realized how her cheeks seemed rather flushed. She was mumbling

something in her sleep…

“Amanda? Wake up,” he called. Amanda still seemed rather drowsy as she mumbled a few

words. “Switch on the air-conditioning. It’s too hot…” Hot? Elias looked around the room to

realize that he was in a presidential suite. Grandpa put in this much effort, huh? The man

patted the woman on her cheeks as he gave her orders in a stern voice. “Wake up right


Amanda seemed to sober up a little after that. She weakly pushed herself into a sitting

position before she took a good glance at the man before her eyes. “When did you come

in?” she gasped.

“I came to check on you because I was afraid that you might sleep through the night

here.” The man’s tone was harsh, and his demeanor was as cold as ever. All of a sudden,

Elias realized how warm the room was. He loosened his tie with a frustrated sigh before he

turned to leave the room. He wanted to step out for some fresh air. However, when he got

to the door, he realized that the door had been locked from the outside. This is a hotel, so

for the door to be locked from the outside… It has to be one of the staff members who did

it. Does this mean that all of this is… part of Grandpa’s plan?

At that thought, Elias couldn’t help but curse to himself. “F*ck!”

Amanda dragged herself over to the man before she addressed him in a weak voice. “Is it

locked from the outside? I couldn’t get out earlier-that’s why I was so surprised when I saw

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you in the


Elias was speechless for a while. It seems like Grandpa planned this whole thing out. Elias

sensed that there was something wrong with the way his body felt, and he then recalled

the glass of red wine he drank in the hall earlier. Could Grandpa have drugged us? The

man lost his temper immediately. How could Grandpa drug his own grandchild? He sure is

a reckless man!

“Open the door. Open the door now!” Elias kicked the door hard, but the guards outside

didn’t respond to his protests at all. Amanda only realized what was going on then. Was

this all part of Grandpa’s plan? “Is Grandpa the one who locked us in?” she asked.

Elias tried his best to contain what he was feeling. “He even drugged us!” he hissed

through gritted teeth.

What?! Amanda widened her eyes in shock before she stumbled a few steps backward.

She couldn’t believe that Howard would do such a thing to them. He’s really trying to get

us back together! That explains why I’ve been feeling so dizzy and uneasy. I can’t even

describe how I feel now. “I’m warning you, Elias! Don’t you dare come near me! You can

take a cold shower if you feel unwell. Just don’t touch me!” she cried.

Then, Amanda took a pillow and held it in front of her chest as if it would shield her from

the man. The man turned around with a dark gaze in his eyes. A look of disdain formed in


expression when he saw how cautious and alert Amanda seemed. “I never laid a finger on

you, even when you were my wife. What makes you think that I would touch you now? You

think too highly of yourself?” he hissed.

“Have you forgotten how you bit me like a wild animal back when we were in the meeting

room?” she snapped.

A wild animal? Elias felt rage building up in his chest as he stormed over and reduced the

gap between Amanda and him. “How dare you call me a wild animal, Amanda? You sure

gained some courage, huh!” The more he looked at the woman’s pink cheeks and her

moist, soft lips; the more he felt like kissing her.

Eventually, he pushed her back down to sit on the bed. She figured that it was best if she

kept her lips sealed. Elias had also been drugged, after all-Amanda knew that she would

be no match for him if he were to lose his cool and succumb to the effects of the drug.

Grace was beyond puzzled when she returned to the dinner party. Where did both Amanda

and Elias go? Did they just disappear while I went to the toilet? Grace started feeling

rather anxious after waiting around for a while more. She called Elias, but she couldn’t get

through to him at all.

“Where did Elias go, Old Mr. Winters? Did he have something to do?” she asked Howard

with an awkward smile on her face. Howard felt annoyed just at the sight of the helpless

and meek look on the woman’s face. “Do you expect him to stay by your side all the time?

He’s a man, and he’s the heir of Winters Enterprise!” Howard replied sternly.

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. I was just curious,” Grace muttered. She had intended to ask about

Amanda’s whereabouts as well, but she stopped herself after seeing the way Howard

responded to her. She had no choice but to continue calling Elias. However, her call still

didn’t get through, and even when it did, no one picked up the call. What is Elias up to?

Why isn’t he picking up his phone?

The guests began to leave after the party ended, but even then. Elias and Amanda were

still nowhere to be seen. Grace was close to panicking at this point, and she couldn’t

contain her worry for much longer. “Why isn’t Elias back, Old Mr. Winters? Everyone’s

about to leave. Also, where’s Amanda? Has she left?” Grace asked Howard.

“Perhaps they’re handling some business,” Howard replied with a serious tone. However, a

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rather sinister smirk then formed on his wrinkled face. Judging by how long they took, I’m

sure they’re feeling the effects of the medication, he thought. Grace froze upon hearing

the old man’s words. “What do you mean? What business do they have to deal with?”

“You should give up on your dreams of marrying Elias. You won’t get to do that as long as

I’m around. I’ve already arranged for Elias and Amanda to share a room tonight, and I

want them to give me a grandchild before remarrying each other.” Howard was

transparent with his wishes. He no longer felt the need to hide anything-he wanted to

make it clear that he didn’t like Grace.

Grace felt as if an explosion had just gone off in her head. She looked shocked and felt her

legs. turning weak. They… They’re sharing a room… Amanda and Elias?!

Tears started gushing down Grace’s cheeks as she wailed. “How could you do such a thing.

Grandpa? I’m the one that Elias loves! Why would you force him to marry a woman he

doesn’t like? Why would you force him to have a child with someone he doesn’t love?”

Upon finishing her sentence, Grace turned and hurried off. She had to find Elias-she didn’t

want him in the same room as Amanda.

“Stop her and send her home! I don’t want her to roam around!” Howard gave orders to

his bodyguards. The two bodyguards immediately rushed over to hold Grace back. She

couldn’t escape their grip, so all she could do was cry and wail frantically. “This is unfair,

Grandpa! How dare you ruin my relationship with Elias? How could Amanda do this? Elias

doesn’t even love her! Elias belongs to me! I’m the one he should marry!”

“Stop dreaming. I’d never let some actress like you into the Winters Family.” Howard could

no longer be bothered to deal with Grace, so he simply turned to leave the hall. The

bodyguards hauled Grace out of the hall, and she couldn’t free herself no matter how hard

she tried. Hatred surfaced in her eyes as she stared at the old man and her cheeks were

stained with tears. That damned old man! I won’t be able to enter the Winters Family as

long as he’s around. What if I kill him? A sinister idea began to form in her mind.