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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 149
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Chapter 149 Mr Winters’ Successful Scheme.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” shouted Amanda while trembling in fear. Yet, the sound


Fine beads of sweat appeared on her fair forehead. What should I do now?Aiden is still

sleeping in the room next to the dressing room. I have to go and see what’s happening.

After she took a deep breath and mustered her courage, she held a nearby vase tightly

and slowly walked toward the direction of the dressing room.

As she walked closer, the woman’s humming voice from the dressing room grew closer.

When she was two steps away from the dressing room, she stopped in her tracks. At this

moment, her heart was pounding so quickly that it seemed as though it would pop out of

her chest. She held the vase tightly and thought, If someone is inside, I’ll smash them with

this immediately.

At this thought, she took a sudden step forward, bursting into the dressing room. Yet, the

woman’s humming stopped abruptly, and the dressing room was empty.

She stared at the empty dressing room while breathing heavily. Am I hallucinating!!

Just then, Aiden’s voice came from the room next door. “Mommy, help!”

Amanda’s eyes widened instantly. She put down the vase and turned around, rushing back

into the room.

When she opened the door, she saw Aiden hiding under the covers, trembling as if he had

seen something. terrifying.

“What’s wrong, baby? What happened? She approached the bed and turned on the

bedside lamp before taking Aiden from under the covers into her arms,

“The curtains moved, and sonicone was behind them. I’m scared, Mommy” The little one

clung to her tightly.

The curtains? As she looked at the curtains, she tried to reassure Aiden in her arms. “It’s

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okay. There’s nothing there. You were probably half asleep and imagined the curtains


“It moved! I saw it! It’s so scary. There’s a ghost here, Mommy. I’m scared.” Aiden held

onto her tightly with a frightened expression, refusing to look back at the curtains as he

was deeply terrified.

“Okay, you stay here. I will go and take a look. Don’t worry, there aren’t any ghosts. You

must have had a bad dream.” After saying that, she got up and walked toward the

curtains. To be honest, she was a little scared herself, especially after hearing the

woman’s humming earlier. However, she had to set a good example for her child, or he

would be too scared to sleep tonight.

She approached the curtains and prepared herself mentally before pulling the curtains

aside abruptly. There was nothing behind them, only the dim moonlight coming through

the window,

Seeing that, she let out a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Aiden on the bed. The little

one had buried his face into the pillow, refusing to look. “Aiden, look, there’s nothing

behind the curtains”

Only when he heard her voice did he gather the courage to look up.

“I didn’t lie to you, right? There aren’t any ghosts here.”

However, the little one widened his big eyes and suddenly screamed, “Ah! There’s a

ghost! A ghost?” He

Mr Winters’ Successful Scheme

buried himself in the covers, wrapping himself tightly without leaving even a small gap.

When Amanda saw his reaction, she was stunned. What’s going on? She looked back at

the window, but there was nothing. Why is he so scared?

She let go of the curtains and returned to the bed to pull the covers off Aiden. “You’ll

suffocate yourself like this, Aiden. There’s nothing behind the curtains. What are you

afraid of?”

As he nestled into her embrace, he cried helplessly, saying, “I’m so scared, Mommy.

There’s a ghost here. I don’t want to stay in this room.”

Feeling somewhat helpless, she carried him out of the room, but she didn’t dare return to

her room either. As such, she brought him to the living room, and the two of them huddled

on the couch with the TV turned on to create some atmosphere and alleviate the fear in

the house,

Aiden listened to the noisy sound of cartoons on the TV and fell asleep while leaning

against her leg

We can’t go on like this. Are we going to sleep on the couch tonight? At this moment, she

remembered Elias telling her that he would be working overtime tonight, and his office

was just a few minutes away by car. However, she didn’t want to trouble him.

At this moment, in a car downstairs, Elias held a tablet and watched the surveillance

footage of Amanda’s pale face which was filled with fear. A mixture of sympathy and

anger welled up within him. He couldn’t help but curse in a low voice, “Idiot! You’re so

scared, yet you don’t even think of calling me. Isn’t your ex- husband also your husband?

Why don’t you use me when you can?”

I told her that I would be working overtime today, but I could come over in just a few


Yacob, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, shook his head helplessly. Why does Mr.

Winters have this hobby of scaring his wife and child like this? If something truly dreadful

happens due to the scare, let’s see how he’ll handle it.

Suddenly, Elias raised his voice. “Who asked you to tamper with Aiden’s room? The

curtains were moving so violently, and it scared him to tears!” Seeing Aiden hiding under

the covers in fear made Elias’ heart. wrench. No matter how twisted he might be, he never

intended to scare a little child. Besides, if the three- year-old child were to be scared to the

point of harm, it would be too late for regrets.

Yacob felt wronged and said, “That room is where Miss Bailey sleeps, Mr. Winters. I didn’t

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expect Aiden to sleep there.”

“How dare you argue with me? I’m telling you this-if anything happens to my son because

of this, you won’t be able to escape the consequences.”

Elias looked at the crying child and furrowed his brows in distress. I can’t wait to go up and

give them a sense of security, but Amanda hain’t called me for help yet. If I go up now,

wouldn’t I be admitting to this prank?

Hearing that, Yacob was speechless. You were the one who wanted to play a prank on

them. Why is the blame falling on me now?

As Elias looked at the surveillance footage and saw the two of them pitifully huddling on

the couch in the living room, he muttered under his breath. “Stupid woman, hurry up and

call me now. Quick!”

He had been waiting for this moment, but Amanda would rather sleep on the couch with

Aiden than call


At this moment, he looked up at the brightly lit window upstairs. Let’s see how long she

can hold out. What if she manages to hold out the entire night without calling me, though?

He fell into contemplation.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated. A glimmer flashed across his dark eyes as he looked at the

phone placed aside, showing Amanda’s number on the screen. A smile tugged at the

corners of his mouth, but he casually picked up the phone, deliberately not answering it


Instead, Yacob was the anxious one. “Why aren’t you answering the call, Mr. Winters? It’s

Miss Bailey.”

Elias, however, looked disdainful. “Why the rush? Have you ever seen anyone working

overtime answer a call so promptly?” I need to play the role to the fullest. Otherwise, any

flaws will expose me

Hearing that, Yacob was speechless once again and complained to himself, Just do

whatever you want. Mr. Winters.